CATEGORY - Dog Breeds

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Cane Corso: Complete Guide to the Italian Mastiff

Imposing, partner and Giant! The Italian mastiff, Cane Corso, is one of the most popular dog breeds for its majestic appearance and loyal personality. Today, we're going to explore the main characteristics of this breed, it’s fascinating history and what makes these dogs so special as companions and protectors.


Cane Cors o has its roots in the ancient history of Italy. According to the American Kennel Club, they would be descendants of the Roman war dogs known as canis pugnacious. During the Macedonian wars, Roman troops brought these dogs back to Italy, where they began to breed two distinct lineages: the lighter Cane Corso and the Neapolitan. It was during these times that the Cane Corso demonstrated its unwavering courage in aiding soldiers in their battles against the Empire's enemies.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Cane Corso played other roles in society, such as guards, hunters and agricultural workers until it reached the brink of extinction. As AKC points out, it is not known for sure what caused the breed to disappear over the centuries, but changes in agricultural practices in the 19th and early 20th centuries caused them to become relatively obsolete for work in the field and were slowly falling into oblivion.

However, in the 70's, thanks to the love and dedication of a group of Italians, the Cane Corso was rescued from possible disappearance and has since recovered its position as a valuable breed in Italy and around the world!

Physical characteristics

The Cane Corso is a large dog with a robust, muscular, and athletic build. He has oval-shaped, expressive eyes, usually dark in color, and triangular ears, which are naturally droopy.

The Cane Corso's jaw is powerful, being considered the dog with the second most powerful bite in the world! Its coat is short and dense, usually between black, gray, fawn and brindle, and may have white spots on the chest and paws.

In terms of size, males usually have a height of between 64 and 68 centimeters, with a weight ranging from 45 to 50 kilograms. Females are slightly smaller and lighter. Although these measurements vary, the Cane Corso always exhibits a solid and impressive physical structure.


First, it's important to remember that breed does not determine a dog's personality, as the study by the University of Massachusetts points out. So, big physique and imposing appearance doesn't necessarily mean you need to be wary of this big guy.

On the contrary, Cane Corso dogs are known for being great companions, with a cool, calm and friendly spirit. They have a strong bond with their guardians and are known to be extremely devoted to their family. These dogs have a natural protective instinct and are always on the alert to protect those they love.

Despite its imposing appearance, the Cane Corso is generally calm and level-headed. They tend to be quiet dogs around the house as long as they are given the proper amount of physical and mental exercise .

Health and care

Proper health and care are key to ensuring a healthy and happy life for your Cane Corso.

Regarding its diet, the Cane Corso needs a balanced and nutritious diet to maintain its health. It is recommended to offer high quality food suitable for large dogs. Being an active and athletic breed, she needs regular exercise to stay healthy and avoid boredom. Thus, daily walks, games and activities that stimulate both the body and the mind are very important.

Its short, easy-care coat only requires regular brushing to remove dead hair and maintain healthy skin. In addition, cleaning the ears and teeth should be part of the care routine to prevent dirt accumulation and tartar formation.

As with many large breeds, the Cane Corso can be susceptible to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, gastric torsion and eye problems. Thus, it is essential that the big guy has a regular check-up routine with a trusted veterinarian.


1 – The breed is considered the one with the 2nd most powerful bite in the world. Its incredibly strong jaw musculature is capable of crushing objects at 700 PSI, second only to the Kangal dog with 743 PSI.

2 – In many countries, there is still the practice of cutting the ears of dogs of the Cane Corso breed for aesthetic purposes. However, this practice has been prohibited in Pak since 2008.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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All the information you require on the French bulldog

Breed known for being a super partner of its tutors, the French bulldog has its particularities. Discover the most interesting facts about the mini furry today!  


No one's jaw drops when we say that the French bulldog emerged... In France. However, part of its history also took place in England, as the breed would have been created from the crossing between small dogs and English bulldogs.

This type of dog from the United Kingdom, known as “toy bulldogs”, was created by crossing with other local breeds and, once brought to France, the process was repeated, but this time giving rise to the French bulldogs in the 19th century.

The new breed quickly became popular among Parisians, especially among the artistic class, making the doggo a true symbol of art in the country.

Physical characteristics

In addition to being a miniature version of the bulldog, the breed is characterized by large, erect, rounded, bat-like ears. Its coat is short and smooth and can be of different colors, such as black, brown, white or brindle.

Its most striking feature is the flat face, traditional for brachycephalic dogs, a condition that can lead to health problems throughout the dog's life, requiring special care and follow-up with veterinarians. Still, their average life expectancy is 4.5 years.


As noted earlier, brachycephaly is the condition that a French bulldog owner should be most aware of. It is characterized when the pet's head is shorter and the muzzle is flattened. Such characteristics make the pet predisposed to respiratory, ophthalmological, dental and even obesity problems.

Breathing problems

The French bulldog is susceptible to brachiocephalic dog syndrome, when the dog breathes noisily, has dispread, cough, reverse sneezing, gagging, vocal changes and pale mucous membranes. In extreme cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the problem.

Eye problems

Because they have shorter skull, their eyes tend to be more prominent than other dogs, so the eyelids often fail to enclose them in their entirety. Thus, dry eyes and acid tears are some of the eye problems that the French bulldog can develop.

Dental diseases

With a receding jaw, the dentition of bulldogs can be irregular, causing problems with gum hyperplasia and tartar buildup, for example.


The breed has more restrictions in performing physical exercises, given the difficulty in regulating its breathing and, consequently, its body temperature. Thus, French bulldogs, like any other brachiocephalic dog, can become overweight and, therefore, it is essential that the tutor offers a balanced diet for your pet, as well as activities suitable for its condition.


Partner, faithful, and super playful, the French bulldog is a great darling of families around the world! The breed is very sociable and loves interacting with other pets and humans.

Just like any dog, French bulldogs need to go through training to develop certain skills, so their tutors must be firm and responsible with their training from an early age.

Socialization is essential for the dog, because despite being calm and extroverted, they can have territorial and possessive traits. That way, if you're thinking about adopting a puppy of the breed, ensure its socialization from an early age.


In addition to veterinary monitoring to prevent diseases related to brachycephaly, it is very important that the French bulldog goes through a proper bathing and grooming routine.

Short-haired dogs, in general, need less frequent baths, so once a month should be enough for bulldogs.


As they are not very active dogs, overweight and obesity are problems that affect many French bulldogs, requiring an especially elaborate diet. Also, the shape of their jaw can be an obstacle when picking up food.

With that in mind, many companies have launched specific feed lines for this breed, such as Royal Canin, to understand all the dog's needs.

Premium line, low in calories, free of transgenics, and age-appropriate: this is the basic checklist you should do when choosing. It is worth remembering that the amount of food offered to the dog is also very important to properly regulate its physical health.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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German shepherd: everything you need to know about the breed!

Companions, faithful and overprotective. It is no wonder that the breed is among the most popular among families around the world, according to research by the American Kennel Club (AKC). According to the organization, the German shepherd ranks fourth on the breed popularity list. So let's find out a little more about the characteristics of this incomparable partner, in addition to curiosities and essential care for the breed!

Physical characteristics of the German Shepherd

The German shepherd dog has an athletic and vigorous physique, with muscular and powerful limbs, which makes the dog stand out physically. Its double coat can be long or short and the colors vary greatly, and may have black, brown, golden, yellowish, or gray hair. However, one feature is standard among dogs of the breed: the presence of a black coat on its back, making it also known as German Shepherd Capa Preta.

Its presence is unmistakable, and it always presents an alert and gentle expression, with its erect and pointed ears and intense almond-shaped eyes. They usually weigh about 40 kg and are, on average, 65 cm tall.

German Shepherd Personality

Like many large dogs, the German shepherd is famous for being a fierce and potentially aggressive dog. However, this is not true!

Besides being important to remember that the breed does not determine the personality of a dog, as the study carried out by the University of Massachusetts points out, the imposing size is not the best indication that you need to be careful with the breed.

German shepherds are very affectionate, curious dogs and tend to be very protective of their family, so when meeting a new human or animal, they can have a more suspicious attitude, but if socialized in the right way, the animal will adapt very well to other beings. Also, the breed is known to get along very well with children!

Being a dog with a high level of energy and intelligence, it is essential that daily physical and mental activities are carried out in order to make the dog not anxious or stressed which, in turn, can lead to biting behaviors (from objects, furniture, etc.).

As we will see later, the German shepherd occupies the 4th place in the world ranking of canine intelligence, thus, the breed has a strong tendency to obey commands. That is, training them should be an easy activity, as long as it is done from an early age and consistently.

German Shepherd Training and Socialization

Think of all the police dogs you've seen in your life. What is the first race that comes to your mind? Chances are you thought of a German shepherd!

This happens because, in fact, the breed is very often used for guarding and investigation work, such as apprehending drugs or detecting explosives, given its very high capacity for obedience and ease of training.

Thus, starting training your German shepherd early will guarantee years of peace of mind regarding your dog's behavior indoors and outdoors. It is worth remembering that the breed is highly helpful and partner, so always use positive reinforcement with the breed.

Something very important to consider during the German shepherd training process is its socialization. Popularly, it is understood that the breed does not have much ease of interaction with animals and humans that do not belong to its family and routine. Thus, it is essential to socialize the animal from a young age, seeking to vary between socialization inside and outside the home so that the dog gets used to different environmental and social stimuli.

Essential German Shepherd Care

In general, German shepherd dogs are very healthy without much genetic predisposition to health problems. It is essential, however, to carry out regular examinations to monitor its bone structure, as hip and shoulder dysplasia are frequently recorded during the breed's visits to the veterinarian.

Regarding the daily care of the furry, it is important to keep in mind that brushing will be an indispensable habit when it comes to the breed. This happens because the German Shepherd has a double layer in its coat, causing it to shed a lot of hair throughout the year.

The breed doesn't need very frequent baths, usually when they are dirty or give off a stronger odor. The last steps in taking care of your hygiene are oral hygiene and maintenance of your nails. Always keep your pet's nails well trimmed and brush their teeth daily with the products indicated for the animal.

The German shepherd’s diet also needs to be combined with care with the dog's veterinarian, as the breed has a high calorie consumption given its more active routine (as recommended). In general, it is always recommended to choose premium, super premium or higher feed.

Facts about the German Shepherd

The breed occupies 3rd place in the ranking of the most intelligent dogs in the world, according to the renowned researcher and professor Stanley Coren, as he explains in his book “The Intelligence of Dogs”. Thus, the German shepherd is part of the category of the brightest dogs that are able to understand a command with less than 5 repetitions and tend to repeat it correctly 95% of the time.

2 – German shepherds emerged thanks to Captain Max Von Stephanitz, of the German cavalry who observed the potential of herding dogs for farmers and decided to create his own breed.

3 – The breed is considered for grazing! Thus, your German shepherd will possibly exhibit behaviors typical of dogs in the category, such as high energy, intelligence and even the tendency to herd their owners, such as walking in the lead, and continually looking back to ensure that you are following.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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All About the Beagle Breed

Small/medium size, the Beagle is a breed that, according to the International Cynological Federation, belongs to group 6 of Hounds and Sniffer dogs.

They are adorable little dogs that love a treat, so it doesn't take much to win them over; just offer a snack and soon they will be by your side with an irresistible face.

And because of their compact size and cheerful temperament, Beagles are very popular with families.

Check out the Beagle chart below:

Cheerful, sociable and very mischievous, the Beagle is a breed that can present quite a challenge for its owners.


The Beagle originated in the United Kingdom; however, it was in the United States that the breed was developed.

Breed History

The combination of breeds that gave rise to the Beagle is not known for sure, but it is believed that they descended from the Foxhound breed, also from the United Kingdom.

The breed was used to help men hunt, especially rabbits, but they were also good at hunting other types of animals.

And in 1860, the breed was imported into the United States and ended up being “perfected” to meet desired standards of temperament and beauty.

This made the Beagle officially recognized in 1885 by the American Kennel Club.

Behavioral characteristics

The Beagle's fame for being mischievous is due to its energy level, which needs to be spent daily, and its stubbornness. Therefore, it is considered a challenge to take care of these messes.

However, it is a totally docile, playful breed, faithful to its tutors, and always loves to be accompanied.

In addition, they are very fond of snacks and wherever there is food, they are around with cute little faces. But it is important to take care of the Beagle's diet, as he has a strong tendency to gain weight.

The adventurous instinct is another characteristic of this breed. And because of their great noses, they love to explore and sniff out all kinds of smells.

Physical characteristics

The male of the Beagle breed can measure about 36 to 41 cm and weigh from 10 to 16 kg. The female, in turn, can measure about 33 to 38 cm and weigh from 9 to 13 kg.

These are acceptable measurements as per the breed standard, however, there may be some variation in their weight and size.

Its coat is short, dense and resistant, and can be tricolor, such as black, brown and white, or bicolor, such as white and brown. Other color combinations can also be found, except for its tail, which has a white tip.

The Beagle's ears are its trademark. They are long with rounded ends, set low and lying close to the face.

In general, its short loin is strong and flexible, in addition, its hind limbs are muscular, well angulated and with compact and firm legs.

The Beagle's snout is not pointed, and its relatively large eyes are dark brown or hazel in color.

Life expectancy

The Beagle can live, on average, from 12 to 16 years.


Although many speak of their origin in the United Kingdom, there were records of dogs similar to the Beagle in the region of Greece a long time ago, more precisely 400 years AD

The breed was also very popular with royalty, especially with Queen Elizabeth I, who had a Beagle as a companion.

As we mentioned earlier, the Beagle has a great sense of smell, this is because they have about 220 million olfactory receptors, 44 times more receptors than us humans.

And certainly many know Snoopy, a comic strip dog created by cartoonist Charles Schulz. But what few know is that Snoopy is of the Beagle breed, with some differences in its traits.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Discover the most popular medium-sized dog breeds

Full of style, medium-sized dogs are excellent for those looking for a faithful four-legged friend. Especially if you don't have room for a very large dog, but don't necessarily want a small pet!

To fit into this category, dogs must be, on average, 35 to 49 cm and weigh 10 to 25 kg. The breed options are countless, each one of them presenting its unique characteristics. So, do you want to get to know them better? That's what we'll see in this post! Keep reading and get to know some of the most beloved and sought-after breeds of medium-sized dogs.

Basset hound

Known for its friendly, long ears and downturned gaze, the Basset is amiable, calm and good-natured. This breed emerged in France and gets along well with children and other dogs, but needs constant exercise to stay in a  healthy vibe, living better in homes with backyards.

Its height varies between 33 and 38 cm, and the weight ranges from 20 to 30 kg. Despite the shorter and thicker legs, the Basset loves to sniff and hunt for things. It also tends to drool, due to the wrinkles on its muzzle.


The Beagle is a happy, agile and energetic dog. Smart and even-tempered - if a little stubborn - he is courageous and has a very keen sense of smell. If you're looking for a friend to keep you company, know that this breed is super loyal to their owners!

Sociable, he also gets along very well with children and other animals, and needs constant exercise to release his  hyperactivity . This breed originated in Great Britain, its size can range from 30 to 40 cm, and its weight varies between 15 and 20 kg.

English bulldog

Strong, alert and courageous, the English Bulldog may seem angry, but it is super loving and docile with its owners, dealing well with children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. As this breed has a tendency to obesity, it is very important to walk him often. In addition, their skin is full of folds, which must be well cared for so that dermatitis does not develop.

This breed came from Great Britain. Its size varies from 30 to 40 cm and the weight is between 20 to 25 kg.

Chow chow

The Chow Chow has fantastic style! The soft and robust coat, resembling a lion's, and the blue tongue are unmistakable characteristics of this friendly companion. Independent, he can be alone for a long time and does not need to exercise daily. Due to his strong personality, he must be educated firmly — on the other hand, he is an excellent bodyguard, precisely because he is suspicious of strangers.

This breed originated in China. Its size ranges from 45 to 55 cm and the weight varies between 18 and 25 kg.

American Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker is playful, easily trainable and lives with people of all ages, due to its patience and kindness. This breed is also quite quiet, which makes it great for apartment dwellers. It is worth saying that they do not enjoy loneliness.

His spectacular coat must be brushed every day, and daily walks with him are essential. This breed originated in the United States, its height can range from 34 to 40 cm, and its weight, is between 10 and 15 kg.

Shar Pei

The Shar Pei's dented snout is unmistakable! Serious and independent, this breed has the self-confidence to envy. Even because of this, he doesn't usually get along with strangers and needs constant walks.

His skin folds need special care to avoid irritation, but he makes a great apartment companion—as long as he gets regular exercise. This breed also came from China, and its height varies between 40 and 50 cm, with a weight of 15 to 25 kg.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Cane Corso: Complete Guide to the Italian Mastiff

Imposing, partner and Giant! The Italian mastiff, Cane Corso, is one of the most popular dog breeds for its majestic appearance and loyal personality. Today, we're going to explore the main characteristics of this breed, it’s fascinating history and what makes these dogs so special as companions and protectors.


Cane Cors o has its roots in the ancient history of Italy. According to the American Kennel Club, they would be descendants of the Roman war dogs known as canis pugnacious. During the Macedonian wars, Roman troops brought these dogs back to Italy, where they began to breed two distinct lineages: the lighter Cane Corso and the Neapolitan. It was during these times that the Cane Corso demonstrated its unwavering courage in aiding soldiers in their battles against the Empire's enemies.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Cane Corso played other roles in society, such as guards, hunters and agricultural workers until it reached the brink of extinction. As AKC points out, it is not known for sure what caused the breed to disappear over the centuries, but changes in agricultural practices in the 19th and early 20th centuries caused them to become relatively obsolete for work in the field and were slowly falling into oblivion.

However, in the 70's, thanks to the love and dedication of a group of Italians, the Cane Corso was rescued from possible disappearance and has since recovered its position as a valuable breed in Italy and around the world!

Physical characteristics

The Cane Corso is a large dog with a robust, muscular, and athletic build. He has oval-shaped, expressive eyes, usually dark in color, and triangular ears, which are naturally droopy.

The Cane Corso's jaw is powerful, being considered the dog with the second most powerful bite in the world! Its coat is short and dense, usually between black, gray, fawn and brindle, and may have white spots on the chest and paws.

In terms of size, males usually have a height of between 64 and 68 centimeters, with a weight ranging from 45 to 50 kilograms. Females are slightly smaller and lighter. Although these measurements vary, the Cane Corso always exhibits a solid and impressive physical structure.


First, it's important to remember that breed does not determine a dog's personality, as the study by the University of Massachusetts points out. So, big physique and imposing appearance doesn't necessarily mean you need to be wary of this big guy.

On the contrary, Cane Corso dogs are known for being great companions, with a cool, calm and friendly spirit. They have a strong bond with their guardians and are known to be extremely devoted to their family. These dogs have a natural protective instinct and are always on the alert to protect those they love.

Despite its imposing appearance, the Cane Corso is generally calm and level-headed. They tend to be quiet dogs around the house as long as they are given the proper amount of physical and mental exercise .

Health and care

Proper health and care are key to ensuring a healthy and happy life for your Cane Corso.

Regarding its diet, the Cane Corso needs a balanced and nutritious diet to maintain its health. It is recommended to offer high quality food suitable for large dogs. Being an active and athletic breed, she needs regular exercise to stay healthy and avoid boredom. Thus, daily walks, games and activities that stimulate both the body and the mind are very important.

Its short, easy-care coat only requires regular brushing to remove dead hair and maintain healthy skin. In addition, cleaning the ears and teeth should be part of the care routine to prevent dirt accumulation and tartar formation.

As with many large breeds, the Cane Corso can be susceptible to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, gastric torsion and eye problems. Thus, it is essential that the big guy has a regular check-up routine with a trusted veterinarian.


1 – The breed is considered the one with the 2nd most powerful bite in the world. Its incredibly strong jaw musculature is capable of crushing objects at 700 PSI, second only to the Kangal dog with 743 PSI.

2 – In many countries, there is still the practice of cutting the ears of dogs of the Cane Corso breed for aesthetic purposes. However, this practice has been prohibited in Pak since 2008.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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All the information you require on the French bulldog

Breed known for being a super partner of its tutors, the French bulldog has its particularities. Discover the most interesting facts about the mini furry today!  


No one's jaw drops when we say that the French bulldog emerged... In France. However, part of its history also took place in England, as the breed would have been created from the crossing between small dogs and English bulldogs.

This type of dog from the United Kingdom, known as “toy bulldogs”, was created by crossing with other local breeds and, once brought to France, the process was repeated, but this time giving rise to the French bulldogs in the 19th century.

The new breed quickly became popular among Parisians, especially among the artistic class, making the doggo a true symbol of art in the country.

Physical characteristics

In addition to being a miniature version of the bulldog, the breed is characterized by large, erect, rounded, bat-like ears. Its coat is short and smooth and can be of different colors, such as black, brown, white or brindle.

Its most striking feature is the flat face, traditional for brachycephalic dogs, a condition that can lead to health problems throughout the dog's life, requiring special care and follow-up with veterinarians. Still, their average life expectancy is 4.5 years.


As noted earlier, brachycephaly is the condition that a French bulldog owner should be most aware of. It is characterized when the pet's head is shorter and the muzzle is flattened. Such characteristics make the pet predisposed to respiratory, ophthalmological, dental and even obesity problems.

Breathing problems

The French bulldog is susceptible to brachiocephalic dog syndrome, when the dog breathes noisily, has dispread, cough, reverse sneezing, gagging, vocal changes and pale mucous membranes. In extreme cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the problem.

Eye problems

Because they have shorter skull, their eyes tend to be more prominent than other dogs, so the eyelids often fail to enclose them in their entirety. Thus, dry eyes and acid tears are some of the eye problems that the French bulldog can develop.

Dental diseases

With a receding jaw, the dentition of bulldogs can be irregular, causing problems with gum hyperplasia and tartar buildup, for example.


The breed has more restrictions in performing physical exercises, given the difficulty in regulating its breathing and, consequently, its body temperature. Thus, French bulldogs, like any other brachiocephalic dog, can become overweight and, therefore, it is essential that the tutor offers a balanced diet for your pet, as well as activities suitable for its condition.


Partner, faithful, and super playful, the French bulldog is a great darling of families around the world! The breed is very sociable and loves interacting with other pets and humans.

Just like any dog, French bulldogs need to go through training to develop certain skills, so their tutors must be firm and responsible with their training from an early age.

Socialization is essential for the dog, because despite being calm and extroverted, they can have territorial and possessive traits. That way, if you're thinking about adopting a puppy of the breed, ensure its socialization from an early age.


In addition to veterinary monitoring to prevent diseases related to brachycephaly, it is very important that the French bulldog goes through a proper bathing and grooming routine.

Short-haired dogs, in general, need less frequent baths, so once a month should be enough for bulldogs.


As they are not very active dogs, overweight and obesity are problems that affect many French bulldogs, requiring an especially elaborate diet. Also, the shape of their jaw can be an obstacle when picking up food.

With that in mind, many companies have launched specific feed lines for this breed, such as Royal Canin, to understand all the dog's needs.

Premium line, low in calories, free of transgenics, and age-appropriate: this is the basic checklist you should do when choosing. It is worth remembering that the amount of food offered to the dog is also very important to properly regulate its physical health.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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German shepherd: everything you need to know about the breed!

Companions, faithful and overprotective. It is no wonder that the breed is among the most popular among families around the world, according to research by the American Kennel Club (AKC). According to the organization, the German shepherd ranks fourth on the breed popularity list. So let's find out a little more about the characteristics of this incomparable partner, in addition to curiosities and essential care for the breed!

Physical characteristics of the German Shepherd

The German shepherd dog has an athletic and vigorous physique, with muscular and powerful limbs, which makes the dog stand out physically. Its double coat can be long or short and the colors vary greatly, and may have black, brown, golden, yellowish, or gray hair. However, one feature is standard among dogs of the breed: the presence of a black coat on its back, making it also known as German Shepherd Capa Preta.

Its presence is unmistakable, and it always presents an alert and gentle expression, with its erect and pointed ears and intense almond-shaped eyes. They usually weigh about 40 kg and are, on average, 65 cm tall.

German Shepherd Personality

Like many large dogs, the German shepherd is famous for being a fierce and potentially aggressive dog. However, this is not true!

Besides being important to remember that the breed does not determine the personality of a dog, as the study carried out by the University of Massachusetts points out, the imposing size is not the best indication that you need to be careful with the breed.

German shepherds are very affectionate, curious dogs and tend to be very protective of their family, so when meeting a new human or animal, they can have a more suspicious attitude, but if socialized in the right way, the animal will adapt very well to other beings. Also, the breed is known to get along very well with children!

Being a dog with a high level of energy and intelligence, it is essential that daily physical and mental activities are carried out in order to make the dog not anxious or stressed which, in turn, can lead to biting behaviors (from objects, furniture, etc.).

As we will see later, the German shepherd occupies the 4th place in the world ranking of canine intelligence, thus, the breed has a strong tendency to obey commands. That is, training them should be an easy activity, as long as it is done from an early age and consistently.

German Shepherd Training and Socialization

Think of all the police dogs you've seen in your life. What is the first race that comes to your mind? Chances are you thought of a German shepherd!

This happens because, in fact, the breed is very often used for guarding and investigation work, such as apprehending drugs or detecting explosives, given its very high capacity for obedience and ease of training.

Thus, starting training your German shepherd early will guarantee years of peace of mind regarding your dog's behavior indoors and outdoors. It is worth remembering that the breed is highly helpful and partner, so always use positive reinforcement with the breed.

Something very important to consider during the German shepherd training process is its socialization. Popularly, it is understood that the breed does not have much ease of interaction with animals and humans that do not belong to its family and routine. Thus, it is essential to socialize the animal from a young age, seeking to vary between socialization inside and outside the home so that the dog gets used to different environmental and social stimuli.

Essential German Shepherd Care

In general, German shepherd dogs are very healthy without much genetic predisposition to health problems. It is essential, however, to carry out regular examinations to monitor its bone structure, as hip and shoulder dysplasia are frequently recorded during the breed's visits to the veterinarian.

Regarding the daily care of the furry, it is important to keep in mind that brushing will be an indispensable habit when it comes to the breed. This happens because the German Shepherd has a double layer in its coat, causing it to shed a lot of hair throughout the year.

The breed doesn't need very frequent baths, usually when they are dirty or give off a stronger odor. The last steps in taking care of your hygiene are oral hygiene and maintenance of your nails. Always keep your pet's nails well trimmed and brush their teeth daily with the products indicated for the animal.

The German shepherd’s diet also needs to be combined with care with the dog's veterinarian, as the breed has a high calorie consumption given its more active routine (as recommended). In general, it is always recommended to choose premium, super premium or higher feed.

Facts about the German Shepherd

The breed occupies 3rd place in the ranking of the most intelligent dogs in the world, according to the renowned researcher and professor Stanley Coren, as he explains in his book “The Intelligence of Dogs”. Thus, the German shepherd is part of the category of the brightest dogs that are able to understand a command with less than 5 repetitions and tend to repeat it correctly 95% of the time.

2 – German shepherds emerged thanks to Captain Max Von Stephanitz, of the German cavalry who observed the potential of herding dogs for farmers and decided to create his own breed.

3 – The breed is considered for grazing! Thus, your German shepherd will possibly exhibit behaviors typical of dogs in the category, such as high energy, intelligence and even the tendency to herd their owners, such as walking in the lead, and continually looking back to ensure that you are following.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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All About the Beagle Breed

Small/medium size, the Beagle is a breed that, according to the International Cynological Federation, belongs to group 6 of Hounds and Sniffer dogs.

They are adorable little dogs that love a treat, so it doesn't take much to win them over; just offer a snack and soon they will be by your side with an irresistible face.

And because of their compact size and cheerful temperament, Beagles are very popular with families.

Check out the Beagle chart below:

Cheerful, sociable and very mischievous, the Beagle is a breed that can present quite a challenge for its owners.


The Beagle originated in the United Kingdom; however, it was in the United States that the breed was developed.

Breed History

The combination of breeds that gave rise to the Beagle is not known for sure, but it is believed that they descended from the Foxhound breed, also from the United Kingdom.

The breed was used to help men hunt, especially rabbits, but they were also good at hunting other types of animals.

And in 1860, the breed was imported into the United States and ended up being “perfected” to meet desired standards of temperament and beauty.

This made the Beagle officially recognized in 1885 by the American Kennel Club.

Behavioral characteristics

The Beagle's fame for being mischievous is due to its energy level, which needs to be spent daily, and its stubbornness. Therefore, it is considered a challenge to take care of these messes.

However, it is a totally docile, playful breed, faithful to its tutors, and always loves to be accompanied.

In addition, they are very fond of snacks and wherever there is food, they are around with cute little faces. But it is important to take care of the Beagle's diet, as he has a strong tendency to gain weight.

The adventurous instinct is another characteristic of this breed. And because of their great noses, they love to explore and sniff out all kinds of smells.

Physical characteristics

The male of the Beagle breed can measure about 36 to 41 cm and weigh from 10 to 16 kg. The female, in turn, can measure about 33 to 38 cm and weigh from 9 to 13 kg.

These are acceptable measurements as per the breed standard, however, there may be some variation in their weight and size.

Its coat is short, dense and resistant, and can be tricolor, such as black, brown and white, or bicolor, such as white and brown. Other color combinations can also be found, except for its tail, which has a white tip.

The Beagle's ears are its trademark. They are long with rounded ends, set low and lying close to the face.

In general, its short loin is strong and flexible, in addition, its hind limbs are muscular, well angulated and with compact and firm legs.

The Beagle's snout is not pointed, and its relatively large eyes are dark brown or hazel in color.

Life expectancy

The Beagle can live, on average, from 12 to 16 years.


Although many speak of their origin in the United Kingdom, there were records of dogs similar to the Beagle in the region of Greece a long time ago, more precisely 400 years AD

The breed was also very popular with royalty, especially with Queen Elizabeth I, who had a Beagle as a companion.

As we mentioned earlier, the Beagle has a great sense of smell, this is because they have about 220 million olfactory receptors, 44 times more receptors than us humans.

And certainly many know Snoopy, a comic strip dog created by cartoonist Charles Schulz. But what few know is that Snoopy is of the Beagle breed, with some differences in its traits.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Discover the most popular medium-sized dog breeds

Full of style, medium-sized dogs are excellent for those looking for a faithful four-legged friend. Especially if you don't have room for a very large dog, but don't necessarily want a small pet!

To fit into this category, dogs must be, on average, 35 to 49 cm and weigh 10 to 25 kg. The breed options are countless, each one of them presenting its unique characteristics. So, do you want to get to know them better? That's what we'll see in this post! Keep reading and get to know some of the most beloved and sought-after breeds of medium-sized dogs.

Basset hound

Known for its friendly, long ears and downturned gaze, the Basset is amiable, calm and good-natured. This breed emerged in France and gets along well with children and other dogs, but needs constant exercise to stay in a  healthy vibe, living better in homes with backyards.

Its height varies between 33 and 38 cm, and the weight ranges from 20 to 30 kg. Despite the shorter and thicker legs, the Basset loves to sniff and hunt for things. It also tends to drool, due to the wrinkles on its muzzle.


The Beagle is a happy, agile and energetic dog. Smart and even-tempered - if a little stubborn - he is courageous and has a very keen sense of smell. If you're looking for a friend to keep you company, know that this breed is super loyal to their owners!

Sociable, he also gets along very well with children and other animals, and needs constant exercise to release his  hyperactivity . This breed originated in Great Britain, its size can range from 30 to 40 cm, and its weight varies between 15 and 20 kg.

English bulldog

Strong, alert and courageous, the English Bulldog may seem angry, but it is super loving and docile with its owners, dealing well with children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. As this breed has a tendency to obesity, it is very important to walk him often. In addition, their skin is full of folds, which must be well cared for so that dermatitis does not develop.

This breed came from Great Britain. Its size varies from 30 to 40 cm and the weight is between 20 to 25 kg.

Chow chow

The Chow Chow has fantastic style! The soft and robust coat, resembling a lion's, and the blue tongue are unmistakable characteristics of this friendly companion. Independent, he can be alone for a long time and does not need to exercise daily. Due to his strong personality, he must be educated firmly — on the other hand, he is an excellent bodyguard, precisely because he is suspicious of strangers.

This breed originated in China. Its size ranges from 45 to 55 cm and the weight varies between 18 and 25 kg.

American Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker is playful, easily trainable and lives with people of all ages, due to its patience and kindness. This breed is also quite quiet, which makes it great for apartment dwellers. It is worth saying that they do not enjoy loneliness.

His spectacular coat must be brushed every day, and daily walks with him are essential. This breed originated in the United States, its height can range from 34 to 40 cm, and its weight, is between 10 and 15 kg.

Shar Pei

The Shar Pei's dented snout is unmistakable! Serious and independent, this breed has the self-confidence to envy. Even because of this, he doesn't usually get along with strangers and needs constant walks.

His skin folds need special care to avoid irritation, but he makes a great apartment companion—as long as he gets regular exercise. This breed also came from China, and its height varies between 40 and 50 cm, with a weight of 15 to 25 kg.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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