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Managing an angry dog

Anyone who has a more aggressive pet is continually searching for techniques that will curb their pet's aggressive behavior since an angry dog can cause a lot of confusion and significant injury to people and other animals. However, this work becomes rather challenging when the cause of such a high level of aggression is not understood, and the first step in solving the issue is precisely the examination of the factors that contribute to this kind of behavior.

Although an angry dog ​​can be very useful to protect a home and serve as a guard dog  – alerting its owners to possible threats and dangers – having a more aggressive dog at home can trigger a series of accidents, which include biting people and strange animals to violent behavior towards their own owners.

Although all dogs have the ability to learn and can be trained to avoid attacks and violent attitudes, there are many breeds considered more dangerous in the animal world - and not because they are aggressive in general, but because they have the ability to cause enormous damage when attacked.

Within this group of dogs considered brave, there are a variety of well-known breeds that stand out, such as Pitbull, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Siberian Husky, Great Dane, Doberman, Chow-Chow, Alaskan Malamute, Canary Persian, and even Saint Bernard – which, although it is seen as a docile dog (like the protagonist of the Beethoven films), can weigh up to 90 kilos and cause serious injuries when it attacks someone.

However, as previously mentioned, none of these breeds are, in fact, completely aggressive; and with proper breeding and application of training techniques, all dogs can be made more peaceful. Check out, below, what are the main reasons for a dog to get angry, and learn how to get around the situation.

The motives of an angry dog

A dog's love and loyalty to its owner are considered to be traits adored by pet owners; however, a very protective dog can become extremely aggressive with people and other animals and, even if its intention is to protect, it can end up attacking what does not represent any threat.

In addition to the feeling of threat and fear, the desire to protect a specific territory can also motivate dogs to attack – seeking to guarantee their leadership in space. Pregnant dogs or dogs that have just given birth are also animals that can act violently when something or someone approaches their puppies; attacking to protect their brood.

Another factor that triggers dog attacks with some frequency - and which is not always taken into account by owners - is pain; since dogs that are suffering from some kind of discomfort in specific regions can attack when something approaches that weakened area, trying to avoid prolonging and worsening their pain.

How to calm your angry dog

Bearing in mind the causes that can trigger violent behavior on the part of your pet, the first step to reduce the problem is to correctly identify what the dog's motivations are - and taking him to a consultation with a veterinarian is a great option. option in these cases, eliminating any possibility of aggression due to pain or illness that the animal may have.

If the medical issue is eliminated from the occurrence, the ideal is to seek techniques and professional help from trainers; who can develop tactics to change the dog's aggressive behavior and commands so that he can differentiate what actually represents a threat - avoiding attacks due to exaggerated protection of the owner or his territory.

Castration is another method often used to calm an angry dog, because with the procedure, the vast majority of dogs become more docile and stop attacking due to territorial issues, for example.

In cases where these main measures do not work, the administration of antidepressant drugs and serotonin inhibitors may be indicated – however, this type of solution can only be prescribed by a veterinarian, and give medicine to your dog without consulting a veterinarian. a professional can cause quite serious complications for the pet's health (in addition to not solving and being able to make the issue of canine aggressiveness even worse ).

It is important to remember that an animal's aggression should never be treated more aggressively. Therefore, if the difficulty of calming your dog is a big problem, consulting a specialist is the best procedure.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 31 2023

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My dog ​​won't accept the new puppy.

If you like dogs, it is normal that at some point, even if you already have a four-legged friend, you decide to have a puppy. However, cohabitation can be problematic and the adult dog may reject the young if they are not presented correctly.

In this article we will help those who have asked us my dog ​​will not accept the new puppy , what can I do?

 Remember that in serious cases, such as fear or aggression, it is good to go to a dog educator.

 Why doesn't my dog ​​accept the new puppy?

Before bringing a puppy home, you will need to consider a few factors to ensure that you can live together smoothly; otherwise behavioral problems will start to arise, especially in the case of the adult dog that does not accept the newcomer. .

Some important factors to consider when taking in a second dog are:

  • Socialization Dogs that have not been properly socialized by puppies tend to be very fearful and therefore aggressive towards other dogs. If the adult dog has not been properly socialized, she may not understand dog body language and therefore may not be able to communicate properly or may even mistake the puppy's playful attitudes for offensive or defiant behavior. If your dog is often aggressive towards other adult dogs on walks, chances are he is aggressive towards puppies as well.

  • The degree of activity of the dog Adult dogs are not as playful as puppies and some like to play only at specific times. Introducing a hyperactive and playful puppy can upset the adult dog, who would like to be calm and relaxed on his behalf. The pup's constant seeking of affection and playtime can annoy the veteran, who may become so upset that he bites or hurts the pup.

  • Elderly Dogs If the adult dog is old, it will probably have some health problems or general pain. If the puppy approaches the dog and accidentally touches it where it is in pain, it is normal for the puppy to reject it.

  • The presentation of the animals Even if it is a young and very sociable dog, which does not suffer any pain, it is possible that in any case they do not get along because they have not been presented correctly. As is the case with us humans, dogs may not get along with others like them. Before you adopt your dog, you should introduce them to see how they interact.

How to introduce the adult dog and the puppy

Correctly introducing an adult dog and a puppy is essential to ensure that they live together peacefully. For this reason, our advice is to introduce them to a neutral zone and plan several meetings and long, quiet walks during which you can smell, relax and get to know each other better. Never force them to interact, and pay attention to scolding and punishment, because they can be associated with a negative experience.

You can include games and exercises to introduce them, but avoid games and snacks because they could make them fight. After you have met in sessions of this type, you can take your puppy home, where you will already have everything ready : two or three kennels, water bowls for food, games, etc… Make sure you have enough for both of you to prevent them from fighting.

Never try to establish a Hierarchy well, the dogs will do it themselves. Also avoid paying too much attention to the puppy and neglecting the veteran - you'll need to treat the adult dog and the puppy the same.

The first days when you leave them alone in the house you should avoid at all costs any stimulus that could lead them to fight, especially if it involves games or food. You will need to leave them water and kennels and if you suspect there is tension between them, keep them in two separate rooms to ensure nothing unpleasant happens.

The adult dog growls at the puppy and is aggressive: why?

Dogs can get along at first, but then they stop and start refusing. The reasons why the adult dog growls at the puppy and is aggressive towards him can be many and we will briefly summarize them below.

  • Aggressiveness for pain It is normal in older dogs, those that have been injured or have had a serious illness. However, even if they are not in pain, they often complain when you get too close to certain parts of the body.

  • Disease Aggression Diseases, such as hypothyroidism, are common causes of aggression in dogs, so it may be a good idea to have them examined by your veterinarian before you begin correcting behavior problems.

  • Dominance or hierarchical aggression : it is common among dogs of the same sex. Also, if it occurs between non-neutered male dogs, it is normal to see them fighting in the presence of a female, especially if they are in heat. They may show jealousy and possessiveness towards food, resting places or the teacher.

  • Fear Aggression Fear can be genetic, but it is also characteristic of dogs that have had socialization problems or trauma in the past. Even if at first fear makes them run away or move away, if they see that this is not possible they begin to show offensive behaviors such as attacking, growling or marking their territory.

  • Territorial aggressiveness This type of aggressiveness is very frequent and appears when the dogs have not presented themselves correctly before receiving the second dog in the house.

  • Protection of resources We mentioned it before and it is a problem that appears when a dog protects something that it considers its own. In general, if the dog does not accept the new puppy, he may have jealousy and territorial issues that include kennels, games, bowls or even people and other animals.

  • Predatory Aggression It occurs when one dog is much smaller than the other, so it is considered as prey. You will notice a very precise behavior, which is the sequence of the hunt that includes following a trail, ambushing, capturing. You will recognize why the dog moves slowly, as if he were hunting.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 26 2023

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How to walk your dog in the rain? Check out all about

Knowing how to walk your dog in the rain is very important, as it is an essential activity for our four-legged friend's routine. However, in occasional rainy situations, it is possible to postpone the pet's walk, but what should the tutor do in longer periods of rain?

Thinking about answering this question, We separated a lot of information about the need for dogs to walk and how to perform this task on rainy days, in addition to explaining what accessories are capable of protecting them from the rain. So keep reading the article below!

What are the benefits of walking your dog?

It is essential for all dog owners to dedicate a certain period of the day to walking the dog. That's because putting this task into the pet's routine is able to promote the most diverse benefits, making him have a healthier life and preventing the emergence of some diseases.

In this case, several advantages are obtained by walking your dog, such as helping you burn the accumulated energy and controlling your weight well, reducing cases of diabetes and canine obesity. In addition, this activity stimulates the dog's natural instinct, helping him to be less stressed and anxious. Finally, walking also helps a lot with canine socialization and encourages the pet to do its business on the street.

At how many months can the dog be walked?

It is important that your puppy has the habit of going for walks from an early age, however, this can only happen after taking all puppy vaccines. Therefore, wait between one and two weeks, after the date of application of the immunizers, for the proper strengthening of the pet's immune system. Generally, the last booster doses are given between the 16th and 17th week of the life of the furry, allowing it to walk at 4 and a half months.

How often do you walk the dog?

The truth is that the number of times you walk your dog depends on several factors, such as size, breed, etc. For example, a brachycephalic dog requires short walks, 1 a day is enough. However, in general, it is recommended that the tour be done twice a day, lasting between 20 and 30 minutes.

But after all, can you walk your dog in the rain?

There is no problem walking your dog in the rain, but you need to assess the weather. Thus, in cases of storms with a lot of lightning and thunder, for the sake of your and your pet's safety, it is recommended to postpone the walks. Now, during moderate and light rain, it is possible to take a peaceful walk with the dog.

Where to walk your dog on a rainy day?

When it's raining, the ideal is to look for environments where there isn't a lot of dirt and impurities, preventing your puppy from getting too dirty. In addition, it is good that you avoid very flat environments, subject to flooding, and give preference to streets close to your residence. Even because, if the rain gets heavy, you can leave with your pet without difficulty.

Another tip is, if you live in a house with a backyard, the tour can be done right there, as well as the external areas of the condominium for those who live in an apartment. On the other hand, if you cannot enjoy these benefits, look for a park to walk your dog that is close to your home.

Make use of top accessories for walking your dog in the rain

For those who seek to understand how to walk a dog in the rain in the best way, it is essential that some items are used that help a lot during this task. In this sense, we have made a list to make it clear to you what these accessories are:

  • Ordinary umbrella or suitable for dogs;

  • Dog shoes that are comfortable;

  • Dog raincoat made of waterproof material;

  • Collar for dog and guide with identification (address, telephone, etc).

Evaluate your puppy's behavior during the rain

Before taking him for a walk in the rain, you need to understand how your little animal behaves during bad weather. After all, in case he doesn't like, getting stressed and scared during the rain, it's good to keep him at home during this time of water falling from the sky. In this way, so that the animal does not go too long without doing activities, try to acquire some of the dog toys.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 26 2023

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7 Tips on How to Calm a Hyperactive Dog

Is my dog ​​hyperactive?

It's easy to consider the dog hyperactive when he doesn't stop running, constantly asking for attention and play. However, this behavior is often due to inadequate doses of exercise and stimulation.

Most of the popular breeds of companion dogs originate from working breeds. These dogs originally applied their mental and physical capacity to work, be it herding or hunting.

Soon they became breeds apt for large amounts of exercise. When they were brought into modern life in the countryside, they lost access to these draining activities but their needs remained.

When these animals are not exposed to long periods of physical exercise, training or daily interaction they become restless due to accumulated energy.

Unaware of these facts, the dog's normal energy level often exceeds the owner's expectations. This leads to them being mistakenly classified as hyperactive dogs .

What is hyperactivity in dogs?

Hyperactive behavior is pathological and rare in dogs. Hyperactive dogs are overactive and chronically restless even when exposed to adequate levels of exercise and stimulation.

The animal has excessive motor activity and learning difficulties , making it difficult to train due to lack of concentration. The agitated puppy maintains high levels of activity until he is completely worn out .

Other signs are due to the activity of the sympathetic system even at rest, which is reflected in increased heart or respiratory rate and vasodilation . Other causes of overactivity are, for example, hyperthyroidism. Therefore, you should not fail to visit your veterinarian if the animal presents these symptoms.

How to calm hyperactive dog?

The treatment of hyperactivity is based on evaluating the amount of exercise, stimulation and interaction to which the dog is subjected on a daily basis. The amount of exercise can be increased by extending the walks, through games (eg bringing the ball), swimming or playing with other dogs. Even if your dog is not diagnosed as hyperactive, the following tips apply and are beneficial to any animal.

  1. Avoid positive reinforcement of hyperactive behaviors
    When your puppy is very agitated and asking for your attention, try to ignore it. If you give attention (eg petting, pampering, praising) to the dog during these periods, the dog will start to demonstrate this behavior as a way to get interaction with the owner, making them more frequent.

  2. Increase the daily dose of exercise
    The aim of exercise is to allow the dog to release energy and relax. Therefore, increase the period of daily exercise, for example, establishing a routine of two sessions of 30 minutes a day. Watch your dog and adjust the duration to a period that allows the dog to get tired without overdoing it. The exercise can consist of walking or running (if you want to increase the difficulty you can apply a backpack with weight), fetching the ball, swimming or playing with other dogs.

  3. Teach Basic Training and Follow a Routine
    Basic obedience training and following a fixed daily routine allows the dog to feel more confident and less agitated. Obedience training, in addition to exercise, is beneficial as it reinforces the bond with the owner and teaches the dog self-control. It also allows you to command the dog to do a task incompatible with hyperactivity during episodes (eg, lie down), which allows him to relax.

  4. Ensure that the dog interacts with people and animals
    Activities with the owner reinforce the connection with the dog and allow him to expend energy at the same time. Likewise, playing with other dogs or people is a good way to exercise and stimulate the mind.

  5.  Toys for hyperactive dogs
    Toys for hyperactive dogs should distract the dog for long periods and stimulate his mind. One example is toys that dispense treats, such as Kong. But you can find other alternatives as long as they have the same effect on your dog.

  6.  Calming for hyperactive dogs
    In extreme cases, the veterinarian may prescribe tranquilizers for dogs suffering from hyperactivity. Methylphenidate is often used. This is applied in a low dose that can be increased, under medical supervision, in an increasing manner until the desired response is observed without adverse effects.

  7. If you don't have availability, seek professional help
    If you don't have time for all these activities but want the best for your dog, you can seek professional help. Currently there are day centers for dogs and petsitters  that will be able to provide adequate stimulation to your dog, exercising and allowing him to play with other dogs.

By following these tips and with a lot of patience you will see your dog improve over the next few weeks. If you still have no response, you should consult your veterinarian or a behavioral specialist who will help you resolve your case. The important thing is to remain calm and confident, the resolution of these problems is prolonged and they only depend on you.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 23 2023

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Dog walking – Special care on hot days

Dogs do not have sweat glands to release heat and perspire through salivation. Their temperature takes longer to decrease and that's why we need to be very attentive so that the dog walk is fun and not a reason for later concern.

Go for a walk on a hot day and notice how many dogs seem to be suffering during what should be a pleasant time for them. We know that our friends of the heart need to exercise, but when the temperature is higher, this needs to be done even more carefully.

Tips for planning a walk with your dog

  • It is recommended that the tour be done before 10 am or after 4 pm when the sun is not so strong;

  • If you put a muzzle on the dog when you go out with him, choose the most comfortable one, that doesn't tighten it too much;

  • Dogs also need sun protection. There are some specific products for pets and some people use the same as for them. Especially albino dogs, with white hair, light skin or uncovered need protection. Ears, muzzle and paws require greater care;

  • Dogs with darker coats absorb heat much faster;

  • Excess hair causes the dog's temperature to be higher, in warmer times it is better to opt for a shorter haircut. Your friend's health should be more important than aesthetics;

  • If it's too hot and you can only go out in very hot sunlight, look for home exercise alternatives or opt for a dog walker.

Knowing the precautions to be taken, it's time to leave. What to observe during the dog walk?

  • Make sure the dog is hydrated and there is water available so he can always refresh himself;

  • Choose a cool, shaded place to rest;

  • Very hot ground can hurt the paws;

  • When the dog's temperature gets too high, it stays longer with its mouth open and breathing is more panting. Noticing these signs, go with him into the shade and give him water;

  • If he is still panting, a fan or air-conditioned environment may help;

  • If the dog has a very high temperature, do not put it in cold water, try to lower the temperature little by little, a drastic decrease can be fatal.

With all the care taken and attention redoubled. you're ready to make dog walking a habit. This brings health to your partner and also to you.

Benefits of walking your dog

  • You and your dog spend more time together, become more friendly and even exercise;

  • The dog socializes with other dogs and other people and this can even change the way he will receive his visits, because a dog used to interacting with people becomes much calmer and more receptive to them;

  • When exercising, the dog spends a lot of energy and this means that he is not agitated or stressed when he is at home;

  • Your dog will always want to go for a walk, this can also be a stimulus for you to practice exercises;

  • If you have more than one dog, when you walk them together, they become more friendly and this reduces the risk of fights between them at home;

Extra tips for walking your dog

  • Hygiene is essential, citizenship is the watchword, so remember to take a bag to collect the poop;

  • Do not walk the dog loose, without a leash, it can be dangerous. The collar must conform to the dog ;

  • In order for your dog not to pull you by the leash, he needs to know that you are the guide. If he pulls, stop for a while and walk in a zigzag pattern. Playing a little with the dog before leaving the house makes him not so agitated, but without spending a lot of energy so that he doesn't get tired before the walk;

  • All dogs need to exercise, but each breed at its own pace.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 23 2023

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Camping with the dog: everything you need to know

During the holidays, it is sometimes difficult to find places that accept animals. Campsites are a good option.

But before camping, you should know what precautions are necessary for the whole family to have a happy vacation.

Should I take my dog ​​camping?

Ideal dogs for camping are calm, focused, silent and easy to control dogs. Dogs with chronic pathologies, nervous and fugitives should not be taken camping.

When camping with your dog, you must respect your neighbors and nature. Which means that it is often necessary for the dog to be on a leash and to prevent it from making any noise.

If your dog is not used to going out to new places and interacting with people, think about training him first. Some dogs get nervous when they are enclosed in a tent. If you plan on keeping the dog in the tent with you overnight, train it at home.

The first few times you should camp for short periods of time and then progressively extend. This allows the dog to get used to the experience and assess how it behaves in that situation.

Before camping with your dog:

  • Consult your veterinarian to rule out any type of pathology.

  • Have your vaccinations up to date , including the Kennel Cough vaccine as you may be in contact with other dogs.

  • Apply external and internal deworming and consider using repellent (eg collars).

  • Make sure the dog has the microchip in case it gets lost.

  • Check the campsite's regulations regarding the stay of animals.

  • Confirm that the dog's documents are up to date.

Planning a vacation with the dog

As when you are on holiday with children, you will have to adapt your stay and holiday plans to the dog's presence . Many establishments, such as stores or guarded beaches, do not accept the presence of the dog.

Leaving your dog on the campsite unsupervised could lead to accidents and even its disappearance. Therefore, it will not be recommended to do so.

You should plan activities where your four-legged companion can accompany you. Outdoor activities are usually a good option.

What are the precautions to be taken while camping?

  • Keep the dog hydrated and in the shade, especially in the hottest hours.

  • Always supervise the dog or keep it on a leash or in a carrier.

  • Try not to disturb the neighbors with unexpected visits from the dog or the noise of barking.

  • Keep the dog warm at night with blankets if it's a cold month.

  • Control the presence of parasites such as fleas and ticks.

  • Pay attention to the dog's fatigue and any wounds that may appear.

basic training

In the camp and during walks in nature, it is natural to encounter animals and people. This can make the dog excited and create dangerous situations. That's why it's important that the dog knows how to respond to the basic commands of obedience training.

The most important commands are:

  • Come / Walk: for the dog to accompany us.

  • Stop: to stop the ongoing action that could be dangerous or disturb other campers.

  • Sit / Down: works like “Stop”.

  • Leave: to drop whatever is in the mouth, be it animals, rubbish or unknown objects.

  • Silence: useful when dogs bark at night.

During its youth, the dog must have been trained to tolerate other people and animals. An aggressive or excitable dog should not be exposed to these situations, as it is a risk.

Physical fitness and walking

Each animal has its own tolerance for long hours of exercise. If the dog is not used to doing intense exercise, it should not be forced to do it during walks. Ideally , gradually train the dog over months to endure several hours of exercise.

Some breeds are more adapted to walking on uneven terrain. Generally small dogs have greater difficulty. Therefore, you must adapt the exercise to your dog's condition and not overdo it.

The exercise should not be carried out in the hours of greatest heat. You must provide water at short intervals of time to keep the dog hydrated. In these situations the greatest danger is hyperthermia and dehydration.

Transport of the animal

If you are going to take the dog in your car, you should use a transport box or fasten it with the belt using a harness. If you are going to use public transport, find out about the conditions for transporting animals.

use of leash

The campsite is a place with a lot going on at the same time. Even a trained dog may react badly to something new, such as being startled by unexpected noises or chasing wildlife.

For the safety of your dog and other campers, use a long leash . The leash also allows you to respect your neighbors and give them more peace of mind.

First aid

It's important to have some basic items to treat the animal if it gets hurt. For example, on uneven terrain it is easy for dogs to injure themselves on the footpads or in the forest to pick up pests or bite themselves in the vegetation.

You can take, for example, a disinfectant, compresses, a healing ointment, bandages. If you want to take medication, such as anti-inflammatories, check with your veterinarian.

Before traveling, it is important to find out which veterinary clinic is closest to you and register your contact details. This avoids wasting time in emergency situations.


The ideal is to keep the dog's feeding schedule and take the usual food . It should take enough quantities to feed the animal during the foreseen period and a little more for an unforeseen period.

If you don't take enough food, you may not be able to find the same food in stores surrounding the campsite. The drastic change of feed may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

The feed bag should be kept in a cool and shaded place to prevent spoilage. When the dog is satisfied, remove the rest of the food and wash the bowl. Keeping the bowl full of food will attract insects and the food can spoil in the heat.


The dog must not relieve itself in indiscriminate places or mark its territory inside the campsite. Try taking him outside the park to relieve himself.

If an accident occurs inside the park, you should pick it up with a plastic bag and clean it as much as possible. Outside the park you should collect the feces with a plastic bag or bury them if you are in a forested area.

Overnight stay

Where do you want the dog to sleep? A dog that stays outside should be on a wide leash so it doesn't wander off or get into the carrier . For your dog's comfort, bring a bed or kennel to snuggle in overnight.

If the dog sleeps in the tent with you, it will have more control. When the dog barks he can immediately silence it. It also prevents the dog from having contact with animals or strangers at night.

What does my dog ​​need for camping?

  • Collar with identification and contact details of the owner.

  • Long leash.

  • Food and water bowls.

  • Portion.

  • Plastic bags for feces.

  • Blanket / Bed

  • Comb / Brush

  • Towel

  • Toys

  • Medications (if needed)

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Why does the dog urinate when excited?

There can be many reasons why a dog pees his pants. However, if you notice that he does it when you get close to him or when you pet him, something is wrong and you need to find a solution to get the situation back to normal.

In this  article we will explain the most common causes to answer the question why the dog urinates when excited... and the solutions to adopt in each case to improve its physical and psychological health. If your dog behaves this way, read on to find out more, and then see your vet.

Why does the dog pee in his pants?

Urination is a physiological need that the dog instinctively satisfies. The puppies begin to control this urge during a transition period of 15-20 days, but only at 4-8 weeks do they learn to urinate on the newspaper. Later, from 3 to 6 months, when they have finished all the vaccinations and can go outside, they also learn to urinate in the sleeper.

The dog has trouble urinating

Before you think that your dog urinates when excited due to behavioral problems, you should rule out the possibility that he is suffering from any disease . In addition to pathologies strictly related to the urinary system, such as cystitis or urethritis, there are many other pathologies that can cause incontinence, which we are misinterpreting by associating it with caresses and pampering.

If your dog pees in his pants not only when excited or when you caress him, but also in other circumstances, it will be essential to take him to the vet and do a general examination to rule out any pathology. Normally it is necessary to do blood tests and an ultrasound.

Lack of cuddling during the socialization period

As the dog grows and develops, it goes through the socialization process, a phase in which it is important that it comes into contact with the people, animals and environments that it will have to deal with as an adult, since it depends on it. your balance and stability as an adult. [1] . If during the socialization phase the dog has not been petted, it is possible that he fears petting and pampering in general, so he develops behaviors related to fear and phobias when you touch him.

If you adopted him... and you don't know what experiences he has had or if you understand that you have not dedicated enough time to petting during the socialization phase (which is from 3 to 12 weeks of life) it is possible that the dog pees when petted because he is afraid and not because he is excited.

sensory deprivation syndrome

If, in addition to petting during the socialization phase, contact with people has been neglected, it is normal for the dog to suffer from the isolation caused by this situation and the resulting problem is called sensory deprivation syndrome. It is quite common in the dogs of those who have not let the puppy, up to 3 months, that is, until the moment he can get out, interact with different types of stimuli. That is why the dog is unable to adapt to different situations, environments, animals and people . It also occurs in cases of people suffering from Noah syndrome.

In general, a dog suffering from sensory deprivation syndrome cannot properly interact with its environment and develops fears and phobias of different stimuli. Sometimes it is not even necessary to go near the dog, since he urinates as soon as he sees someone new in the house.

Negative experiences, fears and phobias

As we have already said, the dog can develop phobias and fears when the socialization process ends and from that moment any negative experience can cause problems that have to do with fear to appear, such as urinating on oneself. In the most serious cases, negative experiences can be such as phobias become complicated to take care of permanently.

Genetics also affect fear, so if the dog's parents were or are particularly fearful and startle easily, the animal likely inherited this trait.

A very fearful dog will try to avoid at all costs the situations that it is afraid of and will try to escape …attack or even stay still, as if petrified. Situations like this can help to understand that the dog is afraid. If he also yelled at your dog when he was urinating, he may have aggravated the situation. Training techniques involving punishment and punishment have been shown to cause stress and fear in dogs, which send calming signals to the owner to convey their discomfort .

The dog urinates when excited.

Many people want to know the answer to why dogs urinate when they get excited, especially when their owner comes home. This reaction is due to the strong emotion the dog feels when he sees you again and although it is nice to receive the holidays, if he pees on himself it is important. avoid touching him and even greet him so that you begin to have self-control in that particular situation to avoid urination.

A happy dog ​​urinating when excited: what to do?

If you and your veterinarian have already ruled out any pathology, it is important to consult a canine behavior specialist such as an ethologist, trainer or dog educator because only a professional can help you correctly interpret the signals sent by the dog. Knowing how to interpret the language of the dog, in fact, is essential and the expert will be able to make a diagnosis by giving specific advice adapted to the case. It will also explain how to change your dog's training in your particular situation, also because it all depends on whether your dog urinates when excited or if he does it because he is afraid or for another of the listed reasons.

However, you should know that not all dogs successfully overcome their fears. Sometimes a combination of special genetics and bad experiences can prevent your dog from overcoming his fears. In other cases, however, the recovery is incredible.

How do you stop a dog from peeing on you?

Below we want to give you 10 basic tips to help the dog to trust you and relax, although you do not have to take it as a definitive therapy to replace the help of a professional, do not forget it.

  1. Not forcing the dog to interact with you or other people could be counterproductive. Always let him take the first step.

  2. Avoid punishment: Even if the dog urinated inside the house in front of you, it would only make the situation worse.

  3. Establish a routine so that the dog can predict what is going to happen.

  4. If the dog is hiding in the house and lets you know that it wants to be left alone, respect its space.

  5. In some cases, synthetic pheromones for dogs suffering from anxiety can help improve the dog's mood.

  6. Always keep a relaxed posture, do not lean over the dog, but approach from the side.

  7. Avoid staring right into his eyes, chasing him, yelling at him, or doing anything else that might upset him.

  8. Give him treats, play games, and talk to him in a sweet, high-pitched, and calm tone of voice.

  9. If your dog tends to hide and look for places to feel safe inside the house, leave an open carrier in a quiet area of ​​the house so he can hide there if he wants to.

  10. Also remember to establish a routine of activities that includes walks, exercises, mental stimulation and olfactory games.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Why do dogs stare?

That feeling of being watched is sometimes real: our own dog follows us around the house and stares at us. While we are having breakfast, brushing our teeth or sitting on the couch reading, our dog watches us.

Being watched by a dog is not as embarrassing as being watched by a person. But even then it can be awkward for some caregivers. There are many reasons for the dog to stare, so we'll describe a few.

Pleasing eyes – the dog wants something

Most of the time dogs look at us because they want something . For being a toy, food, or even treats. Other times it's because they want to go outside. But the pleading eyes soon give us information that we have to pay attention to our partner.

Dogs easily learn to look at us to plead. It is even likely that he reinforced this behavior by responding to the pleading eyes previously. As annoying as it is to have a dog with pleading eyes, it's not nearly as annoying as barking, digging or biting.

Tilt head – the dog is confused

Dogs that watch closely during training and tilt their heads may be confused or curious. The dog is attempting to understand what you require of him.

If the dog tilts its head, it is an indication that we should clarify what we are expecting it to do. If it is an order, we must repeat it clearly. In other cases, training needs to be reinforced. So this is not a disobedient dog, but a confused one.

Direct and tense stare – the dog is nervous

There is another type of look – the tense, nervous look that precedes aggression . There are many causes for aggression, and most are related to what is going on around the dog. The aggressive stare precedes the bite. Other dogs, on the other hand, can intersperse this gaze with averted gaze.

If you are petting a dog, or approaching his toys or kennel, a tense look tells us that it is better to move away . This look is accompanied by a tense body and tail, dilated pupils, head down, mouth closed, and ears back or forward. It may also show its teeth as a sign of aggression.

Gentle eyes – the dog loves the caretaker

At the opposite end of the spectrum are the gentle eyes that reveal that the dog adores its handler . A recent study reveals that the love hormone oxytocin is released when dogs and their handlers look each other in the eye.

A sweet look can be confused with a tense and persistent look. The difference is that the sweet look is accompanied by tail wagging, relaxed ears and normal pupils. This look happens in relaxed moments, so it is less likely to happen when playing, eating or training.

Hunting and herding eyes – the dog is in hunter mode

Herding dogs also have a habit of staring, as a way of controlling flocks , herds, toys or people. The Border Collie is famous for this look.

Hounds, on the other hand, stare when they are in pursuit. This behavior can be playful or serious, but it often appears during games or in forest environments. If the dog slows down, lowers its head and looks at something in the distance, it is in hunting mode.

Why do dogs (not) look you in the eye?

A dominant dog will have a stare in the eyes, while a submissive dog will try to look away, not making eye contact. A stare into the eyes, for dogs, reveals dominance or aggression. Therefore, as a matter of good manners, one should not stare a strange dog in the eye.

However, this rule does not always apply. The look in the eyes between the dog and its family members may not be interpreted as dominance. As we saw above, it can be a gentle look that reveals love and trust.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Common mistakes when caring for pets

Many people love having a pet at home and want to provide the best care for their companions. However, it is not always easy to know how to properly care for animals, and it is common to make mistakes that can harm the health and well-being of pets.

This article will address the five most common mistakes when taking care of pets, which must be avoided to ensure the quality of life of our companions.

Common mistakes made by pet owners

Knowing these mistakes is critical to ensuring our pets live healthy and happy lives.

1 – Inadequate nutrition

Feeding is one of the most important aspects of pet care, but it can often be neglected or done improperly.

Many tutors end up giving their animals food that is not suitable for them, either due to lack of information or because they believe that they are spoiling their pets. However, this practice can have negative consequences for the health of animals, such as obesity , digestive problems, nutritional deficiencies and even more serious illnesses.

It is important to remember that each species has its specific nutritional needs, and the food must be suitable for the age, size and lifestyle of the animal.

In addition, it is essential to avoid toxic foods for animals, such as chocolate, grapes, onions, garlic and coffee.

It is important to consult a veterinarian for guidance on the ideal diet for your pet and follow their recommendations to ensure a healthy and balanced diet.

2 – Lack of exercise

Just like humans, pets need regular exercise to maintain good health and well-being.

Unfortunately, many tutors end up neglecting this need, either due to lack of time or knowledge about the importance of exercise for animals.

Lack of exercise can lead to a variety of health problems such as obesity, heart disease, orthopedic problems and even behavioral problems such as anxiety and aggression.

Each species of animal has its own specific exercise needs, and it is important to ensure that the animal receives adequate physical activity for its breed, age and physical condition.

Play, walks, and outdoor walks are great ways to exercise your pet and strengthen the relationship between you.

It is important to remember that a lack of exercise can be just as detrimental to the health of pets as poor nutrition and responsible pet owners should ensure that their pets receive enough physical activity to maintain their health and well-being.

3 – Carelessness with hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is essential for the health of pets, but many owners end up neglecting this aspect. Poor hygiene can lead to a number of health problems such as skin infections, parasites, dental problems and even respiratory illnesses.

It is important to maintain the hygiene of the environment in which the animal lives, as well as the hygiene of the animal itself.

Regular baths, tooth brushing and nail and hair care are essential to ensure the health of the animal.

In addition, it is essential to keep the areas where the animal does its needs always clean and sanitized.

Owners should also be aware of the presence of parasites, such as fleas and ticks, and take measures to prevent their proliferation.

Maintaining pet hygiene is an important responsibility of the owner and must be taken seriously to ensure the animal's health and well-being.

4 – Not taking the animal to the veterinarian regularly is one of the common mistakes when taking care of animals

Taking your pet to the vet regularly is essential to ensure its health and prevent illness. Unfortunately, many tutors end up neglecting this need, either because of a lack of time or because they believe that the animal is healthy and does not need medical attention.

However, the lack of regular veterinary monitoring can lead to serious health problems, which are often only identified in advanced stages. It's important to remember that pets age faster than humans, so they need more frequent care.

Regular veterinary check-ups are important to prevent and detect health problems early, carry out vaccinations and advise on specific care for each animal.

In addition, if the animal shows any symptoms of illness, it is important to take it to the veterinarian immediately for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

5 – Hugging him too much, a mistake difficult to recognize

Hugging and pampering our pets is something that many owners do often and with great love.

However, hugging your pet too much can be a mistake that is difficult to recognize, as it can seem harmless and even beneficial to the relationship with the animal. However, the truth is that not all animals like to be hugged, and excessive physical contact can cause discomfort and even stress for the animal.

In addition, some animals may feel threatened or attacked by this type of physical contact, especially if they are taken by surprise or feel trapped.

Therefore, it is important to recognize the animal's signs of discomfort and respect its limits.

It's important to remember that each animal has its own personality and individual preferences, and tutors must respect these differences to ensure a healthy and happy relationship with their pets.

6 – Humanizing them is one of the common mistakes when caring for animals

Humanizing our pets is a common mistake that many owners make without realizing it. This behavior can include dressing the animal in human clothing, talking to it as if it were a person, and even attributing human behavior to it.

Despite being a way of expressing affection and love for the animal, humanization can lead to serious behavioral and health problems for the animal.

Pets are living beings with specific needs and behaviors specific to their species, and should not be treated like humans.

Humanization can lead to behavioral problems such as aggression and anxiety, as well as health problems such as obesity and skin diseases.

It is important to remember that love and care for our pets must be expressed by respecting nature and the individual needs of each species.

7 – Feeding him from our plate is one of the common mistakes when taking care of animals

Feeding our pets our food is a common mistake many pet owners make. Although it seems harmless, feeding human food can lead to health problems for animals, in addition to undesirable behaviors.

Animals have specific nutritional needs according to their species and age, and feeding human food can unbalance their diet and cause obesity, skin problems and even serious illnesses.

In addition, feeding the animal with our food can encourage undesirable behaviors, such as begging, in which the animal constantly asks for food, which can cause discomfort for tutors and visitors.

Therefore, it is important to offer the animal a specific diet for its species and age, with veterinary monitoring to ensure that all nutritional needs are being met.

Offering snacks and treats should also be done in moderation and with specific products for animals, avoiding health and behavior problems.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Managing an angry dog

Anyone who has a more aggressive pet is continually searching for techniques that will curb their pet's aggressive behavior since an angry dog can cause a lot of confusion and significant injury to people and other animals. However, this work becomes rather challenging when the cause of such a high level of aggression is not understood, and the first step in solving the issue is precisely the examination of the factors that contribute to this kind of behavior.

Although an angry dog ​​can be very useful to protect a home and serve as a guard dog  – alerting its owners to possible threats and dangers – having a more aggressive dog at home can trigger a series of accidents, which include biting people and strange animals to violent behavior towards their own owners.

Although all dogs have the ability to learn and can be trained to avoid attacks and violent attitudes, there are many breeds considered more dangerous in the animal world - and not because they are aggressive in general, but because they have the ability to cause enormous damage when attacked.

Within this group of dogs considered brave, there are a variety of well-known breeds that stand out, such as Pitbull, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Siberian Husky, Great Dane, Doberman, Chow-Chow, Alaskan Malamute, Canary Persian, and even Saint Bernard – which, although it is seen as a docile dog (like the protagonist of the Beethoven films), can weigh up to 90 kilos and cause serious injuries when it attacks someone.

However, as previously mentioned, none of these breeds are, in fact, completely aggressive; and with proper breeding and application of training techniques, all dogs can be made more peaceful. Check out, below, what are the main reasons for a dog to get angry, and learn how to get around the situation.

The motives of an angry dog

A dog's love and loyalty to its owner are considered to be traits adored by pet owners; however, a very protective dog can become extremely aggressive with people and other animals and, even if its intention is to protect, it can end up attacking what does not represent any threat.

In addition to the feeling of threat and fear, the desire to protect a specific territory can also motivate dogs to attack – seeking to guarantee their leadership in space. Pregnant dogs or dogs that have just given birth are also animals that can act violently when something or someone approaches their puppies; attacking to protect their brood.

Another factor that triggers dog attacks with some frequency - and which is not always taken into account by owners - is pain; since dogs that are suffering from some kind of discomfort in specific regions can attack when something approaches that weakened area, trying to avoid prolonging and worsening their pain.

How to calm your angry dog

Bearing in mind the causes that can trigger violent behavior on the part of your pet, the first step to reduce the problem is to correctly identify what the dog's motivations are - and taking him to a consultation with a veterinarian is a great option. option in these cases, eliminating any possibility of aggression due to pain or illness that the animal may have.

If the medical issue is eliminated from the occurrence, the ideal is to seek techniques and professional help from trainers; who can develop tactics to change the dog's aggressive behavior and commands so that he can differentiate what actually represents a threat - avoiding attacks due to exaggerated protection of the owner or his territory.

Castration is another method often used to calm an angry dog, because with the procedure, the vast majority of dogs become more docile and stop attacking due to territorial issues, for example.

In cases where these main measures do not work, the administration of antidepressant drugs and serotonin inhibitors may be indicated – however, this type of solution can only be prescribed by a veterinarian, and give medicine to your dog without consulting a veterinarian. a professional can cause quite serious complications for the pet's health (in addition to not solving and being able to make the issue of canine aggressiveness even worse ).

It is important to remember that an animal's aggression should never be treated more aggressively. Therefore, if the difficulty of calming your dog is a big problem, consulting a specialist is the best procedure.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 31 2023

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My dog ​​won't accept the new puppy.

If you like dogs, it is normal that at some point, even if you already have a four-legged friend, you decide to have a puppy. However, cohabitation can be problematic and the adult dog may reject the young if they are not presented correctly.

In this article we will help those who have asked us my dog ​​will not accept the new puppy , what can I do?

 Remember that in serious cases, such as fear or aggression, it is good to go to a dog educator.

 Why doesn't my dog ​​accept the new puppy?

Before bringing a puppy home, you will need to consider a few factors to ensure that you can live together smoothly; otherwise behavioral problems will start to arise, especially in the case of the adult dog that does not accept the newcomer. .

Some important factors to consider when taking in a second dog are:

  • Socialization Dogs that have not been properly socialized by puppies tend to be very fearful and therefore aggressive towards other dogs. If the adult dog has not been properly socialized, she may not understand dog body language and therefore may not be able to communicate properly or may even mistake the puppy's playful attitudes for offensive or defiant behavior. If your dog is often aggressive towards other adult dogs on walks, chances are he is aggressive towards puppies as well.

  • The degree of activity of the dog Adult dogs are not as playful as puppies and some like to play only at specific times. Introducing a hyperactive and playful puppy can upset the adult dog, who would like to be calm and relaxed on his behalf. The pup's constant seeking of affection and playtime can annoy the veteran, who may become so upset that he bites or hurts the pup.

  • Elderly Dogs If the adult dog is old, it will probably have some health problems or general pain. If the puppy approaches the dog and accidentally touches it where it is in pain, it is normal for the puppy to reject it.

  • The presentation of the animals Even if it is a young and very sociable dog, which does not suffer any pain, it is possible that in any case they do not get along because they have not been presented correctly. As is the case with us humans, dogs may not get along with others like them. Before you adopt your dog, you should introduce them to see how they interact.

How to introduce the adult dog and the puppy

Correctly introducing an adult dog and a puppy is essential to ensure that they live together peacefully. For this reason, our advice is to introduce them to a neutral zone and plan several meetings and long, quiet walks during which you can smell, relax and get to know each other better. Never force them to interact, and pay attention to scolding and punishment, because they can be associated with a negative experience.

You can include games and exercises to introduce them, but avoid games and snacks because they could make them fight. After you have met in sessions of this type, you can take your puppy home, where you will already have everything ready : two or three kennels, water bowls for food, games, etc… Make sure you have enough for both of you to prevent them from fighting.

Never try to establish a Hierarchy well, the dogs will do it themselves. Also avoid paying too much attention to the puppy and neglecting the veteran - you'll need to treat the adult dog and the puppy the same.

The first days when you leave them alone in the house you should avoid at all costs any stimulus that could lead them to fight, especially if it involves games or food. You will need to leave them water and kennels and if you suspect there is tension between them, keep them in two separate rooms to ensure nothing unpleasant happens.

The adult dog growls at the puppy and is aggressive: why?

Dogs can get along at first, but then they stop and start refusing. The reasons why the adult dog growls at the puppy and is aggressive towards him can be many and we will briefly summarize them below.

  • Aggressiveness for pain It is normal in older dogs, those that have been injured or have had a serious illness. However, even if they are not in pain, they often complain when you get too close to certain parts of the body.

  • Disease Aggression Diseases, such as hypothyroidism, are common causes of aggression in dogs, so it may be a good idea to have them examined by your veterinarian before you begin correcting behavior problems.

  • Dominance or hierarchical aggression : it is common among dogs of the same sex. Also, if it occurs between non-neutered male dogs, it is normal to see them fighting in the presence of a female, especially if they are in heat. They may show jealousy and possessiveness towards food, resting places or the teacher.

  • Fear Aggression Fear can be genetic, but it is also characteristic of dogs that have had socialization problems or trauma in the past. Even if at first fear makes them run away or move away, if they see that this is not possible they begin to show offensive behaviors such as attacking, growling or marking their territory.

  • Territorial aggressiveness This type of aggressiveness is very frequent and appears when the dogs have not presented themselves correctly before receiving the second dog in the house.

  • Protection of resources We mentioned it before and it is a problem that appears when a dog protects something that it considers its own. In general, if the dog does not accept the new puppy, he may have jealousy and territorial issues that include kennels, games, bowls or even people and other animals.

  • Predatory Aggression It occurs when one dog is much smaller than the other, so it is considered as prey. You will notice a very precise behavior, which is the sequence of the hunt that includes following a trail, ambushing, capturing. You will recognize why the dog moves slowly, as if he were hunting.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 26 2023

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How to walk your dog in the rain? Check out all about

Knowing how to walk your dog in the rain is very important, as it is an essential activity for our four-legged friend's routine. However, in occasional rainy situations, it is possible to postpone the pet's walk, but what should the tutor do in longer periods of rain?

Thinking about answering this question, We separated a lot of information about the need for dogs to walk and how to perform this task on rainy days, in addition to explaining what accessories are capable of protecting them from the rain. So keep reading the article below!

What are the benefits of walking your dog?

It is essential for all dog owners to dedicate a certain period of the day to walking the dog. That's because putting this task into the pet's routine is able to promote the most diverse benefits, making him have a healthier life and preventing the emergence of some diseases.

In this case, several advantages are obtained by walking your dog, such as helping you burn the accumulated energy and controlling your weight well, reducing cases of diabetes and canine obesity. In addition, this activity stimulates the dog's natural instinct, helping him to be less stressed and anxious. Finally, walking also helps a lot with canine socialization and encourages the pet to do its business on the street.

At how many months can the dog be walked?

It is important that your puppy has the habit of going for walks from an early age, however, this can only happen after taking all puppy vaccines. Therefore, wait between one and two weeks, after the date of application of the immunizers, for the proper strengthening of the pet's immune system. Generally, the last booster doses are given between the 16th and 17th week of the life of the furry, allowing it to walk at 4 and a half months.

How often do you walk the dog?

The truth is that the number of times you walk your dog depends on several factors, such as size, breed, etc. For example, a brachycephalic dog requires short walks, 1 a day is enough. However, in general, it is recommended that the tour be done twice a day, lasting between 20 and 30 minutes.

But after all, can you walk your dog in the rain?

There is no problem walking your dog in the rain, but you need to assess the weather. Thus, in cases of storms with a lot of lightning and thunder, for the sake of your and your pet's safety, it is recommended to postpone the walks. Now, during moderate and light rain, it is possible to take a peaceful walk with the dog.

Where to walk your dog on a rainy day?

When it's raining, the ideal is to look for environments where there isn't a lot of dirt and impurities, preventing your puppy from getting too dirty. In addition, it is good that you avoid very flat environments, subject to flooding, and give preference to streets close to your residence. Even because, if the rain gets heavy, you can leave with your pet without difficulty.

Another tip is, if you live in a house with a backyard, the tour can be done right there, as well as the external areas of the condominium for those who live in an apartment. On the other hand, if you cannot enjoy these benefits, look for a park to walk your dog that is close to your home.

Make use of top accessories for walking your dog in the rain

For those who seek to understand how to walk a dog in the rain in the best way, it is essential that some items are used that help a lot during this task. In this sense, we have made a list to make it clear to you what these accessories are:

  • Ordinary umbrella or suitable for dogs;

  • Dog shoes that are comfortable;

  • Dog raincoat made of waterproof material;

  • Collar for dog and guide with identification (address, telephone, etc).

Evaluate your puppy's behavior during the rain

Before taking him for a walk in the rain, you need to understand how your little animal behaves during bad weather. After all, in case he doesn't like, getting stressed and scared during the rain, it's good to keep him at home during this time of water falling from the sky. In this way, so that the animal does not go too long without doing activities, try to acquire some of the dog toys.

Author: admin

Date: Jul 26 2023

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7 Tips on How to Calm a Hyperactive Dog

Is my dog ​​hyperactive?

It's easy to consider the dog hyperactive when he doesn't stop running, constantly asking for attention and play. However, this behavior is often due to inadequate doses of exercise and stimulation.

Most of the popular breeds of companion dogs originate from working breeds. These dogs originally applied their mental and physical capacity to work, be it herding or hunting.

Soon they became breeds apt for large amounts of exercise. When they were brought into modern life in the countryside, they lost access to these draining activities but their needs remained.

When these animals are not exposed to long periods of physical exercise, training or daily interaction they become restless due to accumulated energy.

Unaware of these facts, the dog's normal energy level often exceeds the owner's expectations. This leads to them being mistakenly classified as hyperactive dogs .

What is hyperactivity in dogs?

Hyperactive behavior is pathological and rare in dogs. Hyperactive dogs are overactive and chronically restless even when exposed to adequate levels of exercise and stimulation.

The animal has excessive motor activity and learning difficulties , making it difficult to train due to lack of concentration. The agitated puppy maintains high levels of activity until he is completely worn out .

Other signs are due to the activity of the sympathetic system even at rest, which is reflected in increased heart or respiratory rate and vasodilation . Other causes of overactivity are, for example, hyperthyroidism. Therefore, you should not fail to visit your veterinarian if the animal presents these symptoms.

How to calm hyperactive dog?

The treatment of hyperactivity is based on evaluating the amount of exercise, stimulation and interaction to which the dog is subjected on a daily basis. The amount of exercise can be increased by extending the walks, through games (eg bringing the ball), swimming or playing with other dogs. Even if your dog is not diagnosed as hyperactive, the following tips apply and are beneficial to any animal.

  1. Avoid positive reinforcement of hyperactive behaviors
    When your puppy is very agitated and asking for your attention, try to ignore it. If you give attention (eg petting, pampering, praising) to the dog during these periods, the dog will start to demonstrate this behavior as a way to get interaction with the owner, making them more frequent.

  2. Increase the daily dose of exercise
    The aim of exercise is to allow the dog to release energy and relax. Therefore, increase the period of daily exercise, for example, establishing a routine of two sessions of 30 minutes a day. Watch your dog and adjust the duration to a period that allows the dog to get tired without overdoing it. The exercise can consist of walking or running (if you want to increase the difficulty you can apply a backpack with weight), fetching the ball, swimming or playing with other dogs.

  3. Teach Basic Training and Follow a Routine
    Basic obedience training and following a fixed daily routine allows the dog to feel more confident and less agitated. Obedience training, in addition to exercise, is beneficial as it reinforces the bond with the owner and teaches the dog self-control. It also allows you to command the dog to do a task incompatible with hyperactivity during episodes (eg, lie down), which allows him to relax.

  4. Ensure that the dog interacts with people and animals
    Activities with the owner reinforce the connection with the dog and allow him to expend energy at the same time. Likewise, playing with other dogs or people is a good way to exercise and stimulate the mind.

  5.  Toys for hyperactive dogs
    Toys for hyperactive dogs should distract the dog for long periods and stimulate his mind. One example is toys that dispense treats, such as Kong. But you can find other alternatives as long as they have the same effect on your dog.

  6.  Calming for hyperactive dogs
    In extreme cases, the veterinarian may prescribe tranquilizers for dogs suffering from hyperactivity. Methylphenidate is often used. This is applied in a low dose that can be increased, under medical supervision, in an increasing manner until the desired response is observed without adverse effects.

  7. If you don't have availability, seek professional help
    If you don't have time for all these activities but want the best for your dog, you can seek professional help. Currently there are day centers for dogs and petsitters  that will be able to provide adequate stimulation to your dog, exercising and allowing him to play with other dogs.

By following these tips and with a lot of patience you will see your dog improve over the next few weeks. If you still have no response, you should consult your veterinarian or a behavioral specialist who will help you resolve your case. The important thing is to remain calm and confident, the resolution of these problems is prolonged and they only depend on you.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 23 2023

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Dog walking – Special care on hot days

Dogs do not have sweat glands to release heat and perspire through salivation. Their temperature takes longer to decrease and that's why we need to be very attentive so that the dog walk is fun and not a reason for later concern.

Go for a walk on a hot day and notice how many dogs seem to be suffering during what should be a pleasant time for them. We know that our friends of the heart need to exercise, but when the temperature is higher, this needs to be done even more carefully.

Tips for planning a walk with your dog

  • It is recommended that the tour be done before 10 am or after 4 pm when the sun is not so strong;

  • If you put a muzzle on the dog when you go out with him, choose the most comfortable one, that doesn't tighten it too much;

  • Dogs also need sun protection. There are some specific products for pets and some people use the same as for them. Especially albino dogs, with white hair, light skin or uncovered need protection. Ears, muzzle and paws require greater care;

  • Dogs with darker coats absorb heat much faster;

  • Excess hair causes the dog's temperature to be higher, in warmer times it is better to opt for a shorter haircut. Your friend's health should be more important than aesthetics;

  • If it's too hot and you can only go out in very hot sunlight, look for home exercise alternatives or opt for a dog walker.

Knowing the precautions to be taken, it's time to leave. What to observe during the dog walk?

  • Make sure the dog is hydrated and there is water available so he can always refresh himself;

  • Choose a cool, shaded place to rest;

  • Very hot ground can hurt the paws;

  • When the dog's temperature gets too high, it stays longer with its mouth open and breathing is more panting. Noticing these signs, go with him into the shade and give him water;

  • If he is still panting, a fan or air-conditioned environment may help;

  • If the dog has a very high temperature, do not put it in cold water, try to lower the temperature little by little, a drastic decrease can be fatal.

With all the care taken and attention redoubled. you're ready to make dog walking a habit. This brings health to your partner and also to you.

Benefits of walking your dog

  • You and your dog spend more time together, become more friendly and even exercise;

  • The dog socializes with other dogs and other people and this can even change the way he will receive his visits, because a dog used to interacting with people becomes much calmer and more receptive to them;

  • When exercising, the dog spends a lot of energy and this means that he is not agitated or stressed when he is at home;

  • Your dog will always want to go for a walk, this can also be a stimulus for you to practice exercises;

  • If you have more than one dog, when you walk them together, they become more friendly and this reduces the risk of fights between them at home;

Extra tips for walking your dog

  • Hygiene is essential, citizenship is the watchword, so remember to take a bag to collect the poop;

  • Do not walk the dog loose, without a leash, it can be dangerous. The collar must conform to the dog ;

  • In order for your dog not to pull you by the leash, he needs to know that you are the guide. If he pulls, stop for a while and walk in a zigzag pattern. Playing a little with the dog before leaving the house makes him not so agitated, but without spending a lot of energy so that he doesn't get tired before the walk;

  • All dogs need to exercise, but each breed at its own pace.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 23 2023

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Camping with the dog: everything you need to know

During the holidays, it is sometimes difficult to find places that accept animals. Campsites are a good option.

But before camping, you should know what precautions are necessary for the whole family to have a happy vacation.

Should I take my dog ​​camping?

Ideal dogs for camping are calm, focused, silent and easy to control dogs. Dogs with chronic pathologies, nervous and fugitives should not be taken camping.

When camping with your dog, you must respect your neighbors and nature. Which means that it is often necessary for the dog to be on a leash and to prevent it from making any noise.

If your dog is not used to going out to new places and interacting with people, think about training him first. Some dogs get nervous when they are enclosed in a tent. If you plan on keeping the dog in the tent with you overnight, train it at home.

The first few times you should camp for short periods of time and then progressively extend. This allows the dog to get used to the experience and assess how it behaves in that situation.

Before camping with your dog:

  • Consult your veterinarian to rule out any type of pathology.

  • Have your vaccinations up to date , including the Kennel Cough vaccine as you may be in contact with other dogs.

  • Apply external and internal deworming and consider using repellent (eg collars).

  • Make sure the dog has the microchip in case it gets lost.

  • Check the campsite's regulations regarding the stay of animals.

  • Confirm that the dog's documents are up to date.

Planning a vacation with the dog

As when you are on holiday with children, you will have to adapt your stay and holiday plans to the dog's presence . Many establishments, such as stores or guarded beaches, do not accept the presence of the dog.

Leaving your dog on the campsite unsupervised could lead to accidents and even its disappearance. Therefore, it will not be recommended to do so.

You should plan activities where your four-legged companion can accompany you. Outdoor activities are usually a good option.

What are the precautions to be taken while camping?

  • Keep the dog hydrated and in the shade, especially in the hottest hours.

  • Always supervise the dog or keep it on a leash or in a carrier.

  • Try not to disturb the neighbors with unexpected visits from the dog or the noise of barking.

  • Keep the dog warm at night with blankets if it's a cold month.

  • Control the presence of parasites such as fleas and ticks.

  • Pay attention to the dog's fatigue and any wounds that may appear.

basic training

In the camp and during walks in nature, it is natural to encounter animals and people. This can make the dog excited and create dangerous situations. That's why it's important that the dog knows how to respond to the basic commands of obedience training.

The most important commands are:

  • Come / Walk: for the dog to accompany us.

  • Stop: to stop the ongoing action that could be dangerous or disturb other campers.

  • Sit / Down: works like “Stop”.

  • Leave: to drop whatever is in the mouth, be it animals, rubbish or unknown objects.

  • Silence: useful when dogs bark at night.

During its youth, the dog must have been trained to tolerate other people and animals. An aggressive or excitable dog should not be exposed to these situations, as it is a risk.

Physical fitness and walking

Each animal has its own tolerance for long hours of exercise. If the dog is not used to doing intense exercise, it should not be forced to do it during walks. Ideally , gradually train the dog over months to endure several hours of exercise.

Some breeds are more adapted to walking on uneven terrain. Generally small dogs have greater difficulty. Therefore, you must adapt the exercise to your dog's condition and not overdo it.

The exercise should not be carried out in the hours of greatest heat. You must provide water at short intervals of time to keep the dog hydrated. In these situations the greatest danger is hyperthermia and dehydration.

Transport of the animal

If you are going to take the dog in your car, you should use a transport box or fasten it with the belt using a harness. If you are going to use public transport, find out about the conditions for transporting animals.

use of leash

The campsite is a place with a lot going on at the same time. Even a trained dog may react badly to something new, such as being startled by unexpected noises or chasing wildlife.

For the safety of your dog and other campers, use a long leash . The leash also allows you to respect your neighbors and give them more peace of mind.

First aid

It's important to have some basic items to treat the animal if it gets hurt. For example, on uneven terrain it is easy for dogs to injure themselves on the footpads or in the forest to pick up pests or bite themselves in the vegetation.

You can take, for example, a disinfectant, compresses, a healing ointment, bandages. If you want to take medication, such as anti-inflammatories, check with your veterinarian.

Before traveling, it is important to find out which veterinary clinic is closest to you and register your contact details. This avoids wasting time in emergency situations.


The ideal is to keep the dog's feeding schedule and take the usual food . It should take enough quantities to feed the animal during the foreseen period and a little more for an unforeseen period.

If you don't take enough food, you may not be able to find the same food in stores surrounding the campsite. The drastic change of feed may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

The feed bag should be kept in a cool and shaded place to prevent spoilage. When the dog is satisfied, remove the rest of the food and wash the bowl. Keeping the bowl full of food will attract insects and the food can spoil in the heat.


The dog must not relieve itself in indiscriminate places or mark its territory inside the campsite. Try taking him outside the park to relieve himself.

If an accident occurs inside the park, you should pick it up with a plastic bag and clean it as much as possible. Outside the park you should collect the feces with a plastic bag or bury them if you are in a forested area.

Overnight stay

Where do you want the dog to sleep? A dog that stays outside should be on a wide leash so it doesn't wander off or get into the carrier . For your dog's comfort, bring a bed or kennel to snuggle in overnight.

If the dog sleeps in the tent with you, it will have more control. When the dog barks he can immediately silence it. It also prevents the dog from having contact with animals or strangers at night.

What does my dog ​​need for camping?

  • Collar with identification and contact details of the owner.

  • Long leash.

  • Food and water bowls.

  • Portion.

  • Plastic bags for feces.

  • Blanket / Bed

  • Comb / Brush

  • Towel

  • Toys

  • Medications (if needed)

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Why does the dog urinate when excited?

There can be many reasons why a dog pees his pants. However, if you notice that he does it when you get close to him or when you pet him, something is wrong and you need to find a solution to get the situation back to normal.

In this  article we will explain the most common causes to answer the question why the dog urinates when excited... and the solutions to adopt in each case to improve its physical and psychological health. If your dog behaves this way, read on to find out more, and then see your vet.

Why does the dog pee in his pants?

Urination is a physiological need that the dog instinctively satisfies. The puppies begin to control this urge during a transition period of 15-20 days, but only at 4-8 weeks do they learn to urinate on the newspaper. Later, from 3 to 6 months, when they have finished all the vaccinations and can go outside, they also learn to urinate in the sleeper.

The dog has trouble urinating

Before you think that your dog urinates when excited due to behavioral problems, you should rule out the possibility that he is suffering from any disease . In addition to pathologies strictly related to the urinary system, such as cystitis or urethritis, there are many other pathologies that can cause incontinence, which we are misinterpreting by associating it with caresses and pampering.

If your dog pees in his pants not only when excited or when you caress him, but also in other circumstances, it will be essential to take him to the vet and do a general examination to rule out any pathology. Normally it is necessary to do blood tests and an ultrasound.

Lack of cuddling during the socialization period

As the dog grows and develops, it goes through the socialization process, a phase in which it is important that it comes into contact with the people, animals and environments that it will have to deal with as an adult, since it depends on it. your balance and stability as an adult. [1] . If during the socialization phase the dog has not been petted, it is possible that he fears petting and pampering in general, so he develops behaviors related to fear and phobias when you touch him.

If you adopted him... and you don't know what experiences he has had or if you understand that you have not dedicated enough time to petting during the socialization phase (which is from 3 to 12 weeks of life) it is possible that the dog pees when petted because he is afraid and not because he is excited.

sensory deprivation syndrome

If, in addition to petting during the socialization phase, contact with people has been neglected, it is normal for the dog to suffer from the isolation caused by this situation and the resulting problem is called sensory deprivation syndrome. It is quite common in the dogs of those who have not let the puppy, up to 3 months, that is, until the moment he can get out, interact with different types of stimuli. That is why the dog is unable to adapt to different situations, environments, animals and people . It also occurs in cases of people suffering from Noah syndrome.

In general, a dog suffering from sensory deprivation syndrome cannot properly interact with its environment and develops fears and phobias of different stimuli. Sometimes it is not even necessary to go near the dog, since he urinates as soon as he sees someone new in the house.

Negative experiences, fears and phobias

As we have already said, the dog can develop phobias and fears when the socialization process ends and from that moment any negative experience can cause problems that have to do with fear to appear, such as urinating on oneself. In the most serious cases, negative experiences can be such as phobias become complicated to take care of permanently.

Genetics also affect fear, so if the dog's parents were or are particularly fearful and startle easily, the animal likely inherited this trait.

A very fearful dog will try to avoid at all costs the situations that it is afraid of and will try to escape …attack or even stay still, as if petrified. Situations like this can help to understand that the dog is afraid. If he also yelled at your dog when he was urinating, he may have aggravated the situation. Training techniques involving punishment and punishment have been shown to cause stress and fear in dogs, which send calming signals to the owner to convey their discomfort .

The dog urinates when excited.

Many people want to know the answer to why dogs urinate when they get excited, especially when their owner comes home. This reaction is due to the strong emotion the dog feels when he sees you again and although it is nice to receive the holidays, if he pees on himself it is important. avoid touching him and even greet him so that you begin to have self-control in that particular situation to avoid urination.

A happy dog ​​urinating when excited: what to do?

If you and your veterinarian have already ruled out any pathology, it is important to consult a canine behavior specialist such as an ethologist, trainer or dog educator because only a professional can help you correctly interpret the signals sent by the dog. Knowing how to interpret the language of the dog, in fact, is essential and the expert will be able to make a diagnosis by giving specific advice adapted to the case. It will also explain how to change your dog's training in your particular situation, also because it all depends on whether your dog urinates when excited or if he does it because he is afraid or for another of the listed reasons.

However, you should know that not all dogs successfully overcome their fears. Sometimes a combination of special genetics and bad experiences can prevent your dog from overcoming his fears. In other cases, however, the recovery is incredible.

How do you stop a dog from peeing on you?

Below we want to give you 10 basic tips to help the dog to trust you and relax, although you do not have to take it as a definitive therapy to replace the help of a professional, do not forget it.

  1. Not forcing the dog to interact with you or other people could be counterproductive. Always let him take the first step.

  2. Avoid punishment: Even if the dog urinated inside the house in front of you, it would only make the situation worse.

  3. Establish a routine so that the dog can predict what is going to happen.

  4. If the dog is hiding in the house and lets you know that it wants to be left alone, respect its space.

  5. In some cases, synthetic pheromones for dogs suffering from anxiety can help improve the dog's mood.

  6. Always keep a relaxed posture, do not lean over the dog, but approach from the side.

  7. Avoid staring right into his eyes, chasing him, yelling at him, or doing anything else that might upset him.

  8. Give him treats, play games, and talk to him in a sweet, high-pitched, and calm tone of voice.

  9. If your dog tends to hide and look for places to feel safe inside the house, leave an open carrier in a quiet area of ​​the house so he can hide there if he wants to.

  10. Also remember to establish a routine of activities that includes walks, exercises, mental stimulation and olfactory games.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Why do dogs stare?

That feeling of being watched is sometimes real: our own dog follows us around the house and stares at us. While we are having breakfast, brushing our teeth or sitting on the couch reading, our dog watches us.

Being watched by a dog is not as embarrassing as being watched by a person. But even then it can be awkward for some caregivers. There are many reasons for the dog to stare, so we'll describe a few.

Pleasing eyes – the dog wants something

Most of the time dogs look at us because they want something . For being a toy, food, or even treats. Other times it's because they want to go outside. But the pleading eyes soon give us information that we have to pay attention to our partner.

Dogs easily learn to look at us to plead. It is even likely that he reinforced this behavior by responding to the pleading eyes previously. As annoying as it is to have a dog with pleading eyes, it's not nearly as annoying as barking, digging or biting.

Tilt head – the dog is confused

Dogs that watch closely during training and tilt their heads may be confused or curious. The dog is attempting to understand what you require of him.

If the dog tilts its head, it is an indication that we should clarify what we are expecting it to do. If it is an order, we must repeat it clearly. In other cases, training needs to be reinforced. So this is not a disobedient dog, but a confused one.

Direct and tense stare – the dog is nervous

There is another type of look – the tense, nervous look that precedes aggression . There are many causes for aggression, and most are related to what is going on around the dog. The aggressive stare precedes the bite. Other dogs, on the other hand, can intersperse this gaze with averted gaze.

If you are petting a dog, or approaching his toys or kennel, a tense look tells us that it is better to move away . This look is accompanied by a tense body and tail, dilated pupils, head down, mouth closed, and ears back or forward. It may also show its teeth as a sign of aggression.

Gentle eyes – the dog loves the caretaker

At the opposite end of the spectrum are the gentle eyes that reveal that the dog adores its handler . A recent study reveals that the love hormone oxytocin is released when dogs and their handlers look each other in the eye.

A sweet look can be confused with a tense and persistent look. The difference is that the sweet look is accompanied by tail wagging, relaxed ears and normal pupils. This look happens in relaxed moments, so it is less likely to happen when playing, eating or training.

Hunting and herding eyes – the dog is in hunter mode

Herding dogs also have a habit of staring, as a way of controlling flocks , herds, toys or people. The Border Collie is famous for this look.

Hounds, on the other hand, stare when they are in pursuit. This behavior can be playful or serious, but it often appears during games or in forest environments. If the dog slows down, lowers its head and looks at something in the distance, it is in hunting mode.

Why do dogs (not) look you in the eye?

A dominant dog will have a stare in the eyes, while a submissive dog will try to look away, not making eye contact. A stare into the eyes, for dogs, reveals dominance or aggression. Therefore, as a matter of good manners, one should not stare a strange dog in the eye.

However, this rule does not always apply. The look in the eyes between the dog and its family members may not be interpreted as dominance. As we saw above, it can be a gentle look that reveals love and trust.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Common mistakes when caring for pets

Many people love having a pet at home and want to provide the best care for their companions. However, it is not always easy to know how to properly care for animals, and it is common to make mistakes that can harm the health and well-being of pets.

This article will address the five most common mistakes when taking care of pets, which must be avoided to ensure the quality of life of our companions.

Common mistakes made by pet owners

Knowing these mistakes is critical to ensuring our pets live healthy and happy lives.

1 – Inadequate nutrition

Feeding is one of the most important aspects of pet care, but it can often be neglected or done improperly.

Many tutors end up giving their animals food that is not suitable for them, either due to lack of information or because they believe that they are spoiling their pets. However, this practice can have negative consequences for the health of animals, such as obesity , digestive problems, nutritional deficiencies and even more serious illnesses.

It is important to remember that each species has its specific nutritional needs, and the food must be suitable for the age, size and lifestyle of the animal.

In addition, it is essential to avoid toxic foods for animals, such as chocolate, grapes, onions, garlic and coffee.

It is important to consult a veterinarian for guidance on the ideal diet for your pet and follow their recommendations to ensure a healthy and balanced diet.

2 – Lack of exercise

Just like humans, pets need regular exercise to maintain good health and well-being.

Unfortunately, many tutors end up neglecting this need, either due to lack of time or knowledge about the importance of exercise for animals.

Lack of exercise can lead to a variety of health problems such as obesity, heart disease, orthopedic problems and even behavioral problems such as anxiety and aggression.

Each species of animal has its own specific exercise needs, and it is important to ensure that the animal receives adequate physical activity for its breed, age and physical condition.

Play, walks, and outdoor walks are great ways to exercise your pet and strengthen the relationship between you.

It is important to remember that a lack of exercise can be just as detrimental to the health of pets as poor nutrition and responsible pet owners should ensure that their pets receive enough physical activity to maintain their health and well-being.

3 – Carelessness with hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is essential for the health of pets, but many owners end up neglecting this aspect. Poor hygiene can lead to a number of health problems such as skin infections, parasites, dental problems and even respiratory illnesses.

It is important to maintain the hygiene of the environment in which the animal lives, as well as the hygiene of the animal itself.

Regular baths, tooth brushing and nail and hair care are essential to ensure the health of the animal.

In addition, it is essential to keep the areas where the animal does its needs always clean and sanitized.

Owners should also be aware of the presence of parasites, such as fleas and ticks, and take measures to prevent their proliferation.

Maintaining pet hygiene is an important responsibility of the owner and must be taken seriously to ensure the animal's health and well-being.

4 – Not taking the animal to the veterinarian regularly is one of the common mistakes when taking care of animals

Taking your pet to the vet regularly is essential to ensure its health and prevent illness. Unfortunately, many tutors end up neglecting this need, either because of a lack of time or because they believe that the animal is healthy and does not need medical attention.

However, the lack of regular veterinary monitoring can lead to serious health problems, which are often only identified in advanced stages. It's important to remember that pets age faster than humans, so they need more frequent care.

Regular veterinary check-ups are important to prevent and detect health problems early, carry out vaccinations and advise on specific care for each animal.

In addition, if the animal shows any symptoms of illness, it is important to take it to the veterinarian immediately for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

5 – Hugging him too much, a mistake difficult to recognize

Hugging and pampering our pets is something that many owners do often and with great love.

However, hugging your pet too much can be a mistake that is difficult to recognize, as it can seem harmless and even beneficial to the relationship with the animal. However, the truth is that not all animals like to be hugged, and excessive physical contact can cause discomfort and even stress for the animal.

In addition, some animals may feel threatened or attacked by this type of physical contact, especially if they are taken by surprise or feel trapped.

Therefore, it is important to recognize the animal's signs of discomfort and respect its limits.

It's important to remember that each animal has its own personality and individual preferences, and tutors must respect these differences to ensure a healthy and happy relationship with their pets.

6 – Humanizing them is one of the common mistakes when caring for animals

Humanizing our pets is a common mistake that many owners make without realizing it. This behavior can include dressing the animal in human clothing, talking to it as if it were a person, and even attributing human behavior to it.

Despite being a way of expressing affection and love for the animal, humanization can lead to serious behavioral and health problems for the animal.

Pets are living beings with specific needs and behaviors specific to their species, and should not be treated like humans.

Humanization can lead to behavioral problems such as aggression and anxiety, as well as health problems such as obesity and skin diseases.

It is important to remember that love and care for our pets must be expressed by respecting nature and the individual needs of each species.

7 – Feeding him from our plate is one of the common mistakes when taking care of animals

Feeding our pets our food is a common mistake many pet owners make. Although it seems harmless, feeding human food can lead to health problems for animals, in addition to undesirable behaviors.

Animals have specific nutritional needs according to their species and age, and feeding human food can unbalance their diet and cause obesity, skin problems and even serious illnesses.

In addition, feeding the animal with our food can encourage undesirable behaviors, such as begging, in which the animal constantly asks for food, which can cause discomfort for tutors and visitors.

Therefore, it is important to offer the animal a specific diet for its species and age, with veterinary monitoring to ensure that all nutritional needs are being met.

Offering snacks and treats should also be done in moderation and with specific products for animals, avoiding health and behavior problems.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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