Dog Breeds

All About the Beagle Breed

admin • 20 Jun 2023

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Small/medium size, the Beagle is a breed that, according to the International Cynological Federation, belongs to group 6 of Hounds and Sniffer dogs.

They are adorable little dogs that love a treat, so it doesn't take much to win them over; just offer a snack and soon they will be by your side with an irresistible face.

And because of their compact size and cheerful temperament, Beagles are very popular with families.

Check out the Beagle chart below:

Cheerful, sociable and very mischievous, the Beagle is a breed that can present quite a challenge for its owners.


The Beagle originated in the United Kingdom; however, it was in the United States that the breed was developed.

Breed History

The combination of breeds that gave rise to the Beagle is not known for sure, but it is believed that they descended from the Foxhound breed, also from the United Kingdom.

The breed was used to help men hunt, especially rabbits, but they were also good at hunting other types of animals.

And in 1860, the breed was imported into the United States and ended up being “perfected” to meet desired standards of temperament and beauty.

This made the Beagle officially recognized in 1885 by the American Kennel Club.

Behavioral characteristics

The Beagle's fame for being mischievous is due to its energy level, which needs to be spent daily, and its stubbornness. Therefore, it is considered a challenge to take care of these messes.

However, it is a totally docile, playful breed, faithful to its tutors, and always loves to be accompanied.

In addition, they are very fond of snacks and wherever there is food, they are around with cute little faces. But it is important to take care of the Beagle's diet, as he has a strong tendency to gain weight.

The adventurous instinct is another characteristic of this breed. And because of their great noses, they love to explore and sniff out all kinds of smells.

Physical characteristics

The male of the Beagle breed can measure about 36 to 41 cm and weigh from 10 to 16 kg. The female, in turn, can measure about 33 to 38 cm and weigh from 9 to 13 kg.

These are acceptable measurements as per the breed standard, however, there may be some variation in their weight and size.

Its coat is short, dense and resistant, and can be tricolor, such as black, brown and white, or bicolor, such as white and brown. Other color combinations can also be found, except for its tail, which has a white tip.

The Beagle's ears are its trademark. They are long with rounded ends, set low and lying close to the face.

In general, its short loin is strong and flexible, in addition, its hind limbs are muscular, well angulated and with compact and firm legs.

The Beagle's snout is not pointed, and its relatively large eyes are dark brown or hazel in color.

Life expectancy

The Beagle can live, on average, from 12 to 16 years.


Although many speak of their origin in the United Kingdom, there were records of dogs similar to the Beagle in the region of Greece a long time ago, more precisely 400 years AD

The breed was also very popular with royalty, especially with Queen Elizabeth I, who had a Beagle as a companion.

As we mentioned earlier, the Beagle has a great sense of smell, this is because they have about 220 million olfactory receptors, 44 times more receptors than us humans.

And certainly many know Snoopy, a comic strip dog created by cartoonist Charles Schulz. But what few know is that Snoopy is of the Beagle breed, with some differences in its traits.

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