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How to teach the cat to sleep in the bed?

How to teach the cat to sleep in the bed? They are animals that are more active at night so you must be consistent, rigorous and above all patient with your kitten.

Where do cats sleep?

When it comes to sleeping, cats are professionals. They spend between 18 and 22 hours a day resting. Due to their natural curiosity, they like to investigate the house. And, as in nature they seek high and safe places to rest, it is likely that they will do the same in our home.

Unfortunately this means climbing on top of furniture and tables, making it inconvenient for the owner. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent this behavior by training the cat to sleep in its bed.

How to make the cat sleep in its bed?

This training is based on establishing positive reinforcement when you are in an ideal area for your rest . So he starts using that area and stops using the inconvenient ones.


Training begins by observing the cat. What areas do you select for home? Some cats prefer windows with a view, others high places, and others sofas and chairs.

If the cat's bed is placed near one of these locations, it has a greater chance of success. Another important factor is the material inside, which should be comfortable for the cat. In the winter and summer, it should be warm.

1. Reward the cat when using the bed

When the bed is put in place, the cat should be placed inside and given a treat. Reinforcement continues by giving treats when the cat approaches the bed and a favorite treat when it jumps and crawls onto the bed.

2. Place the bed near the cat's favorite spot

Through observation you will discover your cat's favorite places. Place the bed close to and according to the altitude at which the cat likes to sleep. Other factors to evaluate are the dark, sunbathing, comfortable temperature for the season and proximity to the family. Providing resting places similar to the cat's favorite will lead to the highest success rate.

3. The bed for cats should be comfortable and to the cat's taste.

The bed should be soft and fluffy. If the bed is uncomfortable, the cat will never use it. Its material may vary with the seasons, providing more or less heat. Some cats feel more comfortable with the presence of an owner's clothing item. Don't forget to keep the bedding clean and free of parasites, as the cat will reject dirty bedding.

4. Provide multiple resting places

Do not limit the cat to one location. Spread several beds around the house that mimic the cat's favorite places. He may prefer them depending on his mood or even the climate, looking for warmth in the colder months.

5. Make unwanted places unpleasant for the cat

Punishing the animal should always be avoided as it can generate phobias. So, to prevent the cat from going up and sleeping in places it doesn't want, you can follow other strategies. One of them is to close the door of the room and not give in to the incessant meowing. Another way is to make these surfaces unsightly by applying double-sided tape, motion-activated sprays and aluminum foil. Thus, the cat will more quickly accept its place of rest.

6. And when I find the cat sleeping in another place?

Occasionally the cat may fall asleep in other places, such as your bed. In these cases , gently pick up the cat and calmly place it in its bed . Pet and give a treat.

By following these tips and being consistent and strict in training, you will get the cat to use its bed. If the location and surface of the bed are attractive, the cat will start using it. On the other hand, if the cat does not use it, the owner can always look for another more attractive place.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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How to teach the cat to stop biting?

Aggressive behavior in cats is unpleasant and leads to a degradation of the relationship with the owner.

How to educate cats that bite? We will explain the various types of aggression that can lead to cat bites and how to reduce them.

Why do cats bite their owners?

Cat aggression can lead to a bad relationship with the owners. In severe cases, the cat attacks the face, the bite or scratches are deep and the owner cannot stop it from expressing these behaviors.

If your cat has attacked you, don't forget to wash the wound with soap and water and then disinfect it.

Aggressiveness problems have four origins, however the possibility that the cat is suffering from pathology with pain should always be ruled out. Identifying which of the four aggressions suffers is essential for the treatment plan:

  • fear aggression

  • Play aggression (predatory)

  • Aggression during caresses

  • redirected aggression

Aggressive cat signs

Knowing how to identify when the cat is aggressive can help you avoid being attacked. Thus, the cat is aggressive when it demonstrates:

  • Stare;

  • Dilated pupils;

  • Ears back;

  • Raised back hair;

  • Snort or growl.

How to deal with cats that bite?

Educating the biting cat can be a challenge. The first step is to define which of the attacks suffers to make a plan for its solution:

  • Fear aggression: avoid exposure to stimuli or train the cat to tolerate them.

  • Play aggression: encourage playing with toys and when attacked, end the game and move away from the cat.

  • Aggression during petting: be aware of the signs and stop before biting, train them to tolerate caresses better.

  • Redirected aggression: avoid exposure to stimuli.

Another important factor is the stimulating environment that allows the cat to release its energies and apply its hunter spirit during play. When he is small he should be socialized to learn to deal with humans and animals. A good education can avoid these problems and allow your cat to grow up healthy.

Fear aggression

The frightened cat will try to run away, but when cornered it will show a defensive posture and may attack. The signs of a scared cat are:

  • Shrunken;

  • Dilated pupils;

  • Goose bumps on the back;

  • Snort or growl.

Fearful cats may try to attack with the front paw before biting. In the case of traumatized cats, they may attack without warning.

Therefore, cats should not be exposed to situations that cause fear. What to do when the cat is scared? If you allow it to escape to a safe place (eg a room when you have guests, a closed bed) it will not attack.

On the other hand, they can be trained to deal with the situation that causes them fear. Thus, you can put the cat in a cage so that he can watch the situation and begin to tolerate it. You can also use feline pheromones to reduce anxiety.

Play aggression (predatory)

The cat uninhibitedly scratches and bites the owner while playing or ambushing and attacking the ankles. In this case, attention should be directed to the toys, play sessions and stop the session if the cat bites the person.

Why do cats bite their owners while playing?

When in the litter, kittens learn to control bite force and retract their claws during play. If they hurt the siblings or the mother, they will mew in complaint and retaliate. And so slowly the kitten learns to control its strength. If the kitten was taken too early from the litter, it won't learn how to play without hurting it. It is up to the owner to teach the kitten.

After being attacked you must not:

  • Screaming or shaking at the cat that scratches or bites because it creates more stress;

  • Pamper the cat to calm it down because it teaches the cat that attacking is good.

Thus, when cats bite or scratch a lot during play, games that lead to these behaviors should be avoided.

The cat's attention should be focused on the toys, being able to release its energy on them and not on the owner.

When the cat is getting very excited, reduce the intensity of the game or stop for a few moments and start again. In this way, it prevents the cat from getting carried away and losing control.

If the cat becomes aggressive, abruptly end the game at that point and leave his side. Over time, cats associate stopping playing with hurting their owner, and since they want to continue playing, they will avoid hurting.

Alternatively, you can adopt a cat as a playmate who will teach you to moderate biting and scratching.


Punishments never include hitting the cat. Punishments should be unpleasant situations for the cat, such as jets of water (water gun or spray bottle), horns or other unpleasant sound, or putting the cat alone in a room. However, they should be used with caution because they could have consequences: the jet of water could cause a phobia of water; the frustrated cat could become more aggressive, or start to fear the owner.

Aggression during caresses

The cat is on our lap enjoying the treats we give it when it suddenly bites and leaves the lap upset. 

It could be the way to end the interaction, to say “that's enough!”, or maybe cats have a limit after which petting becomes annoying.

You should be aware of the cat's body language that tells you that it's time to stop caressing:

  • Tail flickering;

  • Turning of the ears;

  • Restlessness;

  • Nibbling.

So, if you observe these signs, you should stop the session before being bitten . The better you know your cat, the better you can predict when to stop.

Another alternative is to give the cat treats during the petting session to train it to be more tolerant.

Redirected aggression

It occurs when the cat is unable to respond to a stimulus and therefore “offloads” on another individual, often the owner.

This can happen when the cat sees another cat outside that it cannot attack, or when it is frightened by visitors and ends up scratching the owner who tries to take it to a room.

In these cases, it is best to avoid exposing the cat to stimuli (eg, avoiding access to windows where cats are seen, locking them in the room before visitors arrive) because the aggression is severe.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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How to make a cat learn its name?

You've always heard that cats can't be trained. This is a myth. It is natural for the owner to want the cat to come when called. This is useful in a myriad of situations and could save the cat from danger . So, it is essential to teach the cat to live up to its name. Where to start?

When to teach the name to the cat?

You should start this training the day the cat comes home. Young cats, especially before 6 months and during the socialization period, will find it easier to learn. Adult cats will have a slower learning curve, but will succeed after more attempts. It is important that the owner remains patient and does not punish the kitten when it fails.

The importance of naming

The choice of name is something that makes the family enthusiastic and gives rise to great creativity. But it should impose some rules. The name must be short, consisting of one or two syllables, maximum three, which can be pronounced clearly.

It is important that it is distinguishable from other words, easy and quick to say. This allows the cat to more quickly assimilate the name. Strong-sounding names, such as those that include the “i” sound, are thought to be more easily recognized.

When pronouncing the name, you should always try to say it in the same way and with the same emotion. Avoid using name variations or changes that could confuse the cat. Cats from pedigreed families sometimes have long names. In that case, you can choose to always call the cat by a diminutive.

When to use the name of the cat?

You should use the name whenever you are doing something with positive value for the cat. When you give it food, talk to your cat and mention its name. Do the same when petting and playing with him. In short, use it repeatedly for pleasant experiences.

How to organize training sessions to teach the cat its name?

It will be advisable to organize training sessions to teach your cat the name. Plan 15 minutes of your day for this purpose. You should remain calm and relaxed, keeping the training spirit positive. Choose a high value treat such as wet food or liver.

Place yourself in front of the cat. Say the cat's name in a friendly tone and give it a treat. Repeat 10 to 15 times while standing still in front of the cat. When the cat starts to respond to its name, that is, to look at the owner when called by increasing the difficulty.

In this case take a step or two back and keep facing the cat. You must repeat the name and when the cat takes a step or two towards you, give it the treat. You will have to repeat the exercise several times and you can increase the distance and difficulty.

Some owners choose to include the order “come” in this training. You can include it when you make the cat walk towards you calling “' Name’, come”. By repeating these exercises, the cat learns to respond to its name.

When not to use the cat's name

It is important that the owner never use the cat's name associated with something negative. When repressing your cat or wanting to stop it, you should not use its name. It is preferable to use aversive sounds such as clapping hands or a mechanical sound. Using the name, the cat will start to associate you with something negative and will stop coming towards you when called.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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The cat bites when I sleep: causes and what to do

When we live with one or more kittens at home, sleeping well can be a real challenge. In fact, many people who care for cats find it difficult to rest because their cats are very active during the early morning hours and often scratch at doors or curtains, jump all over the house, play vigorously with their cats, toys or even bite. To their humans while they sleep.

Your cat bites you when you sleep and you wonder why? In this article we explain the most common causes of this behavior and what you can do to preserve the quality of your sleep without hindering your cat's physical and mental stimulation. Keep reading!

 Why does my cat snarl at me while I'm sleeping?

Although there is a general belief that cats are nocturnal animals, in reality they maintain predominantly crepuscular habits, that is, they tend to be more active and energetic at dawn and at dusk . However, it is also true that they are genetically related to other nocturnal cats, such as the tiger or the lion.

For these felines that live in the wild, as well as for wild cats (that is, those that have never had contact with humans and their habits), night and early morning represent the most propitious period to carry out their activities, especially hunting. , with greater security and precision. For this reason, their entire organism and their biological cycles are adapted to this circadian rhythm, which explains, among other things, the adaptation of their eyes to poor or no availability of light .

However, domestic cats (Paws) have gone through a long process of adapting to the habits and behavior patterns of humans, including their predatory nature, making them the most crepuscular felines on Earth. This is why you will see how your cat avoids consuming its energy during the hottest and sunniest moments of the day, and is more energetic and predisposed to play before sunrise and after sunset.

Bite as part of the game

It is important to keep in mind that most of the games and activities that we offer our kitties consist mainly of simulating the context of a hunt. For example, when we show them a fishing rod with a feathered bird at the end, we are awakening their natural hunting instinct which, despite domestication, is still very well established. We stay stimulating both of them sensory and cognitive abilities that your bone, muscle and joint structure, that is, both your body and your mind.

If your cat bites you when you sleep, it is very likely that, for him it is simply part of the game, like any other hunting simulation he would do during the day, where he ests his instincts as a good hunter to try to capture his foot, your hand, your leg or even your head. And if you start to stir to try to hide under a blanket or to avoid being attacked in your sleep, your kitty may interpret these signals as stimulation, like when you wave a fishing rod in front of him.

In this context, far from trying to hurt you or produce negative emotions, what your cat is looking for is simply to play, have fun and, why not, enjoy your company in these activities that they enjoy so much.

Absence of environmental enrichment

This behavior can occur more frequently when cats do not have an environment enriched with toys, sensory stimuli, and other accessories , such as scratching posts or platforms. Therefore, they tend to turn to other household items or their own humans when they want to play, jump and express themselves freely.

Health problems

But if your cat bites you while you're sleeping and you notice that it's very restless at night, you should rule out the possibility that this is a health problem. There are many diseases that can negatively affect the behavior of cats, both pathologies that cause them pain and neurological disorders , as well as endocrine problems that can lead to the appearance of symptoms of stress, hyperactivity and even behavioral problems, such as aggression. Therefore, if you observe any alteration in the character of your kitten or changes in its habits, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian.

As anticipated, it is quite natural for cats to have different circadian rhythms and activity patterns than people. Therefore, when making the decision to adopt a kitten, we must be aware that this means learning to live with a different species and an individual with their own needs, which implies that humans have the necessary knowledge and patience. to provide all the comforts. basic and adequate education.

It is not recommended to scold a cat for behaviors inherent to its nature and personality. and it can be counterproductive, leading to behavioral problems, such as destructiveness or aggression. However, part of our mission is to teach our kitties what behaviors are considered appropriate within the home.

How to prevent the cat from biting me when I sleep

In these cases, education at an early age is the best prevention. So if you don't want your cat to bite you when you sleep or at other times of the day, you should teach her from the moment she gets home that this is not appropriate behavior.

Avoid turning it into a game

If you let your kitty play with your legs, feet, or hands for prey while she's still a puppy, it's perfectly normal for her to continue to do so as an adult. If you do this when he's little, you'll induce the kitten to understand that it's perfectly acceptable play , so he'll continue to do it even into adulthood.

Educate him from a young age

We must not forget that cats, like all species, cling to a routine to feel more comfortable and safe, avoiding exposing themselves to unnecessary risks. Therefore, the best time to teach them to behave correctly at home is during childhood, since in the early stages of their physical and mental development, kittens have a more flexible character and are still assimilating the codes of their social behavior. So if you let them know that biting yourself or others is not appropriate during this phase, and offer them the right toys to work out their hunting instincts, chances are you won't have to deal with this habit in the future. If you want to know more, don't miss our article “How to educate a cat puppy”.

Enrich your environment

Another point to consider is the importance of environmental enrichment. If your kitty doesn't live in a space with toys and items that allow her to develop her sensory skills, express her hunting instincts, and have free play, she'll likely look for alternative ways to release pent-up tension and have fun , which may not always be pleasant. or sure.

So when you provide your cat with an enriched environment where she can exercise and be entertained throughout the day, even when you're not home, in addition to avoiding stress symptoms and destructive behaviors around the house, you'll also encourage your cat to do exercise regularly and arrive in the afternoon more stable and calm, and not with all the energy accumulated due to the impossibility of playing when he is left alone at home.

Remember that it is also essential to spend some time of your days playing with your cat. In this way, you will prevent him from acting strangely or exaggeratedly to get your attention, while boosting his intelligence and sharing quality time with your cat, which will help strengthen your bond of trust. Here are some mental game and activity ideas to keep your kitty entertained.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Why do cats not like water?

Cats don't like water. It's a current statement, but is it true? So why do cats not like water? To answer this question it is necessary to separate fact from fiction – as not all felines are afraid of water.

Why do cats not like water?

Many cats have an aversion to water, but the reason for this phobia is still hotly debated. The two main theories involve the evolution of cats away from water sources and the fact that water makes it difficult to maintain fur.

Evolution in the desert

The Association of Canadian Veterinarians hypothesizes that this aversion developed due to the evolution of the feline species in arid and desert climates.

Cats were not exposed to rivers, lakes, or rain in their early history. As a result, unlike other species, they did not adapt to the presence of water.

Unlike dogs who love to get wet, kittens don't like to get wet very much.

Keep the hair neat

Another reason given for cats not liking water is their obsession with keeping their fur clean. Cats are known for their meticulous personal hygiene.

Anyone who has ever walked in the rain without an umbrella will know that it is very difficult to control wet hair. Therefore, the water contradicts the cat's effort to keep the fur clean and tidy.

Fur that is wet is bulky, unpleasant, and takes a while to dry. Additionally, the cat finds it extremely challenging to groom itself when wearing damp hair.

Why do cats not like to get wet but like to play with water?

Cats may not like to get wet, but they love to play with water. They like to play with drops of water falling from faucets, water fountains, and even the shower when it is on.

Cats have fun and play with moving water. But as long as they don't get too wet. It is thought that the predilection for running water (such as a faucet) over standing water (such as a water bowl) is a matter of fascination.

Drops of water are like a magnet for cats, letting them explore with all their senses . It is also possible that this predilection is associated with the cat's wild past. The preference for fresh water currents makes the ingestion safer than standing water.

Why do cats not like to be bathed?

In addition to the aversion to water itself, there are still more factors that make bath time a nightmare for cats. Tap water is treated with chlorine. Soon, you can release a repulsive smell for the feline.

In addition to water and its treatment, there are still more unknown smells . The shampoo can also be very unpleasant for the cat. But this does not prevent the cat from being bathed when necessary.

The ideal is to be well prepared for the bath . The ideal is to have a mild shampoo suitable for cats, gloves, towels and a good treat for after bathing. Don't forget to invite a patient family member to help you with this task.

How to get the cat used to liking water?

If you want to get your cat used to liking water, introduce it gradually and associate it with positive stimuli. Because they are more moldable, and still don't have many negative experiences with water, young kittens are easier to train.

Regardless of the feline's age, introduce water gradually, patiently and without forcing. This process involves repeating it over several days . The atmosphere in these sessions should be relaxed.

You can start with wet cloths gently passed over the fur, followed by warm water to wet the paws and progressively wet the body more. The ideal is to have the water in a basin or fill the bathtub a little, so as not to scare the cat with the shower.

Monitor the cat's behavior during sessions. If the cat is tense, you should let him out of the water and repeat on another day. With the evolution you will notice that the cat will become more relaxed and will even be able to start playing with the water. One way to distract the cat during the process is to offer her her favorite treat.

Cats that love water and swimming

Although most cats don't like water, there are some felines that love to swim , like tigers. Although all cats are good swimmers when in water, there are cat breeds that love to swim. These water-loving cat breeds include:

  • Maine Coon;

  • Bengal;

  • Turkish Angora;

  • Abyssinian;

  • Turkish Van;

  • American short hair;

  • Bobtail americano.

Among these breeds, the Turkish Van stands out . This rare breed was called the “Swimming Cat”. The unique texture of their cashmere-like fur makes them waterproof, allowing them to enjoy swimming or water activities.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Don't ever do these things to your cat

With a cat or two roaming around the house, even the most attentive owner can forget something. Even a small forgetfulness can have a big impact on your kitten's life and quality of life. Here are some things you should never do to your cat.

Forget flea treatment and deworming

Even if your cat is always at home and never goes outside, you should always deworm it and never go through flea treatment. Why? Although he doesn't come out, mosquitoes can carry parasites with them, and thus easily enter your home. Furthermore, we can carry these same parasites with us in our shoes or clothes. Infections can be fatal, so we should never take these treatments for granted.

Leaving your cat outside, especially unsupervised

Despite the adventurous spirit, we (owners) must always be attentive to our kitten. He may feel curious, confused, and even scared of the outside world. This type of behavior can lead him to run away and potentially come into contact with the many dangers outside.

leave windows open

Unsupervised open windows are a huge source of danger for your kitten due to its curiosity. Excitement from a bird or even a small fly can lead to a more passive kitten accidentally slipping before you can do anything to help. This can cause your cat to run away, become crippled or even, in the worst case scenario, be a fatal fall. Always check that your windows are tightly closed.

Delaying a visit to the veterinarian

Your dog may look healthy, eat well, not change its daily activity. However, our kittens are experts at hiding symptoms from their owners, and a small change in your kitten's health such as a minor loss of vision or kidney problems can go unnoticed. An annual visit to a veterinarian to examine your feline is the best way to rule out some problems before they can get worse.

Holding your kitten on your lap while traveling

Most kittens don't like to travel, much less stay closed in their travel boxes. However, a kitten on the loose in a moving vehicle can be a recipe for disaster. If your feline distracts you or another driver, the destination may not be what you want. It's best to keep your kitten in the travel crate, comfortable, and the seat belt in it so it doesn't move.

Forget about your kitty's oral hygiene

Our cats don't like their owners touching their precious teeth and it can be difficult to convince your kitty to open his mouth. Treats for dental health are not enough, and the tartar ends up accumulating and can cause pain and even loss of teeth. Brushing your feline's teeth daily, or even a few times a week, is the best way to maintain your kitty's oral health.

Forget about hair brushing

Our felines clean themselves with their tongues, which means that they end up picking up part of the fur they shed and which, in turn, will be swallowed. Our job is to help your kittens and reduce the amount of hair they end up ingesting, which makes hairballs less frequent. They don't like it and we don't like them to clean. Frequent hairballs can also be a sign of a gastrointestinal problem, so if this is a recurring problem even with frequent brushing, you should consult a veterinarian and explain the situation.

Give more food

Anything in excess is harmful, and when it comes to your feline, your food is no exception. Even if you have chosen the best food on the market, aimed at weight control, if you give it too large a dose it will be harmful. This can lead to your kitten becoming overweight and even getting diabetes. Other problems like arthritis and heart problems can increase with being overweight.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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How to teach the cat to sleep in the bed?

How to teach the cat to sleep in the bed? They are animals that are more active at night so you must be consistent, rigorous and above all patient with your kitten.

Where do cats sleep?

When it comes to sleeping, cats are professionals. They spend between 18 and 22 hours a day resting. Due to their natural curiosity, they like to investigate the house. And, as in nature they seek high and safe places to rest, it is likely that they will do the same in our home.

Unfortunately this means climbing on top of furniture and tables, making it inconvenient for the owner. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent this behavior by training the cat to sleep in its bed.

How to make the cat sleep in its bed?

This training is based on establishing positive reinforcement when you are in an ideal area for your rest . So he starts using that area and stops using the inconvenient ones.


Training begins by observing the cat. What areas do you select for home? Some cats prefer windows with a view, others high places, and others sofas and chairs.

If the cat's bed is placed near one of these locations, it has a greater chance of success. Another important factor is the material inside, which should be comfortable for the cat. In the winter and summer, it should be warm.

1. Reward the cat when using the bed

When the bed is put in place, the cat should be placed inside and given a treat. Reinforcement continues by giving treats when the cat approaches the bed and a favorite treat when it jumps and crawls onto the bed.

2. Place the bed near the cat's favorite spot

Through observation you will discover your cat's favorite places. Place the bed close to and according to the altitude at which the cat likes to sleep. Other factors to evaluate are the dark, sunbathing, comfortable temperature for the season and proximity to the family. Providing resting places similar to the cat's favorite will lead to the highest success rate.

3. The bed for cats should be comfortable and to the cat's taste.

The bed should be soft and fluffy. If the bed is uncomfortable, the cat will never use it. Its material may vary with the seasons, providing more or less heat. Some cats feel more comfortable with the presence of an owner's clothing item. Don't forget to keep the bedding clean and free of parasites, as the cat will reject dirty bedding.

4. Provide multiple resting places

Do not limit the cat to one location. Spread several beds around the house that mimic the cat's favorite places. He may prefer them depending on his mood or even the climate, looking for warmth in the colder months.

5. Make unwanted places unpleasant for the cat

Punishing the animal should always be avoided as it can generate phobias. So, to prevent the cat from going up and sleeping in places it doesn't want, you can follow other strategies. One of them is to close the door of the room and not give in to the incessant meowing. Another way is to make these surfaces unsightly by applying double-sided tape, motion-activated sprays and aluminum foil. Thus, the cat will more quickly accept its place of rest.

6. And when I find the cat sleeping in another place?

Occasionally the cat may fall asleep in other places, such as your bed. In these cases , gently pick up the cat and calmly place it in its bed . Pet and give a treat.

By following these tips and being consistent and strict in training, you will get the cat to use its bed. If the location and surface of the bed are attractive, the cat will start using it. On the other hand, if the cat does not use it, the owner can always look for another more attractive place.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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How to teach the cat to stop biting?

Aggressive behavior in cats is unpleasant and leads to a degradation of the relationship with the owner.

How to educate cats that bite? We will explain the various types of aggression that can lead to cat bites and how to reduce them.

Why do cats bite their owners?

Cat aggression can lead to a bad relationship with the owners. In severe cases, the cat attacks the face, the bite or scratches are deep and the owner cannot stop it from expressing these behaviors.

If your cat has attacked you, don't forget to wash the wound with soap and water and then disinfect it.

Aggressiveness problems have four origins, however the possibility that the cat is suffering from pathology with pain should always be ruled out. Identifying which of the four aggressions suffers is essential for the treatment plan:

  • fear aggression

  • Play aggression (predatory)

  • Aggression during caresses

  • redirected aggression

Aggressive cat signs

Knowing how to identify when the cat is aggressive can help you avoid being attacked. Thus, the cat is aggressive when it demonstrates:

  • Stare;

  • Dilated pupils;

  • Ears back;

  • Raised back hair;

  • Snort or growl.

How to deal with cats that bite?

Educating the biting cat can be a challenge. The first step is to define which of the attacks suffers to make a plan for its solution:

  • Fear aggression: avoid exposure to stimuli or train the cat to tolerate them.

  • Play aggression: encourage playing with toys and when attacked, end the game and move away from the cat.

  • Aggression during petting: be aware of the signs and stop before biting, train them to tolerate caresses better.

  • Redirected aggression: avoid exposure to stimuli.

Another important factor is the stimulating environment that allows the cat to release its energies and apply its hunter spirit during play. When he is small he should be socialized to learn to deal with humans and animals. A good education can avoid these problems and allow your cat to grow up healthy.

Fear aggression

The frightened cat will try to run away, but when cornered it will show a defensive posture and may attack. The signs of a scared cat are:

  • Shrunken;

  • Dilated pupils;

  • Goose bumps on the back;

  • Snort or growl.

Fearful cats may try to attack with the front paw before biting. In the case of traumatized cats, they may attack without warning.

Therefore, cats should not be exposed to situations that cause fear. What to do when the cat is scared? If you allow it to escape to a safe place (eg a room when you have guests, a closed bed) it will not attack.

On the other hand, they can be trained to deal with the situation that causes them fear. Thus, you can put the cat in a cage so that he can watch the situation and begin to tolerate it. You can also use feline pheromones to reduce anxiety.

Play aggression (predatory)

The cat uninhibitedly scratches and bites the owner while playing or ambushing and attacking the ankles. In this case, attention should be directed to the toys, play sessions and stop the session if the cat bites the person.

Why do cats bite their owners while playing?

When in the litter, kittens learn to control bite force and retract their claws during play. If they hurt the siblings or the mother, they will mew in complaint and retaliate. And so slowly the kitten learns to control its strength. If the kitten was taken too early from the litter, it won't learn how to play without hurting it. It is up to the owner to teach the kitten.

After being attacked you must not:

  • Screaming or shaking at the cat that scratches or bites because it creates more stress;

  • Pamper the cat to calm it down because it teaches the cat that attacking is good.

Thus, when cats bite or scratch a lot during play, games that lead to these behaviors should be avoided.

The cat's attention should be focused on the toys, being able to release its energy on them and not on the owner.

When the cat is getting very excited, reduce the intensity of the game or stop for a few moments and start again. In this way, it prevents the cat from getting carried away and losing control.

If the cat becomes aggressive, abruptly end the game at that point and leave his side. Over time, cats associate stopping playing with hurting their owner, and since they want to continue playing, they will avoid hurting.

Alternatively, you can adopt a cat as a playmate who will teach you to moderate biting and scratching.


Punishments never include hitting the cat. Punishments should be unpleasant situations for the cat, such as jets of water (water gun or spray bottle), horns or other unpleasant sound, or putting the cat alone in a room. However, they should be used with caution because they could have consequences: the jet of water could cause a phobia of water; the frustrated cat could become more aggressive, or start to fear the owner.

Aggression during caresses

The cat is on our lap enjoying the treats we give it when it suddenly bites and leaves the lap upset. 

It could be the way to end the interaction, to say “that's enough!”, or maybe cats have a limit after which petting becomes annoying.

You should be aware of the cat's body language that tells you that it's time to stop caressing:

  • Tail flickering;

  • Turning of the ears;

  • Restlessness;

  • Nibbling.

So, if you observe these signs, you should stop the session before being bitten . The better you know your cat, the better you can predict when to stop.

Another alternative is to give the cat treats during the petting session to train it to be more tolerant.

Redirected aggression

It occurs when the cat is unable to respond to a stimulus and therefore “offloads” on another individual, often the owner.

This can happen when the cat sees another cat outside that it cannot attack, or when it is frightened by visitors and ends up scratching the owner who tries to take it to a room.

In these cases, it is best to avoid exposing the cat to stimuli (eg, avoiding access to windows where cats are seen, locking them in the room before visitors arrive) because the aggression is severe.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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How to make a cat learn its name?

You've always heard that cats can't be trained. This is a myth. It is natural for the owner to want the cat to come when called. This is useful in a myriad of situations and could save the cat from danger . So, it is essential to teach the cat to live up to its name. Where to start?

When to teach the name to the cat?

You should start this training the day the cat comes home. Young cats, especially before 6 months and during the socialization period, will find it easier to learn. Adult cats will have a slower learning curve, but will succeed after more attempts. It is important that the owner remains patient and does not punish the kitten when it fails.

The importance of naming

The choice of name is something that makes the family enthusiastic and gives rise to great creativity. But it should impose some rules. The name must be short, consisting of one or two syllables, maximum three, which can be pronounced clearly.

It is important that it is distinguishable from other words, easy and quick to say. This allows the cat to more quickly assimilate the name. Strong-sounding names, such as those that include the “i” sound, are thought to be more easily recognized.

When pronouncing the name, you should always try to say it in the same way and with the same emotion. Avoid using name variations or changes that could confuse the cat. Cats from pedigreed families sometimes have long names. In that case, you can choose to always call the cat by a diminutive.

When to use the name of the cat?

You should use the name whenever you are doing something with positive value for the cat. When you give it food, talk to your cat and mention its name. Do the same when petting and playing with him. In short, use it repeatedly for pleasant experiences.

How to organize training sessions to teach the cat its name?

It will be advisable to organize training sessions to teach your cat the name. Plan 15 minutes of your day for this purpose. You should remain calm and relaxed, keeping the training spirit positive. Choose a high value treat such as wet food or liver.

Place yourself in front of the cat. Say the cat's name in a friendly tone and give it a treat. Repeat 10 to 15 times while standing still in front of the cat. When the cat starts to respond to its name, that is, to look at the owner when called by increasing the difficulty.

In this case take a step or two back and keep facing the cat. You must repeat the name and when the cat takes a step or two towards you, give it the treat. You will have to repeat the exercise several times and you can increase the distance and difficulty.

Some owners choose to include the order “come” in this training. You can include it when you make the cat walk towards you calling “' Name’, come”. By repeating these exercises, the cat learns to respond to its name.

When not to use the cat's name

It is important that the owner never use the cat's name associated with something negative. When repressing your cat or wanting to stop it, you should not use its name. It is preferable to use aversive sounds such as clapping hands or a mechanical sound. Using the name, the cat will start to associate you with something negative and will stop coming towards you when called.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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The cat bites when I sleep: causes and what to do

When we live with one or more kittens at home, sleeping well can be a real challenge. In fact, many people who care for cats find it difficult to rest because their cats are very active during the early morning hours and often scratch at doors or curtains, jump all over the house, play vigorously with their cats, toys or even bite. To their humans while they sleep.

Your cat bites you when you sleep and you wonder why? In this article we explain the most common causes of this behavior and what you can do to preserve the quality of your sleep without hindering your cat's physical and mental stimulation. Keep reading!

 Why does my cat snarl at me while I'm sleeping?

Although there is a general belief that cats are nocturnal animals, in reality they maintain predominantly crepuscular habits, that is, they tend to be more active and energetic at dawn and at dusk . However, it is also true that they are genetically related to other nocturnal cats, such as the tiger or the lion.

For these felines that live in the wild, as well as for wild cats (that is, those that have never had contact with humans and their habits), night and early morning represent the most propitious period to carry out their activities, especially hunting. , with greater security and precision. For this reason, their entire organism and their biological cycles are adapted to this circadian rhythm, which explains, among other things, the adaptation of their eyes to poor or no availability of light .

However, domestic cats (Paws) have gone through a long process of adapting to the habits and behavior patterns of humans, including their predatory nature, making them the most crepuscular felines on Earth. This is why you will see how your cat avoids consuming its energy during the hottest and sunniest moments of the day, and is more energetic and predisposed to play before sunrise and after sunset.

Bite as part of the game

It is important to keep in mind that most of the games and activities that we offer our kitties consist mainly of simulating the context of a hunt. For example, when we show them a fishing rod with a feathered bird at the end, we are awakening their natural hunting instinct which, despite domestication, is still very well established. We stay stimulating both of them sensory and cognitive abilities that your bone, muscle and joint structure, that is, both your body and your mind.

If your cat bites you when you sleep, it is very likely that, for him it is simply part of the game, like any other hunting simulation he would do during the day, where he ests his instincts as a good hunter to try to capture his foot, your hand, your leg or even your head. And if you start to stir to try to hide under a blanket or to avoid being attacked in your sleep, your kitty may interpret these signals as stimulation, like when you wave a fishing rod in front of him.

In this context, far from trying to hurt you or produce negative emotions, what your cat is looking for is simply to play, have fun and, why not, enjoy your company in these activities that they enjoy so much.

Absence of environmental enrichment

This behavior can occur more frequently when cats do not have an environment enriched with toys, sensory stimuli, and other accessories , such as scratching posts or platforms. Therefore, they tend to turn to other household items or their own humans when they want to play, jump and express themselves freely.

Health problems

But if your cat bites you while you're sleeping and you notice that it's very restless at night, you should rule out the possibility that this is a health problem. There are many diseases that can negatively affect the behavior of cats, both pathologies that cause them pain and neurological disorders , as well as endocrine problems that can lead to the appearance of symptoms of stress, hyperactivity and even behavioral problems, such as aggression. Therefore, if you observe any alteration in the character of your kitten or changes in its habits, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian.

As anticipated, it is quite natural for cats to have different circadian rhythms and activity patterns than people. Therefore, when making the decision to adopt a kitten, we must be aware that this means learning to live with a different species and an individual with their own needs, which implies that humans have the necessary knowledge and patience. to provide all the comforts. basic and adequate education.

It is not recommended to scold a cat for behaviors inherent to its nature and personality. and it can be counterproductive, leading to behavioral problems, such as destructiveness or aggression. However, part of our mission is to teach our kitties what behaviors are considered appropriate within the home.

How to prevent the cat from biting me when I sleep

In these cases, education at an early age is the best prevention. So if you don't want your cat to bite you when you sleep or at other times of the day, you should teach her from the moment she gets home that this is not appropriate behavior.

Avoid turning it into a game

If you let your kitty play with your legs, feet, or hands for prey while she's still a puppy, it's perfectly normal for her to continue to do so as an adult. If you do this when he's little, you'll induce the kitten to understand that it's perfectly acceptable play , so he'll continue to do it even into adulthood.

Educate him from a young age

We must not forget that cats, like all species, cling to a routine to feel more comfortable and safe, avoiding exposing themselves to unnecessary risks. Therefore, the best time to teach them to behave correctly at home is during childhood, since in the early stages of their physical and mental development, kittens have a more flexible character and are still assimilating the codes of their social behavior. So if you let them know that biting yourself or others is not appropriate during this phase, and offer them the right toys to work out their hunting instincts, chances are you won't have to deal with this habit in the future. If you want to know more, don't miss our article “How to educate a cat puppy”.

Enrich your environment

Another point to consider is the importance of environmental enrichment. If your kitty doesn't live in a space with toys and items that allow her to develop her sensory skills, express her hunting instincts, and have free play, she'll likely look for alternative ways to release pent-up tension and have fun , which may not always be pleasant. or sure.

So when you provide your cat with an enriched environment where she can exercise and be entertained throughout the day, even when you're not home, in addition to avoiding stress symptoms and destructive behaviors around the house, you'll also encourage your cat to do exercise regularly and arrive in the afternoon more stable and calm, and not with all the energy accumulated due to the impossibility of playing when he is left alone at home.

Remember that it is also essential to spend some time of your days playing with your cat. In this way, you will prevent him from acting strangely or exaggeratedly to get your attention, while boosting his intelligence and sharing quality time with your cat, which will help strengthen your bond of trust. Here are some mental game and activity ideas to keep your kitty entertained.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Why do cats not like water?

Cats don't like water. It's a current statement, but is it true? So why do cats not like water? To answer this question it is necessary to separate fact from fiction – as not all felines are afraid of water.

Why do cats not like water?

Many cats have an aversion to water, but the reason for this phobia is still hotly debated. The two main theories involve the evolution of cats away from water sources and the fact that water makes it difficult to maintain fur.

Evolution in the desert

The Association of Canadian Veterinarians hypothesizes that this aversion developed due to the evolution of the feline species in arid and desert climates.

Cats were not exposed to rivers, lakes, or rain in their early history. As a result, unlike other species, they did not adapt to the presence of water.

Unlike dogs who love to get wet, kittens don't like to get wet very much.

Keep the hair neat

Another reason given for cats not liking water is their obsession with keeping their fur clean. Cats are known for their meticulous personal hygiene.

Anyone who has ever walked in the rain without an umbrella will know that it is very difficult to control wet hair. Therefore, the water contradicts the cat's effort to keep the fur clean and tidy.

Fur that is wet is bulky, unpleasant, and takes a while to dry. Additionally, the cat finds it extremely challenging to groom itself when wearing damp hair.

Why do cats not like to get wet but like to play with water?

Cats may not like to get wet, but they love to play with water. They like to play with drops of water falling from faucets, water fountains, and even the shower when it is on.

Cats have fun and play with moving water. But as long as they don't get too wet. It is thought that the predilection for running water (such as a faucet) over standing water (such as a water bowl) is a matter of fascination.

Drops of water are like a magnet for cats, letting them explore with all their senses . It is also possible that this predilection is associated with the cat's wild past. The preference for fresh water currents makes the ingestion safer than standing water.

Why do cats not like to be bathed?

In addition to the aversion to water itself, there are still more factors that make bath time a nightmare for cats. Tap water is treated with chlorine. Soon, you can release a repulsive smell for the feline.

In addition to water and its treatment, there are still more unknown smells . The shampoo can also be very unpleasant for the cat. But this does not prevent the cat from being bathed when necessary.

The ideal is to be well prepared for the bath . The ideal is to have a mild shampoo suitable for cats, gloves, towels and a good treat for after bathing. Don't forget to invite a patient family member to help you with this task.

How to get the cat used to liking water?

If you want to get your cat used to liking water, introduce it gradually and associate it with positive stimuli. Because they are more moldable, and still don't have many negative experiences with water, young kittens are easier to train.

Regardless of the feline's age, introduce water gradually, patiently and without forcing. This process involves repeating it over several days . The atmosphere in these sessions should be relaxed.

You can start with wet cloths gently passed over the fur, followed by warm water to wet the paws and progressively wet the body more. The ideal is to have the water in a basin or fill the bathtub a little, so as not to scare the cat with the shower.

Monitor the cat's behavior during sessions. If the cat is tense, you should let him out of the water and repeat on another day. With the evolution you will notice that the cat will become more relaxed and will even be able to start playing with the water. One way to distract the cat during the process is to offer her her favorite treat.

Cats that love water and swimming

Although most cats don't like water, there are some felines that love to swim , like tigers. Although all cats are good swimmers when in water, there are cat breeds that love to swim. These water-loving cat breeds include:

  • Maine Coon;

  • Bengal;

  • Turkish Angora;

  • Abyssinian;

  • Turkish Van;

  • American short hair;

  • Bobtail americano.

Among these breeds, the Turkish Van stands out . This rare breed was called the “Swimming Cat”. The unique texture of their cashmere-like fur makes them waterproof, allowing them to enjoy swimming or water activities.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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Don't ever do these things to your cat

With a cat or two roaming around the house, even the most attentive owner can forget something. Even a small forgetfulness can have a big impact on your kitten's life and quality of life. Here are some things you should never do to your cat.

Forget flea treatment and deworming

Even if your cat is always at home and never goes outside, you should always deworm it and never go through flea treatment. Why? Although he doesn't come out, mosquitoes can carry parasites with them, and thus easily enter your home. Furthermore, we can carry these same parasites with us in our shoes or clothes. Infections can be fatal, so we should never take these treatments for granted.

Leaving your cat outside, especially unsupervised

Despite the adventurous spirit, we (owners) must always be attentive to our kitten. He may feel curious, confused, and even scared of the outside world. This type of behavior can lead him to run away and potentially come into contact with the many dangers outside.

leave windows open

Unsupervised open windows are a huge source of danger for your kitten due to its curiosity. Excitement from a bird or even a small fly can lead to a more passive kitten accidentally slipping before you can do anything to help. This can cause your cat to run away, become crippled or even, in the worst case scenario, be a fatal fall. Always check that your windows are tightly closed.

Delaying a visit to the veterinarian

Your dog may look healthy, eat well, not change its daily activity. However, our kittens are experts at hiding symptoms from their owners, and a small change in your kitten's health such as a minor loss of vision or kidney problems can go unnoticed. An annual visit to a veterinarian to examine your feline is the best way to rule out some problems before they can get worse.

Holding your kitten on your lap while traveling

Most kittens don't like to travel, much less stay closed in their travel boxes. However, a kitten on the loose in a moving vehicle can be a recipe for disaster. If your feline distracts you or another driver, the destination may not be what you want. It's best to keep your kitten in the travel crate, comfortable, and the seat belt in it so it doesn't move.

Forget about your kitty's oral hygiene

Our cats don't like their owners touching their precious teeth and it can be difficult to convince your kitty to open his mouth. Treats for dental health are not enough, and the tartar ends up accumulating and can cause pain and even loss of teeth. Brushing your feline's teeth daily, or even a few times a week, is the best way to maintain your kitty's oral health.

Forget about hair brushing

Our felines clean themselves with their tongues, which means that they end up picking up part of the fur they shed and which, in turn, will be swallowed. Our job is to help your kittens and reduce the amount of hair they end up ingesting, which makes hairballs less frequent. They don't like it and we don't like them to clean. Frequent hairballs can also be a sign of a gastrointestinal problem, so if this is a recurring problem even with frequent brushing, you should consult a veterinarian and explain the situation.

Give more food

Anything in excess is harmful, and when it comes to your feline, your food is no exception. Even if you have chosen the best food on the market, aimed at weight control, if you give it too large a dose it will be harmful. This can lead to your kitten becoming overweight and even getting diabetes. Other problems like arthritis and heart problems can increase with being overweight.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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