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How do you train a Labrador?

The Labrador Retriever noble and affectionate character and his intelligence make him the ideal member for many families. In addition to being good companions, these dogs are also known for their skills in many different areas as police dogs, search and rescue dogs, rescue, and even as guide dogs for the blind.

That being said, if you are thinking of adopting a dog of this breed or are already living with one, you should know that they need proper education and training so that they can live together in harmony. For this reason, we have prepared an article for you on how to train a Labrador Retriever, a puppy or an adult.

When to breed a Labrador puppy?

All dogs, from the moment they are born, are in a constant learning period. Just like human babies, puppies are in the process of learning and processing the stimuli around them.

In the first 3 months of life before weaning, the mother provides a type of initial education for her litter, such as what it can eat or that the human is harmless. Conversely, a mother who is afraid of humans will transmit the same fear to her cubs. For this reason, if she has had the opportunity to know her pup since she was born, she should not start teaching him basic obedience exercises yet. For the moment, you can interact with him calmly, as long as the mother feels comfortable. That way, your puppy will start to trust you.

From the age of 3 months The pup can be separated from its mother, since she usually starts to distance herself from her puppies and avoids nursing them, since her teeth grow and hurt. We must always respect this natural weaning period since a puppy separated before its mother's time usually shows socialization problems and his mood, which will be a learning problem and generally cause long-term behavioral problems.

Once back at home, when the puppy is around 3 months old, you can start working on its education. In this first phase you must establish the rules and habits that you want him to follow as an adult, although never using punishment, because he will associate you with a threat and lose trust in you. In other words, if you don't want your Labrador to get on the couch when he's older, he starts avoiding it now that he's a puppy. In this way, you will be consistent in your behavior and the dog will understand it.

At this stage it is also very important to encourage the puppy's curiosity and exploration through play, as well as introducing him to new objects and different environments. In this way the puppy will develop his physical and cognitive abilities.

Likewise, a correct and progressive socialization is vital for the education of our Labrador. Puppies are particularly receptive to environmental stimuli, so if they learn to normalize their interactions with other dogs, animals, and people during this time, they won't have a problem associating the interaction with positive emotion.

How to train a labrador puppy?

We must understand canine education as learning at various levels, in which the puppy must first acquire basic education commands and gradually increase the difficulty. If we want our dog to learn complex commands in a short time, we will only stress and frustrate him.

Learning must be done through positive reinforcement, that is, we must associate the behaviors that we want our Labrador to perform with positive emotions, giving them rewards, words of encouragement, caresses, etc. We can also reward you through the game.

Once you understand the above points, we will give you a little guidance on the basic education that you should give your puppy to avoid behavior problems in adulthood. 

Teach him to recognize your call

Normally a Labrador puppy will constantly follow us because we are its reference figure and we give it security. It is possible that he will go a few meters to look around and then come back, even if we have not called him. If we reward this behavior in an effusive way, the eturn, with a juicy prize for example, we will get the dog to learn to recognize our call and will be obedient even when he is an adult. Therefore, we must accustom him to associate this action with our call, always using the same word (his name or the command come, for example).

As our Labrador Retriever grows into a teenager, he will start to develop more independent behavior and may start to ignore us. It is common in these cases for the guardians to lose patience and scold their dogs. However, we must be patient and we must never punish or yell at our dog, even less when we want it to obey our call, this is counterproductive behavior because if he sees us angry he will want to leave. Therefore, we must continue to encourage our four-legged friend to partner with us in something rewarding.

Teach him to inhibit the bite

Puppies have a habit of biting for two reasons: first, it's their way of relieving pain from growing teeth; second, it is their way of exploring and interacting with the environment. Now, when our Labrador bites us while he is playing, it is important that we make it clear by saying an ouch or something similar and stop playing with him. In this way, he will interpret that when he bites hard he hurts us and he will learn to control his force. Therefore, we can use ropes and similar objects that he can chew on and positively associate with the game.

In the same way, when we see him biting objects like the sofa or our shoes, we will give him toys that he likes to chew and we will reward him when he plays with them. We will offer you more interesting alternatives and therefore discourage you from biting into something unwanted.

For more information on how to teach a puppy not to bite, read: How to teach a puppy not to bite.

Teach him hygiene habits

To educate a Labrador retriever puppy to relieve himself in the right place, we must first determine a place in the house that is his bathroom to put the newspaper on the floor and encourage him to relieve himself there. When he does well, we will reward him with compliments and rewards so that he knows that he has done well. It is important to note that this option should only be used when your puppy cannot be released by the vet (for example, when he has not yet been fully vaccinated or chipped). Once your puppy can walk, it's best to get him used to going outside on him.

So when we go for a walk and we see him defecate in the open air, we will reward him so that he understands that he has to do it in the open air. At first we will have to be understanding, because puppies are not able to control well and therefore may not be able to resist. As our Labrador gets older, he will learn to control himself.

Teach him to be alone

It is very important that your dog learns to be alone in a positive way because this will prevent him from developing separation anxiety. This should be a gradual process, because we cannot expect our Labrador to feel self-confident from one day to the next. To do this, we must leave our puppy alone in the room of the house where he feels most comfortable, along with a toy with which he can entertain himself (we recommend the use of the kong), for a few minutes, without going in if we hear him cry or call us. (otherwise he might learn to bark to get our attention).

We will carry out these sessions several times during the day and we will progressively increase the duration during which the animal will remain alone in the room. Little by little, our puppy will learn that, even if we leave, we always come back and he will find himself calm and distracted by the objects we leave him. Successively, we will be able to start these sessions leaving home for short periods of time.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 31 2023

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Separation Anxiety Syndrome in Dogs and Cats (Part 3)

Pharmacological therapy

Anxiolytic drugs can be used to reduce stress at the beginning of training and progressively withdrawn . Pharmacological therapy should only be used in conjunction with the training program and with a veterinarian's prescription .

Tricyclic antidepressants reduce anxiety and enhance the behavior modification program. Amitriptyline and clomipramine are used.

Benzodiazepines allow immediate control of extreme panic in some dogs. Alprazolam and clorazepate are used, administered 1 to 2 hours before the owner leaves the house.

These two classes can be used together to avoid relapses. Other drugs such as fluoxetine and phenothiazines may be used.

Additionally, Canine Tranquilizer Pheromone (DAP) can be used which appears to be as effective as the administration of clomipramine. DAP is released by the bitch's mammary glands to calm the puppies. Exposure of adult dogs to DAP released by sprays or electric diffusers has a relaxing effect.

“Treatments” to avoid

The following list of treatments should be avoided as they do not help to resolve the problem, and in some cases may even make it worse:

  • Punishments: increase anxiety and make the problem worse.

  • adopt another dog

  • Keeping the dog in the cage without doing behavioral therapy

  • Attempting to use a toy as a security without prior conditioning

Prevention of Separation Anxiety Disorder

Stress during separation is natural for all puppies . As they grow up, they learn to be separated from their owner for increasing periods of time. A “safety” toy can be introduced early in life and provided only when the dog is isolated. This toy conditioning, coupled with a routine of exercise, play and training is essential in preventing separation anxiety .

Separation Anxiety in Cats

As in dogs, in cats separation anxiety occurs when the animal is isolated from the owner. However, in most cats, separation anxiety only shows itself after long periods of isolation (eg days).

In cats, vocalization and inappropriate elimination often occur , especially in the owner's bed. Animals predisposed to this behavior are cats that are very attached to the owner and that ask for attention and vocalize when the owner is leaving the house.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 08 2023

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Separation Anxiety Syndrome in Dogs and Cats (Part 2)

Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs

The treatment is based on behavioral therapy with the aim of reducing anxiety and improving the dog's feeling of security when alone. This therapy must be accompanied by training and exercise sessions with well-defined schedules. Finally, drugs may be used to facilitate seizure control.

The therapy, in short, is based on 4 pillars:

  • Reduction of dependence on the owner: through the training of the “down and stay” command, which allows the dog to remain relaxed with the gradual distance from the owner.

  • Re-conditioning the owner's departure ritual:  prevents the animal from predicting that the owner will be absent and the associated anxiety. Through the use of a high value toy, the dog is trained to associate the exit rituals with something positive.

  • Isolation Desensitization: The dog is left in a room alone with a high-value toy. The owner's return takes place before the animal becomes restless, that is, while it is relaxed. The period and situation of isolation gradually extends.

  • Complementary therapy: a static schedule for feeding, training, walking and playing should be implemented. This will allow the dog to relax in between periods. The basic training itself allows the dog to feel more confident and secure. Finally, drugs may be used under the prescription of the veterinarian.

Reduce dependence on the owner

Usually dogs suffering from separation anxiety are nervous and are always close to the owner, following him around the house. Therefore it is necessary to teach the dog to be relaxed in the absence of the owner .

To reduce the dog's anxiety levels, it is not advisable to punish him or use training as a punishment . The aim is to increase the dog's comfort when separated from the owner. That's why training has to be something positive and that transmits security to the dog.

The training consists of teaching the dog the “down and stay” command . Initially, the owner must remain with the dog , repeating and increasing the duration in which the dog remains lying down.

Training should be reinforced with treats and treats . When the dog has lasted 1 to 2 minutes in this position, the owner can start to move away from the dog a little and come back . Gradual distancing can be interspersed with the owner doing housework while the dog is lying down.

The owner should return to the dog frequently and calmly provide positive reinforcement using treats or through treats and praise. If the dog shows anxiety, the owner should shorten the distance until the dog is comfortable.

This rule is important as we want the dog to associate isolation with relaxed and positive behavior. Moving further away from the dog when he is anxious or repressing him will further associate isolation with anxiety, making the situation worse.

Therefore this training should be patient and in a relaxed environment. When the dog tolerates short periods of separation, the owner should use the command at home during the day .

This workout may be easier after periods of exercise , such as after walks. Training aims to increase the dog's sense of security when separated from the owner .

Reconditioning of the owner's departure ritual

The dog predicts that the owner is going to leave the house due to his ritual (eg picking up the keys), becoming immediately anxious. Therefore, it is important that you stop associating these rituals with isolation and anxiety.

That is, we can disassociate these rituals from the moment the owner leaves and anxiety. Initially, a list of exit rituals that cause anxiety and their degree of importance should be made . Training should begin with the signal that causes the least anxiety.

A toy or chewing bone should be chosen that the dog likes a lot and will be entertained for more than 30 minutes. Initial training is simply giving it to the dog and after a few minutes remove it while the dog remains interested. Repeat until the dog accepts the removal of the toy.

Then the reconditioning training begins . To this end, the owner performs one of the exit rituals and immediately provides this toy . The toy is only offered under these circumstances.

This training is repeated during the day . The ritual is performed, the toy is offered and the owner remains at home, removing the toy after a few minutes. This sequence is repeated for all rituals gradually.

For example, the rituals in order from least serious to most serious are: putting on your coat, picking up your wallet, picking up your keys. The owner must start the training at least serious, that is, put on the coat.

In that case, you should wear the coat and immediately give the toy. This process is repeated several times throughout the day, even when the owner remains at home. When the dog stops showing anxiety in this ritual, it moves on to the next one, that is, the wallet.

The process is repeated for the wallet, and again for the keys, until the dog no longer shows anxiety in these rituals. This training reduces anticipation anxiety and builds a positive association with isolation due to the presence of the toy.

Desensitization to isolation

When the two exercises described above have been successfully performed, short periods of isolation can be introduced . For this exercise, a high value toy is used for the dog and that keeps it entertained for long periods. The toy should only be used exclusively for this training .

Initially the owner puts the dog in a room with the toy and leaves him alone for a few minutes. Before the dog loses interest in the toy and becomes anxious due to isolation, the owner should go back and calmly reward the dog . The toy is removed and the dog is allowed to leave the room.

The sequence is presented several times a day and gradually extending the time . The toy thus becomes a security for the dog, associating it with short periods of isolation without anxiety.

Using a variable time sequence, the isolation period is extended (eg 10-3-15). Finally, 30 to 45 minutes are reached, where it may be necessary to provide 2 toys to withstand this duration.

When 45 minutes is tolerated, the owner can add exit rituals and eventually leave the house for short periods of time . When these new stimuli present themselves, the period should be shortened and gradually lengthened .

This training can take more or less time depending on the dog's tolerance for isolation. The important thing is to keep the dog without anxiety, as this would make the problem worse.

dog handling

Dogs with punctual training, exercise and play routines with the owner are more relaxed and tolerate isolation better . Obedience training is recommended as it improves the dog's confidence.

When the dog is destructive it can get hurt. Therefore, it is advisable to leave it in a cage, kennel or in a room in the house . Usually the cage does not work as the dog already associates it with something negative and continues with destructive behaviors. A toy different from the one used in previous training must be provided.

If the dog has severe separation anxiety it is not possible to keep him at home. In this case, it is best to put him in a day kennel or hire a pet-sitter .

Author: admin

Date: Aug 08 2023

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Separation Anxiety Syndrome in Dogs and Cats (Part 1)

Separation anxiety disorder is a behavioral problem that affects dogs and cats. It boils down to the fear of being alone. In the absence of the owner, or less frequently, of other animals, the animal presents stress and anxiety. This is expressed as agitation, vocalizations, disruptive behavior, hyperactivity and inappropriate elimination.

Diagnosing Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Animal behavior is a complex science. Therefore, the presentation of agitation or other symptoms may be related to separation anxiety or other pathologies.

For this it is important to make a correct diagnosis of separation anxiety. In this behavioral pathology, it is common for the dog to present the following behaviors:

  • Destructive behavior of objects used by the owner when isolated and mainly in entrance and exit areas of the house.

  • Inadequate disposal in entrance and exit areas of the house when isolated.

  • Vocalization and anxiety when the owner prepares to leave the house and during isolation.

  • The animal does not tolerate being closed in the cage, destroying its contents and trying to escape.

The most obvious sign is the demonstration of anxiety only when the owner is not present. Especially in the first 30 to 60 minutes of isolation .

Through conditioning, the animal begins to associate the ritual of leaving the owner with isolation . Thus, when the owner takes the keys and wallet, the animal begins to show signs of stress . On this occasion, the dog may  block access to the door, walk non-stop, shake, salivate and whine .

In the absence of the owner, dogs become destructive , usually gnawing objects with the owner's scent and scratching doors and windows . Inadequate elimination in this case only occurs in the absence of the owner, and the dog is well trained in other situations.

Separation Anxiety Risk Factors

  • Dogs adopted from the kennel have a higher incidence, perhaps due to the abandonment experience or the kennel environment;

  • males;

  • Multiple house moves or change in environment or routine;

  • Noise phobias (eg fireworks);

  • Hyperexcitable anxious animals that follow the owner around the house and cannot tolerate being in the cage.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 08 2023

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4 Basic Commands for Dogs You Should Train

Basic training improves the relationship between owner and dog and prevents many behavioral problems. For example, “sit and stay” can be used to redirect the dog's attention or to control him in a difficult situation. If you don't know where to start.

We are now going to teach you the 4 most useful basic commands that you should teach your dog:

1. Teach a dog to sit

  • Movement of the dog with treat over the head makes the dog sit;

  • You say “sit down” and reinforce (give the treat) whenever you do;

  • You train without the treat in your hand but you continue to reinforce if you do well.

The “sit” command is usually the first to be trained. So how to teach dog to sit ? To train the dog to sit , at the beginning of the training can be helped by the use of a lure. The movement of the hand holding the treat induces the dog to sit. Later it can be replaced by a signal.


To teach sitting, place yourself in front of the dog. Hold the treat in your left hand and let the dog sniff it. Move your hand over the dog's head and say sit. The dog following the lure will look up and put more weight on the back of the body, which will  make the dog sit  naturally. The treat is provided immediately and the owner should continue to praise the treat as he eats it.

When sitting, the dog must be released from the position . “ok” is usually used in a neutral and calm tone. Release from the position with an enthusiastic tone may reinforce the lift rather than the desired behavior.

The moment the dog starts to sit spontaneously, remove the bait and just signal with your hand and vocally . The treat is provided if the dog sits. If you continue to use the lure the dog may start to wait to see the treat before demonstrating the right behavior.

2. Teach the dog to lie down

  • It starts with the dog sitting down and follows the treat in the hand until it goes to bed;

  • Reinforcement whenever it's good;

  • Replace the treat in your hand with a gesture that symbolizes lying down.

When the command “sit” is fulfilled, the dog can be taught to lie down. To teach the dog to lie down , training begins with the dog sitting next to the owner. The owner can be standing or kneeling, with one hand on the dog's back and the other holding a treat.

The dog is allowed to sniff the treat and the hand is moved downwards and forwards until it is in front of the front paws and said “down”. Following the movement will make the dog lie down . Training is reinforced with treats, praise and pats on the back.

If the dog demonstrates behavior other than lying down, it should not be rewarded. As the prone position is submissive, some dogs are resistant to learning this command. In that case, the training should be done in steps . For example, first stretch your paws and lower your head.

The bait must be removed at the beginning of the training to avoid associating the behavior with the treat in the hand. The hand movement should gradually fade out or be replaced by a short downward movement as a signal to lie down.

3. Teach a dog to stay

  • It starts with the dog sitting or lying down;

  • The dog is trained to tolerate periods of time when it is immobile;

  • Time and distance from the owner are increased;

  • Correct behavior is reinforced.

The “stay” command reinforces calm and relaxed behaviors. So how to teach dog to stay ? Between sitting or lying down, you should choose the position that the dog accepts best. Initially, the duration in which it remains immobile is trained. When tolerating 1 to 2 minutes immobile, a greater distance between the dog and the owner can be trained.

Duration is trained by starting with short predetermined periods that are rewarded with treats, treats and praise. The owner's tone of voice should be calm, allowing the dog to relax. It starts with a very short period (1 to 2 seconds) and gradually extends when the dog has mastered the previous period.

Movements should be ignored , asking the dog to sit or lie down again. The owner remains close and securely on the leash. The dog is released from the command with the “ok” and all rewards must cease.

When the dog remains in position for 1 to 2 minutes, the distance can be introduced . It starts with taking a step back and immediately returning to reinforce the behavior. This one repeats itself, changing direction and increasing the distance.

If the dog follows the owner, it is because the distance training is premature and the duration of the “stay” must be retrained . When the dog is well trained, the owner can experiment with moving out of the room or out of the dog's field of vision.

Duration and distance are combined slowly increasing both. When the dog masters these factors, training is based on generalizing this behavior in other contexts and places.

4. Teach Dog to Come When Called

  • Calling by name and when you look, reward is given;

  • When it responds to the name, training the “come” in situations where the dog normally goes to the owner (eg when putting food in the bowl);

  • Practice the “come” command in different situations.

It is a command that, in addition to being basic, can save the dog's life . Knowing that the dog comes when called allows you to have more confidence and even let him run off the leash.

However, some dogs start to associate their name with something negative. This happens because the owner calls him to put the leash on and go home, administer medication or scold him when he does something wrong. In these cases the dog stops responding to the command.

Training the “come” command must be associated with a positive stimulus of great value , such as a treat or favorite toy. You want the dog to look and come close enough to be touched by the owner. Training is solidified by changing distance and context.

So how to teach the dog to come to the owner?

When calling the name , the dog is expected to look at the owner in anticipation of hearing another command. This training should be done in a quiet place in the house, with the owner close to the dog. The name is said calmly and, if the dog looks, the collar is touched and a reward is offered.

This sequence is repeated 10 to 20 times with the dog close by. You can then change the distance and repeat. Touching the collar allows you to ensure that the dog is close and that you start to associate it with something positive. It is generalized by training in other places.

When it responds to the name, it can be taught to come.

It should start in a place with no distractions and where the dog is highly motivated . For example, when the meal is served or when the owner returns home.

In outdoor situations and to prevent the dog from coming, it must be kept on a long leash. If it doesn't respond, the owner can use the leash to guide it to you. Off-leash training is only recommended in safe areas, such as in an enclosed garden.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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The importance of veterinary check-ups: everything you need to know!

It is extremely important to carry out a regular veterinary check-up for pets. After all, the best way to start the treatment of various diseases that affect animals is from an early diagnosis. Therefore, a tutor who wants to have a pet needs to be very aware of this need.

With the desire to show the relevance of veterinary check-ups for the health of pets, We produced this article clarifying everything regarding this obligation for pet owners. In that sense, be sure to check out the following article!

Veterinary check-up: price. How much does a consultation cost?

It is common to find some tutors wondering how much a veterinary check-up costs. However, there is no way to know the exact price of a consultation with a veterinarian, as the value depends on a number of factors. Even so, it should be noted that in some European cities, animals can be treated for free, and it is recommended that you seek this type of assistance in your region.

Why is a veterinary checkup so important?

The truth is that pets need to be treated like newborn babies for life, right? Therefore, taking them to the veterinarian is something that needs to be part of the routine of any dog ​​and cat tutor. This attitude turns out to be fundamental to preventing several possible problems that affect the health of these pets.

The veterinary check-up is also used for the dog to take the immunizations that may be pending.

Despite the obligation of immunization at the beginning of life with the v8/v10 (multiple) and anti-rabies vaccines, there is a need to apply booster doses annually. Therefore, the veterinary doctor will analyze your pet's clinical picture to ask for vaccines that may be overdue. In addition, the professional may require immunization with non-mandatory vaccines, such as the vaccine against canine and feline flu, against Leishmaniasis and also the vaccine against Giardia

How often do I need to have a veterinary checkup on my pet?

You have to separate a period of the year to take your little animal to the vet. Dogs and cats are susceptible to several changes constantly, and tutors are advised to have a veterinary check-up between 6 and 12 months. This time is ideal for identifying possible health issues in pets.

What exams does the veterinarian ask to perform the check-up?

Within a context to assess your pet's clinical condition, the veterinarian cannot identify probable problems just with the consultation. In this way, some tests are requested in order to identify what is happening to the health of the pet, such as:

  • Complete blood count, kidney and liver function tests;

  • Electrocardiogram, urine test and blood glucose test.

Dog and cat health: veterinarian can help you understand what happens to your pet

When you don't know what's going on with the cat or dog, a veterinarian can help you understand what's going on. That way, when observing any unusual behavior or symptoms of your four-legged friend, going to the vet becomes a more than mandatory attitude. Remember, discovering your pet's problem as early as possible will ensure the most effective start of treating the problem.

During the service, it is good for the tutor to accompany the pet to calm him down

Although each veterinary clinic has a pattern, some places may end up asking the owner to accompany the pet to the consultation, with the aim of keeping the pet calm. Generally, the animals that suffer the most from this are those that have not had this clinical check-up care routine since they were puppies.

Having a trusted veterinarian is essential for both the owner and the pet.

Just as responsible parents always take their children to well-known doctors, the same needs to be done with pets. After all, they are part of the family too, right? Therefore, when we talk about the health of dogs and cats, a veterinarian needs to be trusted by the tutor and the pet itself.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Animal-assisted therapy: know what it is and its benefits

Pet therapy, also known by the name of animal-assisted therapy, is an activity that, through interaction with animals, contributes to generating several benefits for human beings who face emotional problems that are related to depression, cancer and other diseases. Chronicles

Therefore, with the desire to better explain this subject, which is not known by most tutors, We researched a lot about this therapy with animals to produce this content. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to read the following article!

What is Animal Assisted Therapy?

Pet therapy is nothing more than an alternative method of treatment to ease serious emotional issues. It is a procedure that is recognized for its beneficial effect on mental and physical well-being. In this sense, the fundamental pillar for this work is the animals, which are properly trained to offer full support during these situations of mental complications, which helps a lot to optimize the life experience of these people.

What are the benefits of pet therapy?

Having frequent contact with a small animal trained for this activity promotes several benefits for the well-being of a person suffering from anxiety and depression. By the way, these pets can also help to overcome the period of mourning, as well as to face difficult moments in life when the patient has cancer and immunodeficiency problems. Therefore, we list some of the main benefits of animal-assisted therapy:

  • Reduces anxiety;

  • Raises the patient's self-esteem;

  • Decreased the feeling of loneliness;

  • Stimulates the acquisition of knowledge;

  • Increases communication skills;

  • Helps in creating new emotional bonds;

  • Increases concentration on important tasks;

  • Aid in improving attention deficit and hyperactivity;

  • Among other diverse mental health benefits of the individual.

Pet therapy for the elderly: see how to help people in the elderly

During old age, it is common to have to deal with some health problems. Fortunately, domestic animals are capable of promoting several benefits for the health of the elderly, but it is difficult for a man or woman, with advanced age, to have to deal with the various care that pets need.

Therefore, pet therapy works very well to keep brief contact with these older people without the need for care. In addition, it is worth noting that more than 15 minutes of contact with animals is enough to release serotonin and endorphins (hormones of happiness) in the elderly so that they feel better.

Is it true that there is pet therapy in hospitals?

Several projects promote animal-assisted therapies due to their various health benefits. The most interesting thing is that such processes are quite common in hospitals around the world, including Pak. Around here, there is information that at least 7 states promote therapy with animals and with the entire procedure performed by the SUS (Unified Health System).

What are the dog breeds that best fulfill the work of pet therapy?

Even though all animals are able to offer a good mental condition to their tutors, some breeds end up standing out in the work of canine therapy. Among the main dogs are: the Golden Retriever , Labrador , Corgi, German Shepherd , Border Collie and, even if many people have a wrong image of this little dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier , in addition to other breeds.

Can cats also help with animal-assisted therapy?

Unfortunately, many people still believe that felines are independent and unloving beings. However, this does not match reality, as there are several breeds of cats that love to lie on their beloved owner's lap. Therefore, among the cats that stand out the most in relation to pet therapy, it is possible to mention the Persian cat , the Maine Coon and the lovely Ragdoll.

But after all, does pet therapy have scientific proof?

There are several published academic studies proving the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy programs, with field results being done in hospitals and medical centers. This method helps people of all ages, but it can be very beneficial in helping patients who need to deal with the hospital routine.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Puppy Training - 6 Advantages

There are people who do not take training a dog seriously, but just as it is very important to think about vaccines, healthy food, and toys to keep them always active, it is also very important for family and social life to be concerned about education. from him. And the act of making dogs better educated, more disciplined and obedient from an early age is called puppy training. Take note and keep reading!

If you have just added a pet to your home, take puppy training into account, in addition to giving your dog instructions on how to behave at all times, you will also indicate when it is time to play, to wait, and to obey. Your dog needs to understand that the pack leader is you, not him.

It's like you're educating a child about social behavior and your authority over them. Children always test the limits of adults to know how far they can go, and the same happens with a puppy because it is at this moment that you need to teach him what can and cannot be done, thus showing that your authority must be obeyed. Oh, don't confuse authority with authoritarianism, it's quite different! In authority, you teach those who are growing up what they should or shouldn't do in certain situations or circumstances.

 Some basic commands can be performed by the owner himself, such as:

  • sit down

In this action you teach your dog the relationship between control and obedience, you give the command and he obeys;

  • Lies down

The principle of hierarchy in the pack is established with the dog and, as the owner, you can control his actions;

  • Here

You teach how your pet will approach you and sit;

  • together

It is the command given to the dog so that he walks on your left side, this action is very common and useful when you want to take him for a walk;

  • He is:

At this time, you will teach your puppy to stay where he was left and in the position he was ordered, such as sitting or lying down.

However, special commands are only performed by those who have a deep understanding of training techniques. It is true that training is not a cheap option, but if you think about the cost x benefit you will understand that it is worth it and that, above all, training your puppy will become an intelligent option for you, much less expensive and less embarrassing. Why? You will realize that educating your dog will save you the wear and tear of being led by him.

Now, although our intention here is to talk about training puppies, there are also actions for adult dogs, especially for those that put you in a “big snooker pool” which are the ones that jump on people, mess with the garden , flee with the gate open and who do not relieve themselves in the right places. For all these actions and also to work on their physical and mental issues, there is training for adult dogs.

There is no right age, there is the ideal age. Ideally, training should start when they are still puppies, however, it is worth remembering that some dogs did not have this opportunity when they were small and we cannot close our eyes to this circumstance. If this is your case, look for a specialist to work with adults.

In the little ones, the best age for the training of puppies is more or less two months old, a period in which they still have no idea what is right or wrong and are testing you, exactly, as we speak, like a child. Thus, scolding at the right time and praising are fundamental attitudes to start telling your dog what is right or wrong and also, automatically, to train them.

How does puppy training work?

 Training a puppy starts with simple and basic attitudes. Let's go in stages! If you've just integrated the dog into the family, you already know that he needs to have his own space to sleep and eat, right?! So, this space needs to be treated with attention and a lot of affection, because it is where he will turn every time he wants to be welcomed and to feed himself.

In addition, puppies feel very sleepy and every now and then they will want to take a “nap” and this is the time when you should put them to bed so that they understand that there is a place to do this. Okay, you've already started training your puppy at home. So let's think logically! If he goes to this place to look for shelter, protection and food, why not start training there?

We put the main commands for training puppies at the beginning of the text, however, we want to draw your attention to other important actions and that, in addition to those already mentioned, there are also others that you can do for them.

A part you know we put above that are; sit, lie down, here, together and stay. Now, let's see what you can also do in addition to this command:

  • Prevent the dog from jumping on top of others and you . This is a very annoying and sometimes embarrassing situation to see our dog jumping on people. Understand, by not jumping on you, he won't jump on other people either;

  • Learning to use the collar before it becomes virtually impossible. Every time you put the collar on your puppy and he walks with you, at your side, you can give him a reward, if he doesn't obey, stop walking and wait for him to look at you and wait for your command;

  • The action x reward relationship. Puppies need to understand that for all your action and his there is a reward for what is right to be done;

What are the benefits of training puppies?

 Well, as we've already seen, there are many advantages to training puppies, especially if you don't want your dog to be the pack leader in your home. Remember the leader of the pack is you, nobody but you, right?!

In addition, other important advantages are perceived when we train puppies, check it out:

  • Because he is a puppy and is in the learning phase, he will certainly absorb everything that is passed on to him;

  • As puppies feel more hungry than adults, especially since they are in the bone and organic formation phase, this is a great opportunity for you to teach them through action x reward commands;

  • And since they are in the bone formation phase, it is also great for sitting and lying down, as they still have difficulty standing up;

  • Teach your puppy to take food from your hand, naturally, when he's hungry, he'll give you his paw. Is not cool?!;

  • As you are teaching your puppy, you won't be afraid of him trying to impose himself, unlike if the dog is an adult, when you need to be very careful when he is contradicted and can advance on you because he has not been trained;

  • Another interesting thing is that since he is a new member of the family, everyone is excited to help train him, which naturally, with time, passes. This is a very important point for you to observe because taking into account your willingness to train is very important. It's like a child, a child! A son who must be educated and disciplined for the good of all.

So, take it seriously when it comes to training your puppies because the ones who will benefit the most from this training activity are your dogs and your entire family. Ah, without forgetting that when you're with him walking down the street, his behavior towards you and others will be exemplary.

Always remember, training is directly linked to the lifestyle you want to lead with your adult dog. For every training action, there is also a reward of a more peaceful life.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Smart Training - How does it work?

Puppies or adults, dogs can be extremely messy and drive their owners crazy for lack of obedience. However, the pet world discovers new techniques for teaching commands and behavior to animals every day, and intelligent training is becoming more and more popular among swashbuckling dog owners.

Having positive reinforcements as a base, intelligent training works on top of the correct actions performed by the pets, avoiding any type of violence when the dog has a reproachable attitude. Beneficial for the dogs' learning, this type of training also positively influences their owners, who learn to deal with pets in a calmer and clearer way, generating increasingly positive results.

Puppies that are 50 days old or older can already start learning with intelligent training and, as there is no age limit, it is possible that even elderly dogs understand commands through this technique – totally focused on rewards for good behavior.

Find out, below, some of the main characteristics of this type of training for dogs, and understand why the use of violence in training can cause trauma and even greater difficulty in teaching animals.

How smart training works

As described earlier, positive reinforcements are the main basis of intelligent training, which values ​​the correct attitudes of dogs to influence their learning. Anyone who has a four-legged friend at home already knows that most of the teaching techniques for animals involve rewards, and it is precisely through them that this type of training works in dogs, who start to associate the learning experience with good feelings. And hot for affection and approval.

In addition to helping the animal assimilate the commands, it receives more quickly, this training also gives pleasure to the animal, which understands the benefits it can receive by obeying the owner's orders and behaving properly. As in other types of dog training, the clicker and treats are fundamental tools in intelligent dog training, since, in this process, the teacher must be able to show the animal the exact action that earned him a reward.


Other equipment such as whistles and horns can also perform the clicker function in this work, however, it is important to remember that the sound of the tool used must not be loud (so as not to damage the dogs' hearing, which is extremely sensitive) nor too long, since training is called “smart” precisely because the dog can perceive the correct behavior for which it is being rewarded – through the noise it hears while performing the action.

Due to the lack of experience in training animals, the most recommended thing is for owners to be able to count on the professional help of a trainer during the beginning of the process – who must be accompanied by the owner whenever possible – being able to understand the techniques and continue to apply them. In practice. This accompaniment of the owner in training helps both in the evolution of learning and in the formation of an even greater emotional bond between dog and owner, which greatly facilitates the process.

Basically, intelligent training defines that the owner (or the trainer) activates the clicker during the exact moment that the animal is executing the command that was requested - indicating which is the adequate behavior for him - and, after that, offers some kind of reward he likes, such as a treat or lots of cuddles.

Constant barking, peeing out of place, entry into prohibited rooms, bites and scratches from strangers, and pulling on the leash when walking are some of the problems that can be solved and alleviated through intelligent training; a process that, when carried out correctly, allows you to efficiently teach the most basic commands to dogs in about six months - and this period can vary greatly according to the number and frequency of classes, in addition to the dog's personality.

No violence!

Entirely based on rewards, intelligent training avoids any type of violence and reprimand, preventing animals from developing aggressive behavior due to the way they are treated by their owners. Furthermore, this type of training ensures that the animal does not associate its learning with a bad and unpleasant scenario; since this can contribute a lot to the animal's unwillingness to learn or even go through any teaching process - considering that violence, when used, will be the main factor in the dog's mind at these times.


Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Training Army Dogs - What makes them so amazing

Dog training is a hot topic for all veterinarians and dog breeders, as it can be the line that separates a controlled dog from an out-of-control dog that can become a threat. But not all dogs are the same and not all training objectives are the same, some cases are very specific. A good example is the training of dogs for military work, which is not widespread but very important.

Over time, dog training has gained new forms and techniques that are as effective as they are safe to do. Nowadays it is possible to direct the training according to the needs, functions and, mainly, the personality of the dog. In the case of training for the military area, the dog must be very well evaluated and the owner must know what this training is all about.

Dog training and its various functions

When talking about training a dog, the first thing that comes to mind is the well-worn method of teaching to sit, lie down and roll over, based on compensation. But currently, this is not all that dog training is about, it strongly depends on the role the dog will be destined for.

Companion dogs usually receive training to control their hyperactivity or aggression, and tricks are also taught that make the owner have control of the dog, without needing very professional instruction. Guard dogs, on the other hand, are trained to know how to guard their territory and recognize their leader, some are even taught to obey attack commands if necessary.

Regarding attack commands, the training of dogs for hunting is one of the oldest known in the history of the world. The dog began to be domesticated through hunting training. Nowadays, many hunting techniques are used as resources for the police area, both in the pursuit of bandits and in the search for people.

There are also dogs that need to have an extremely passive and patient posture, as they are destined to deal with special people, such as guide dogs or who keep company with people with illnesses in hospitals. These dogs need to be especially socialized, both with humans and other dogs and never show dangerous traits such as fear or even aggression.

Each dog is different, so before taking him to training, it's important that the owner knows his needs. A frightened dog is treated differently than an aggressive or hyperactive dog. Observation is important for the good direction of dog training.

Training for the military

The practice of military dog ​​training is not widespread, but it is one of the aspects of training. It is also subdivided into several, such as civil police dogs and war dogs. For the training of these dogs, trainers with a higher level in veterinary medicine and who are part of the military service are required, so not just any soldier can apply to be a military dog ​​handler.

The basic principle of treating a military service dog is to be treated like another soldier, so he will receive all the necessary medical assistance and psychological and physical examinations are made to define whether the dog can be inserted in the corporation or not. Therefore, not just anyone can subject their dog to military training, as he has to have a more defined personality to be safe within this type of activity.

Normally, the dog is under the responsibility of the official handler, and he will direct him to what will be his skill (bomb tracking, drugs, people, etc.). Soon after, when the dog is already well-directed and trained, the professional will introduce him to his human partner for the function. It is important to emphasize that only soldiers willing to deal with and learn dog training techniques are submitted to this type of function.

When the partnership is formed, humans and dogs need to create a bond of friendship and trust. The dog needs to trust the one he will follow, while the human trusts his life in the dog's abilities. Usually, it is not a partnership for life, many things can happen to undo these pairs, but the dog and the human are always very well guided about any change. It is an extremely monitored and careful job, as it can put the lives of either of the two or third parties at risk, especially in extreme situations, such as wars.

After a long service life, military dogs are retired around 8 or 10 years old (or in special cases due to disability) and live in the kennel, serving as support for training new dogs or cadets until the end of their lives. These dogs are usually not put up for adoption as they need special treatment. What can happen is adoption by former soldiers or people used to dealing with this type of dog, as they are considered as official as humans.

How are dog skills defined for military service?

The first thing that will be observed to define which role the dog will play within the military service is, obviously, the need for that role. Police dogs that investigate cases of drug trafficking will be trained to find drugs and that's all. Generally, a dog that has a specific function like tracking the smell of gunpowder, and consequently weapons, is not useful in tracking drugs or people.

Then an assessment is made to find out if the dog is psychologically capable of facing the training in the required role, if it proves to be good for the role, and after reaching the correct age, training begins.

Dog training starts early, right after the dog is one year old. The daily training time will depend on each corporation and the function of the dog, some take more than 5 hours (with breaks), and others just an hour, which is the time needed for any dog ​​to exercise every day. He is placed with other dogs for perfect socialization after training, living in the kennel with the youngest and oldest dogs.

This training is done together with humans, so the dog knows how to obey different commands and also when not to obey. All exercises are always very well supervised by a veterinarian, as the physical and mental integrity of the dog must always be preserved.

Compensation techniques are used for scent recognition, but dogs are mostly treated with great affection. It is important that the dog has fun while doing the exercises and enjoys doing and looking for what is being taught, for a perfect execution. The handler uses his voice and posture towards the dog to convey firmness and leadership, while showing the dog that he can trust and follow him.

Some breeds are more prone to military training

When talking about a police or war dog, one immediately thinks of the German Shepherd or the Rottweiler. Indeed, these breeds are at the top of the list of special ones for military work. Small dogs are too fragile to be subjected to certain situations, so they are usually discarded.

As is known, the German Shepherd is the main breed, and even earned the nickname of a police dog. He is a favorite because he has very keen instincts and is an extremely intelligent and loyal dog. The Rottweiler also has these characteristics, but its personality is stronger than that of the German Shepherd, so it is generally used to deal with dangerous people.

But there are also breeds like the Labrador, which have a very keen sense of smell and are especially sociable dogs, being especially used in training to look for drugs or weapons. Pointing dogs, whose basic characteristic is hunting, are great dogs for searching for missing people or people in the rubble, as this is their natural instinct.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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How do you train a Labrador?

The Labrador Retriever noble and affectionate character and his intelligence make him the ideal member for many families. In addition to being good companions, these dogs are also known for their skills in many different areas as police dogs, search and rescue dogs, rescue, and even as guide dogs for the blind.

That being said, if you are thinking of adopting a dog of this breed or are already living with one, you should know that they need proper education and training so that they can live together in harmony. For this reason, we have prepared an article for you on how to train a Labrador Retriever, a puppy or an adult.

When to breed a Labrador puppy?

All dogs, from the moment they are born, are in a constant learning period. Just like human babies, puppies are in the process of learning and processing the stimuli around them.

In the first 3 months of life before weaning, the mother provides a type of initial education for her litter, such as what it can eat or that the human is harmless. Conversely, a mother who is afraid of humans will transmit the same fear to her cubs. For this reason, if she has had the opportunity to know her pup since she was born, she should not start teaching him basic obedience exercises yet. For the moment, you can interact with him calmly, as long as the mother feels comfortable. That way, your puppy will start to trust you.

From the age of 3 months The pup can be separated from its mother, since she usually starts to distance herself from her puppies and avoids nursing them, since her teeth grow and hurt. We must always respect this natural weaning period since a puppy separated before its mother's time usually shows socialization problems and his mood, which will be a learning problem and generally cause long-term behavioral problems.

Once back at home, when the puppy is around 3 months old, you can start working on its education. In this first phase you must establish the rules and habits that you want him to follow as an adult, although never using punishment, because he will associate you with a threat and lose trust in you. In other words, if you don't want your Labrador to get on the couch when he's older, he starts avoiding it now that he's a puppy. In this way, you will be consistent in your behavior and the dog will understand it.

At this stage it is also very important to encourage the puppy's curiosity and exploration through play, as well as introducing him to new objects and different environments. In this way the puppy will develop his physical and cognitive abilities.

Likewise, a correct and progressive socialization is vital for the education of our Labrador. Puppies are particularly receptive to environmental stimuli, so if they learn to normalize their interactions with other dogs, animals, and people during this time, they won't have a problem associating the interaction with positive emotion.

How to train a labrador puppy?

We must understand canine education as learning at various levels, in which the puppy must first acquire basic education commands and gradually increase the difficulty. If we want our dog to learn complex commands in a short time, we will only stress and frustrate him.

Learning must be done through positive reinforcement, that is, we must associate the behaviors that we want our Labrador to perform with positive emotions, giving them rewards, words of encouragement, caresses, etc. We can also reward you through the game.

Once you understand the above points, we will give you a little guidance on the basic education that you should give your puppy to avoid behavior problems in adulthood. 

Teach him to recognize your call

Normally a Labrador puppy will constantly follow us because we are its reference figure and we give it security. It is possible that he will go a few meters to look around and then come back, even if we have not called him. If we reward this behavior in an effusive way, the eturn, with a juicy prize for example, we will get the dog to learn to recognize our call and will be obedient even when he is an adult. Therefore, we must accustom him to associate this action with our call, always using the same word (his name or the command come, for example).

As our Labrador Retriever grows into a teenager, he will start to develop more independent behavior and may start to ignore us. It is common in these cases for the guardians to lose patience and scold their dogs. However, we must be patient and we must never punish or yell at our dog, even less when we want it to obey our call, this is counterproductive behavior because if he sees us angry he will want to leave. Therefore, we must continue to encourage our four-legged friend to partner with us in something rewarding.

Teach him to inhibit the bite

Puppies have a habit of biting for two reasons: first, it's their way of relieving pain from growing teeth; second, it is their way of exploring and interacting with the environment. Now, when our Labrador bites us while he is playing, it is important that we make it clear by saying an ouch or something similar and stop playing with him. In this way, he will interpret that when he bites hard he hurts us and he will learn to control his force. Therefore, we can use ropes and similar objects that he can chew on and positively associate with the game.

In the same way, when we see him biting objects like the sofa or our shoes, we will give him toys that he likes to chew and we will reward him when he plays with them. We will offer you more interesting alternatives and therefore discourage you from biting into something unwanted.

For more information on how to teach a puppy not to bite, read: How to teach a puppy not to bite.

Teach him hygiene habits

To educate a Labrador retriever puppy to relieve himself in the right place, we must first determine a place in the house that is his bathroom to put the newspaper on the floor and encourage him to relieve himself there. When he does well, we will reward him with compliments and rewards so that he knows that he has done well. It is important to note that this option should only be used when your puppy cannot be released by the vet (for example, when he has not yet been fully vaccinated or chipped). Once your puppy can walk, it's best to get him used to going outside on him.

So when we go for a walk and we see him defecate in the open air, we will reward him so that he understands that he has to do it in the open air. At first we will have to be understanding, because puppies are not able to control well and therefore may not be able to resist. As our Labrador gets older, he will learn to control himself.

Teach him to be alone

It is very important that your dog learns to be alone in a positive way because this will prevent him from developing separation anxiety. This should be a gradual process, because we cannot expect our Labrador to feel self-confident from one day to the next. To do this, we must leave our puppy alone in the room of the house where he feels most comfortable, along with a toy with which he can entertain himself (we recommend the use of the kong), for a few minutes, without going in if we hear him cry or call us. (otherwise he might learn to bark to get our attention).

We will carry out these sessions several times during the day and we will progressively increase the duration during which the animal will remain alone in the room. Little by little, our puppy will learn that, even if we leave, we always come back and he will find himself calm and distracted by the objects we leave him. Successively, we will be able to start these sessions leaving home for short periods of time.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 31 2023

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Separation Anxiety Syndrome in Dogs and Cats (Part 3)

Pharmacological therapy

Anxiolytic drugs can be used to reduce stress at the beginning of training and progressively withdrawn . Pharmacological therapy should only be used in conjunction with the training program and with a veterinarian's prescription .

Tricyclic antidepressants reduce anxiety and enhance the behavior modification program. Amitriptyline and clomipramine are used.

Benzodiazepines allow immediate control of extreme panic in some dogs. Alprazolam and clorazepate are used, administered 1 to 2 hours before the owner leaves the house.

These two classes can be used together to avoid relapses. Other drugs such as fluoxetine and phenothiazines may be used.

Additionally, Canine Tranquilizer Pheromone (DAP) can be used which appears to be as effective as the administration of clomipramine. DAP is released by the bitch's mammary glands to calm the puppies. Exposure of adult dogs to DAP released by sprays or electric diffusers has a relaxing effect.

“Treatments” to avoid

The following list of treatments should be avoided as they do not help to resolve the problem, and in some cases may even make it worse:

  • Punishments: increase anxiety and make the problem worse.

  • adopt another dog

  • Keeping the dog in the cage without doing behavioral therapy

  • Attempting to use a toy as a security without prior conditioning

Prevention of Separation Anxiety Disorder

Stress during separation is natural for all puppies . As they grow up, they learn to be separated from their owner for increasing periods of time. A “safety” toy can be introduced early in life and provided only when the dog is isolated. This toy conditioning, coupled with a routine of exercise, play and training is essential in preventing separation anxiety .

Separation Anxiety in Cats

As in dogs, in cats separation anxiety occurs when the animal is isolated from the owner. However, in most cats, separation anxiety only shows itself after long periods of isolation (eg days).

In cats, vocalization and inappropriate elimination often occur , especially in the owner's bed. Animals predisposed to this behavior are cats that are very attached to the owner and that ask for attention and vocalize when the owner is leaving the house.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 08 2023

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Separation Anxiety Syndrome in Dogs and Cats (Part 2)

Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs

The treatment is based on behavioral therapy with the aim of reducing anxiety and improving the dog's feeling of security when alone. This therapy must be accompanied by training and exercise sessions with well-defined schedules. Finally, drugs may be used to facilitate seizure control.

The therapy, in short, is based on 4 pillars:

  • Reduction of dependence on the owner: through the training of the “down and stay” command, which allows the dog to remain relaxed with the gradual distance from the owner.

  • Re-conditioning the owner's departure ritual:  prevents the animal from predicting that the owner will be absent and the associated anxiety. Through the use of a high value toy, the dog is trained to associate the exit rituals with something positive.

  • Isolation Desensitization: The dog is left in a room alone with a high-value toy. The owner's return takes place before the animal becomes restless, that is, while it is relaxed. The period and situation of isolation gradually extends.

  • Complementary therapy: a static schedule for feeding, training, walking and playing should be implemented. This will allow the dog to relax in between periods. The basic training itself allows the dog to feel more confident and secure. Finally, drugs may be used under the prescription of the veterinarian.

Reduce dependence on the owner

Usually dogs suffering from separation anxiety are nervous and are always close to the owner, following him around the house. Therefore it is necessary to teach the dog to be relaxed in the absence of the owner .

To reduce the dog's anxiety levels, it is not advisable to punish him or use training as a punishment . The aim is to increase the dog's comfort when separated from the owner. That's why training has to be something positive and that transmits security to the dog.

The training consists of teaching the dog the “down and stay” command . Initially, the owner must remain with the dog , repeating and increasing the duration in which the dog remains lying down.

Training should be reinforced with treats and treats . When the dog has lasted 1 to 2 minutes in this position, the owner can start to move away from the dog a little and come back . Gradual distancing can be interspersed with the owner doing housework while the dog is lying down.

The owner should return to the dog frequently and calmly provide positive reinforcement using treats or through treats and praise. If the dog shows anxiety, the owner should shorten the distance until the dog is comfortable.

This rule is important as we want the dog to associate isolation with relaxed and positive behavior. Moving further away from the dog when he is anxious or repressing him will further associate isolation with anxiety, making the situation worse.

Therefore this training should be patient and in a relaxed environment. When the dog tolerates short periods of separation, the owner should use the command at home during the day .

This workout may be easier after periods of exercise , such as after walks. Training aims to increase the dog's sense of security when separated from the owner .

Reconditioning of the owner's departure ritual

The dog predicts that the owner is going to leave the house due to his ritual (eg picking up the keys), becoming immediately anxious. Therefore, it is important that you stop associating these rituals with isolation and anxiety.

That is, we can disassociate these rituals from the moment the owner leaves and anxiety. Initially, a list of exit rituals that cause anxiety and their degree of importance should be made . Training should begin with the signal that causes the least anxiety.

A toy or chewing bone should be chosen that the dog likes a lot and will be entertained for more than 30 minutes. Initial training is simply giving it to the dog and after a few minutes remove it while the dog remains interested. Repeat until the dog accepts the removal of the toy.

Then the reconditioning training begins . To this end, the owner performs one of the exit rituals and immediately provides this toy . The toy is only offered under these circumstances.

This training is repeated during the day . The ritual is performed, the toy is offered and the owner remains at home, removing the toy after a few minutes. This sequence is repeated for all rituals gradually.

For example, the rituals in order from least serious to most serious are: putting on your coat, picking up your wallet, picking up your keys. The owner must start the training at least serious, that is, put on the coat.

In that case, you should wear the coat and immediately give the toy. This process is repeated several times throughout the day, even when the owner remains at home. When the dog stops showing anxiety in this ritual, it moves on to the next one, that is, the wallet.

The process is repeated for the wallet, and again for the keys, until the dog no longer shows anxiety in these rituals. This training reduces anticipation anxiety and builds a positive association with isolation due to the presence of the toy.

Desensitization to isolation

When the two exercises described above have been successfully performed, short periods of isolation can be introduced . For this exercise, a high value toy is used for the dog and that keeps it entertained for long periods. The toy should only be used exclusively for this training .

Initially the owner puts the dog in a room with the toy and leaves him alone for a few minutes. Before the dog loses interest in the toy and becomes anxious due to isolation, the owner should go back and calmly reward the dog . The toy is removed and the dog is allowed to leave the room.

The sequence is presented several times a day and gradually extending the time . The toy thus becomes a security for the dog, associating it with short periods of isolation without anxiety.

Using a variable time sequence, the isolation period is extended (eg 10-3-15). Finally, 30 to 45 minutes are reached, where it may be necessary to provide 2 toys to withstand this duration.

When 45 minutes is tolerated, the owner can add exit rituals and eventually leave the house for short periods of time . When these new stimuli present themselves, the period should be shortened and gradually lengthened .

This training can take more or less time depending on the dog's tolerance for isolation. The important thing is to keep the dog without anxiety, as this would make the problem worse.

dog handling

Dogs with punctual training, exercise and play routines with the owner are more relaxed and tolerate isolation better . Obedience training is recommended as it improves the dog's confidence.

When the dog is destructive it can get hurt. Therefore, it is advisable to leave it in a cage, kennel or in a room in the house . Usually the cage does not work as the dog already associates it with something negative and continues with destructive behaviors. A toy different from the one used in previous training must be provided.

If the dog has severe separation anxiety it is not possible to keep him at home. In this case, it is best to put him in a day kennel or hire a pet-sitter .

Author: admin

Date: Aug 08 2023

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Separation Anxiety Syndrome in Dogs and Cats (Part 1)

Separation anxiety disorder is a behavioral problem that affects dogs and cats. It boils down to the fear of being alone. In the absence of the owner, or less frequently, of other animals, the animal presents stress and anxiety. This is expressed as agitation, vocalizations, disruptive behavior, hyperactivity and inappropriate elimination.

Diagnosing Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Animal behavior is a complex science. Therefore, the presentation of agitation or other symptoms may be related to separation anxiety or other pathologies.

For this it is important to make a correct diagnosis of separation anxiety. In this behavioral pathology, it is common for the dog to present the following behaviors:

  • Destructive behavior of objects used by the owner when isolated and mainly in entrance and exit areas of the house.

  • Inadequate disposal in entrance and exit areas of the house when isolated.

  • Vocalization and anxiety when the owner prepares to leave the house and during isolation.

  • The animal does not tolerate being closed in the cage, destroying its contents and trying to escape.

The most obvious sign is the demonstration of anxiety only when the owner is not present. Especially in the first 30 to 60 minutes of isolation .

Through conditioning, the animal begins to associate the ritual of leaving the owner with isolation . Thus, when the owner takes the keys and wallet, the animal begins to show signs of stress . On this occasion, the dog may  block access to the door, walk non-stop, shake, salivate and whine .

In the absence of the owner, dogs become destructive , usually gnawing objects with the owner's scent and scratching doors and windows . Inadequate elimination in this case only occurs in the absence of the owner, and the dog is well trained in other situations.

Separation Anxiety Risk Factors

  • Dogs adopted from the kennel have a higher incidence, perhaps due to the abandonment experience or the kennel environment;

  • males;

  • Multiple house moves or change in environment or routine;

  • Noise phobias (eg fireworks);

  • Hyperexcitable anxious animals that follow the owner around the house and cannot tolerate being in the cage.

Author: admin

Date: Aug 08 2023

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4 Basic Commands for Dogs You Should Train

Basic training improves the relationship between owner and dog and prevents many behavioral problems. For example, “sit and stay” can be used to redirect the dog's attention or to control him in a difficult situation. If you don't know where to start.

We are now going to teach you the 4 most useful basic commands that you should teach your dog:

1. Teach a dog to sit

  • Movement of the dog with treat over the head makes the dog sit;

  • You say “sit down” and reinforce (give the treat) whenever you do;

  • You train without the treat in your hand but you continue to reinforce if you do well.

The “sit” command is usually the first to be trained. So how to teach dog to sit ? To train the dog to sit , at the beginning of the training can be helped by the use of a lure. The movement of the hand holding the treat induces the dog to sit. Later it can be replaced by a signal.


To teach sitting, place yourself in front of the dog. Hold the treat in your left hand and let the dog sniff it. Move your hand over the dog's head and say sit. The dog following the lure will look up and put more weight on the back of the body, which will  make the dog sit  naturally. The treat is provided immediately and the owner should continue to praise the treat as he eats it.

When sitting, the dog must be released from the position . “ok” is usually used in a neutral and calm tone. Release from the position with an enthusiastic tone may reinforce the lift rather than the desired behavior.

The moment the dog starts to sit spontaneously, remove the bait and just signal with your hand and vocally . The treat is provided if the dog sits. If you continue to use the lure the dog may start to wait to see the treat before demonstrating the right behavior.

2. Teach the dog to lie down

  • It starts with the dog sitting down and follows the treat in the hand until it goes to bed;

  • Reinforcement whenever it's good;

  • Replace the treat in your hand with a gesture that symbolizes lying down.

When the command “sit” is fulfilled, the dog can be taught to lie down. To teach the dog to lie down , training begins with the dog sitting next to the owner. The owner can be standing or kneeling, with one hand on the dog's back and the other holding a treat.

The dog is allowed to sniff the treat and the hand is moved downwards and forwards until it is in front of the front paws and said “down”. Following the movement will make the dog lie down . Training is reinforced with treats, praise and pats on the back.

If the dog demonstrates behavior other than lying down, it should not be rewarded. As the prone position is submissive, some dogs are resistant to learning this command. In that case, the training should be done in steps . For example, first stretch your paws and lower your head.

The bait must be removed at the beginning of the training to avoid associating the behavior with the treat in the hand. The hand movement should gradually fade out or be replaced by a short downward movement as a signal to lie down.

3. Teach a dog to stay

  • It starts with the dog sitting or lying down;

  • The dog is trained to tolerate periods of time when it is immobile;

  • Time and distance from the owner are increased;

  • Correct behavior is reinforced.

The “stay” command reinforces calm and relaxed behaviors. So how to teach dog to stay ? Between sitting or lying down, you should choose the position that the dog accepts best. Initially, the duration in which it remains immobile is trained. When tolerating 1 to 2 minutes immobile, a greater distance between the dog and the owner can be trained.

Duration is trained by starting with short predetermined periods that are rewarded with treats, treats and praise. The owner's tone of voice should be calm, allowing the dog to relax. It starts with a very short period (1 to 2 seconds) and gradually extends when the dog has mastered the previous period.

Movements should be ignored , asking the dog to sit or lie down again. The owner remains close and securely on the leash. The dog is released from the command with the “ok” and all rewards must cease.

When the dog remains in position for 1 to 2 minutes, the distance can be introduced . It starts with taking a step back and immediately returning to reinforce the behavior. This one repeats itself, changing direction and increasing the distance.

If the dog follows the owner, it is because the distance training is premature and the duration of the “stay” must be retrained . When the dog is well trained, the owner can experiment with moving out of the room or out of the dog's field of vision.

Duration and distance are combined slowly increasing both. When the dog masters these factors, training is based on generalizing this behavior in other contexts and places.

4. Teach Dog to Come When Called

  • Calling by name and when you look, reward is given;

  • When it responds to the name, training the “come” in situations where the dog normally goes to the owner (eg when putting food in the bowl);

  • Practice the “come” command in different situations.

It is a command that, in addition to being basic, can save the dog's life . Knowing that the dog comes when called allows you to have more confidence and even let him run off the leash.

However, some dogs start to associate their name with something negative. This happens because the owner calls him to put the leash on and go home, administer medication or scold him when he does something wrong. In these cases the dog stops responding to the command.

Training the “come” command must be associated with a positive stimulus of great value , such as a treat or favorite toy. You want the dog to look and come close enough to be touched by the owner. Training is solidified by changing distance and context.

So how to teach the dog to come to the owner?

When calling the name , the dog is expected to look at the owner in anticipation of hearing another command. This training should be done in a quiet place in the house, with the owner close to the dog. The name is said calmly and, if the dog looks, the collar is touched and a reward is offered.

This sequence is repeated 10 to 20 times with the dog close by. You can then change the distance and repeat. Touching the collar allows you to ensure that the dog is close and that you start to associate it with something positive. It is generalized by training in other places.

When it responds to the name, it can be taught to come.

It should start in a place with no distractions and where the dog is highly motivated . For example, when the meal is served or when the owner returns home.

In outdoor situations and to prevent the dog from coming, it must be kept on a long leash. If it doesn't respond, the owner can use the leash to guide it to you. Off-leash training is only recommended in safe areas, such as in an enclosed garden.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 22 2023

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The importance of veterinary check-ups: everything you need to know!

It is extremely important to carry out a regular veterinary check-up for pets. After all, the best way to start the treatment of various diseases that affect animals is from an early diagnosis. Therefore, a tutor who wants to have a pet needs to be very aware of this need.

With the desire to show the relevance of veterinary check-ups for the health of pets, We produced this article clarifying everything regarding this obligation for pet owners. In that sense, be sure to check out the following article!

Veterinary check-up: price. How much does a consultation cost?

It is common to find some tutors wondering how much a veterinary check-up costs. However, there is no way to know the exact price of a consultation with a veterinarian, as the value depends on a number of factors. Even so, it should be noted that in some European cities, animals can be treated for free, and it is recommended that you seek this type of assistance in your region.

Why is a veterinary checkup so important?

The truth is that pets need to be treated like newborn babies for life, right? Therefore, taking them to the veterinarian is something that needs to be part of the routine of any dog ​​and cat tutor. This attitude turns out to be fundamental to preventing several possible problems that affect the health of these pets.

The veterinary check-up is also used for the dog to take the immunizations that may be pending.

Despite the obligation of immunization at the beginning of life with the v8/v10 (multiple) and anti-rabies vaccines, there is a need to apply booster doses annually. Therefore, the veterinary doctor will analyze your pet's clinical picture to ask for vaccines that may be overdue. In addition, the professional may require immunization with non-mandatory vaccines, such as the vaccine against canine and feline flu, against Leishmaniasis and also the vaccine against Giardia

How often do I need to have a veterinary checkup on my pet?

You have to separate a period of the year to take your little animal to the vet. Dogs and cats are susceptible to several changes constantly, and tutors are advised to have a veterinary check-up between 6 and 12 months. This time is ideal for identifying possible health issues in pets.

What exams does the veterinarian ask to perform the check-up?

Within a context to assess your pet's clinical condition, the veterinarian cannot identify probable problems just with the consultation. In this way, some tests are requested in order to identify what is happening to the health of the pet, such as:

  • Complete blood count, kidney and liver function tests;

  • Electrocardiogram, urine test and blood glucose test.

Dog and cat health: veterinarian can help you understand what happens to your pet

When you don't know what's going on with the cat or dog, a veterinarian can help you understand what's going on. That way, when observing any unusual behavior or symptoms of your four-legged friend, going to the vet becomes a more than mandatory attitude. Remember, discovering your pet's problem as early as possible will ensure the most effective start of treating the problem.

During the service, it is good for the tutor to accompany the pet to calm him down

Although each veterinary clinic has a pattern, some places may end up asking the owner to accompany the pet to the consultation, with the aim of keeping the pet calm. Generally, the animals that suffer the most from this are those that have not had this clinical check-up care routine since they were puppies.

Having a trusted veterinarian is essential for both the owner and the pet.

Just as responsible parents always take their children to well-known doctors, the same needs to be done with pets. After all, they are part of the family too, right? Therefore, when we talk about the health of dogs and cats, a veterinarian needs to be trusted by the tutor and the pet itself.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Animal-assisted therapy: know what it is and its benefits

Pet therapy, also known by the name of animal-assisted therapy, is an activity that, through interaction with animals, contributes to generating several benefits for human beings who face emotional problems that are related to depression, cancer and other diseases. Chronicles

Therefore, with the desire to better explain this subject, which is not known by most tutors, We researched a lot about this therapy with animals to produce this content. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to read the following article!

What is Animal Assisted Therapy?

Pet therapy is nothing more than an alternative method of treatment to ease serious emotional issues. It is a procedure that is recognized for its beneficial effect on mental and physical well-being. In this sense, the fundamental pillar for this work is the animals, which are properly trained to offer full support during these situations of mental complications, which helps a lot to optimize the life experience of these people.

What are the benefits of pet therapy?

Having frequent contact with a small animal trained for this activity promotes several benefits for the well-being of a person suffering from anxiety and depression. By the way, these pets can also help to overcome the period of mourning, as well as to face difficult moments in life when the patient has cancer and immunodeficiency problems. Therefore, we list some of the main benefits of animal-assisted therapy:

  • Reduces anxiety;

  • Raises the patient's self-esteem;

  • Decreased the feeling of loneliness;

  • Stimulates the acquisition of knowledge;

  • Increases communication skills;

  • Helps in creating new emotional bonds;

  • Increases concentration on important tasks;

  • Aid in improving attention deficit and hyperactivity;

  • Among other diverse mental health benefits of the individual.

Pet therapy for the elderly: see how to help people in the elderly

During old age, it is common to have to deal with some health problems. Fortunately, domestic animals are capable of promoting several benefits for the health of the elderly, but it is difficult for a man or woman, with advanced age, to have to deal with the various care that pets need.

Therefore, pet therapy works very well to keep brief contact with these older people without the need for care. In addition, it is worth noting that more than 15 minutes of contact with animals is enough to release serotonin and endorphins (hormones of happiness) in the elderly so that they feel better.

Is it true that there is pet therapy in hospitals?

Several projects promote animal-assisted therapies due to their various health benefits. The most interesting thing is that such processes are quite common in hospitals around the world, including Pak. Around here, there is information that at least 7 states promote therapy with animals and with the entire procedure performed by the SUS (Unified Health System).

What are the dog breeds that best fulfill the work of pet therapy?

Even though all animals are able to offer a good mental condition to their tutors, some breeds end up standing out in the work of canine therapy. Among the main dogs are: the Golden Retriever , Labrador , Corgi, German Shepherd , Border Collie and, even if many people have a wrong image of this little dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier , in addition to other breeds.

Can cats also help with animal-assisted therapy?

Unfortunately, many people still believe that felines are independent and unloving beings. However, this does not match reality, as there are several breeds of cats that love to lie on their beloved owner's lap. Therefore, among the cats that stand out the most in relation to pet therapy, it is possible to mention the Persian cat , the Maine Coon and the lovely Ragdoll.

But after all, does pet therapy have scientific proof?

There are several published academic studies proving the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy programs, with field results being done in hospitals and medical centers. This method helps people of all ages, but it can be very beneficial in helping patients who need to deal with the hospital routine.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Puppy Training - 6 Advantages

There are people who do not take training a dog seriously, but just as it is very important to think about vaccines, healthy food, and toys to keep them always active, it is also very important for family and social life to be concerned about education. from him. And the act of making dogs better educated, more disciplined and obedient from an early age is called puppy training. Take note and keep reading!

If you have just added a pet to your home, take puppy training into account, in addition to giving your dog instructions on how to behave at all times, you will also indicate when it is time to play, to wait, and to obey. Your dog needs to understand that the pack leader is you, not him.

It's like you're educating a child about social behavior and your authority over them. Children always test the limits of adults to know how far they can go, and the same happens with a puppy because it is at this moment that you need to teach him what can and cannot be done, thus showing that your authority must be obeyed. Oh, don't confuse authority with authoritarianism, it's quite different! In authority, you teach those who are growing up what they should or shouldn't do in certain situations or circumstances.

 Some basic commands can be performed by the owner himself, such as:

  • sit down

In this action you teach your dog the relationship between control and obedience, you give the command and he obeys;

  • Lies down

The principle of hierarchy in the pack is established with the dog and, as the owner, you can control his actions;

  • Here

You teach how your pet will approach you and sit;

  • together

It is the command given to the dog so that he walks on your left side, this action is very common and useful when you want to take him for a walk;

  • He is:

At this time, you will teach your puppy to stay where he was left and in the position he was ordered, such as sitting or lying down.

However, special commands are only performed by those who have a deep understanding of training techniques. It is true that training is not a cheap option, but if you think about the cost x benefit you will understand that it is worth it and that, above all, training your puppy will become an intelligent option for you, much less expensive and less embarrassing. Why? You will realize that educating your dog will save you the wear and tear of being led by him.

Now, although our intention here is to talk about training puppies, there are also actions for adult dogs, especially for those that put you in a “big snooker pool” which are the ones that jump on people, mess with the garden , flee with the gate open and who do not relieve themselves in the right places. For all these actions and also to work on their physical and mental issues, there is training for adult dogs.

There is no right age, there is the ideal age. Ideally, training should start when they are still puppies, however, it is worth remembering that some dogs did not have this opportunity when they were small and we cannot close our eyes to this circumstance. If this is your case, look for a specialist to work with adults.

In the little ones, the best age for the training of puppies is more or less two months old, a period in which they still have no idea what is right or wrong and are testing you, exactly, as we speak, like a child. Thus, scolding at the right time and praising are fundamental attitudes to start telling your dog what is right or wrong and also, automatically, to train them.

How does puppy training work?

 Training a puppy starts with simple and basic attitudes. Let's go in stages! If you've just integrated the dog into the family, you already know that he needs to have his own space to sleep and eat, right?! So, this space needs to be treated with attention and a lot of affection, because it is where he will turn every time he wants to be welcomed and to feed himself.

In addition, puppies feel very sleepy and every now and then they will want to take a “nap” and this is the time when you should put them to bed so that they understand that there is a place to do this. Okay, you've already started training your puppy at home. So let's think logically! If he goes to this place to look for shelter, protection and food, why not start training there?

We put the main commands for training puppies at the beginning of the text, however, we want to draw your attention to other important actions and that, in addition to those already mentioned, there are also others that you can do for them.

A part you know we put above that are; sit, lie down, here, together and stay. Now, let's see what you can also do in addition to this command:

  • Prevent the dog from jumping on top of others and you . This is a very annoying and sometimes embarrassing situation to see our dog jumping on people. Understand, by not jumping on you, he won't jump on other people either;

  • Learning to use the collar before it becomes virtually impossible. Every time you put the collar on your puppy and he walks with you, at your side, you can give him a reward, if he doesn't obey, stop walking and wait for him to look at you and wait for your command;

  • The action x reward relationship. Puppies need to understand that for all your action and his there is a reward for what is right to be done;

What are the benefits of training puppies?

 Well, as we've already seen, there are many advantages to training puppies, especially if you don't want your dog to be the pack leader in your home. Remember the leader of the pack is you, nobody but you, right?!

In addition, other important advantages are perceived when we train puppies, check it out:

  • Because he is a puppy and is in the learning phase, he will certainly absorb everything that is passed on to him;

  • As puppies feel more hungry than adults, especially since they are in the bone and organic formation phase, this is a great opportunity for you to teach them through action x reward commands;

  • And since they are in the bone formation phase, it is also great for sitting and lying down, as they still have difficulty standing up;

  • Teach your puppy to take food from your hand, naturally, when he's hungry, he'll give you his paw. Is not cool?!;

  • As you are teaching your puppy, you won't be afraid of him trying to impose himself, unlike if the dog is an adult, when you need to be very careful when he is contradicted and can advance on you because he has not been trained;

  • Another interesting thing is that since he is a new member of the family, everyone is excited to help train him, which naturally, with time, passes. This is a very important point for you to observe because taking into account your willingness to train is very important. It's like a child, a child! A son who must be educated and disciplined for the good of all.

So, take it seriously when it comes to training your puppies because the ones who will benefit the most from this training activity are your dogs and your entire family. Ah, without forgetting that when you're with him walking down the street, his behavior towards you and others will be exemplary.

Always remember, training is directly linked to the lifestyle you want to lead with your adult dog. For every training action, there is also a reward of a more peaceful life.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Smart Training - How does it work?

Puppies or adults, dogs can be extremely messy and drive their owners crazy for lack of obedience. However, the pet world discovers new techniques for teaching commands and behavior to animals every day, and intelligent training is becoming more and more popular among swashbuckling dog owners.

Having positive reinforcements as a base, intelligent training works on top of the correct actions performed by the pets, avoiding any type of violence when the dog has a reproachable attitude. Beneficial for the dogs' learning, this type of training also positively influences their owners, who learn to deal with pets in a calmer and clearer way, generating increasingly positive results.

Puppies that are 50 days old or older can already start learning with intelligent training and, as there is no age limit, it is possible that even elderly dogs understand commands through this technique – totally focused on rewards for good behavior.

Find out, below, some of the main characteristics of this type of training for dogs, and understand why the use of violence in training can cause trauma and even greater difficulty in teaching animals.

How smart training works

As described earlier, positive reinforcements are the main basis of intelligent training, which values ​​the correct attitudes of dogs to influence their learning. Anyone who has a four-legged friend at home already knows that most of the teaching techniques for animals involve rewards, and it is precisely through them that this type of training works in dogs, who start to associate the learning experience with good feelings. And hot for affection and approval.

In addition to helping the animal assimilate the commands, it receives more quickly, this training also gives pleasure to the animal, which understands the benefits it can receive by obeying the owner's orders and behaving properly. As in other types of dog training, the clicker and treats are fundamental tools in intelligent dog training, since, in this process, the teacher must be able to show the animal the exact action that earned him a reward.


Other equipment such as whistles and horns can also perform the clicker function in this work, however, it is important to remember that the sound of the tool used must not be loud (so as not to damage the dogs' hearing, which is extremely sensitive) nor too long, since training is called “smart” precisely because the dog can perceive the correct behavior for which it is being rewarded – through the noise it hears while performing the action.

Due to the lack of experience in training animals, the most recommended thing is for owners to be able to count on the professional help of a trainer during the beginning of the process – who must be accompanied by the owner whenever possible – being able to understand the techniques and continue to apply them. In practice. This accompaniment of the owner in training helps both in the evolution of learning and in the formation of an even greater emotional bond between dog and owner, which greatly facilitates the process.

Basically, intelligent training defines that the owner (or the trainer) activates the clicker during the exact moment that the animal is executing the command that was requested - indicating which is the adequate behavior for him - and, after that, offers some kind of reward he likes, such as a treat or lots of cuddles.

Constant barking, peeing out of place, entry into prohibited rooms, bites and scratches from strangers, and pulling on the leash when walking are some of the problems that can be solved and alleviated through intelligent training; a process that, when carried out correctly, allows you to efficiently teach the most basic commands to dogs in about six months - and this period can vary greatly according to the number and frequency of classes, in addition to the dog's personality.

No violence!

Entirely based on rewards, intelligent training avoids any type of violence and reprimand, preventing animals from developing aggressive behavior due to the way they are treated by their owners. Furthermore, this type of training ensures that the animal does not associate its learning with a bad and unpleasant scenario; since this can contribute a lot to the animal's unwillingness to learn or even go through any teaching process - considering that violence, when used, will be the main factor in the dog's mind at these times.


Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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Training Army Dogs - What makes them so amazing

Dog training is a hot topic for all veterinarians and dog breeders, as it can be the line that separates a controlled dog from an out-of-control dog that can become a threat. But not all dogs are the same and not all training objectives are the same, some cases are very specific. A good example is the training of dogs for military work, which is not widespread but very important.

Over time, dog training has gained new forms and techniques that are as effective as they are safe to do. Nowadays it is possible to direct the training according to the needs, functions and, mainly, the personality of the dog. In the case of training for the military area, the dog must be very well evaluated and the owner must know what this training is all about.

Dog training and its various functions

When talking about training a dog, the first thing that comes to mind is the well-worn method of teaching to sit, lie down and roll over, based on compensation. But currently, this is not all that dog training is about, it strongly depends on the role the dog will be destined for.

Companion dogs usually receive training to control their hyperactivity or aggression, and tricks are also taught that make the owner have control of the dog, without needing very professional instruction. Guard dogs, on the other hand, are trained to know how to guard their territory and recognize their leader, some are even taught to obey attack commands if necessary.

Regarding attack commands, the training of dogs for hunting is one of the oldest known in the history of the world. The dog began to be domesticated through hunting training. Nowadays, many hunting techniques are used as resources for the police area, both in the pursuit of bandits and in the search for people.

There are also dogs that need to have an extremely passive and patient posture, as they are destined to deal with special people, such as guide dogs or who keep company with people with illnesses in hospitals. These dogs need to be especially socialized, both with humans and other dogs and never show dangerous traits such as fear or even aggression.

Each dog is different, so before taking him to training, it's important that the owner knows his needs. A frightened dog is treated differently than an aggressive or hyperactive dog. Observation is important for the good direction of dog training.

Training for the military

The practice of military dog ​​training is not widespread, but it is one of the aspects of training. It is also subdivided into several, such as civil police dogs and war dogs. For the training of these dogs, trainers with a higher level in veterinary medicine and who are part of the military service are required, so not just any soldier can apply to be a military dog ​​handler.

The basic principle of treating a military service dog is to be treated like another soldier, so he will receive all the necessary medical assistance and psychological and physical examinations are made to define whether the dog can be inserted in the corporation or not. Therefore, not just anyone can subject their dog to military training, as he has to have a more defined personality to be safe within this type of activity.

Normally, the dog is under the responsibility of the official handler, and he will direct him to what will be his skill (bomb tracking, drugs, people, etc.). Soon after, when the dog is already well-directed and trained, the professional will introduce him to his human partner for the function. It is important to emphasize that only soldiers willing to deal with and learn dog training techniques are submitted to this type of function.

When the partnership is formed, humans and dogs need to create a bond of friendship and trust. The dog needs to trust the one he will follow, while the human trusts his life in the dog's abilities. Usually, it is not a partnership for life, many things can happen to undo these pairs, but the dog and the human are always very well guided about any change. It is an extremely monitored and careful job, as it can put the lives of either of the two or third parties at risk, especially in extreme situations, such as wars.

After a long service life, military dogs are retired around 8 or 10 years old (or in special cases due to disability) and live in the kennel, serving as support for training new dogs or cadets until the end of their lives. These dogs are usually not put up for adoption as they need special treatment. What can happen is adoption by former soldiers or people used to dealing with this type of dog, as they are considered as official as humans.

How are dog skills defined for military service?

The first thing that will be observed to define which role the dog will play within the military service is, obviously, the need for that role. Police dogs that investigate cases of drug trafficking will be trained to find drugs and that's all. Generally, a dog that has a specific function like tracking the smell of gunpowder, and consequently weapons, is not useful in tracking drugs or people.

Then an assessment is made to find out if the dog is psychologically capable of facing the training in the required role, if it proves to be good for the role, and after reaching the correct age, training begins.

Dog training starts early, right after the dog is one year old. The daily training time will depend on each corporation and the function of the dog, some take more than 5 hours (with breaks), and others just an hour, which is the time needed for any dog ​​to exercise every day. He is placed with other dogs for perfect socialization after training, living in the kennel with the youngest and oldest dogs.

This training is done together with humans, so the dog knows how to obey different commands and also when not to obey. All exercises are always very well supervised by a veterinarian, as the physical and mental integrity of the dog must always be preserved.

Compensation techniques are used for scent recognition, but dogs are mostly treated with great affection. It is important that the dog has fun while doing the exercises and enjoys doing and looking for what is being taught, for a perfect execution. The handler uses his voice and posture towards the dog to convey firmness and leadership, while showing the dog that he can trust and follow him.

Some breeds are more prone to military training

When talking about a police or war dog, one immediately thinks of the German Shepherd or the Rottweiler. Indeed, these breeds are at the top of the list of special ones for military work. Small dogs are too fragile to be subjected to certain situations, so they are usually discarded.

As is known, the German Shepherd is the main breed, and even earned the nickname of a police dog. He is a favorite because he has very keen instincts and is an extremely intelligent and loyal dog. The Rottweiler also has these characteristics, but its personality is stronger than that of the German Shepherd, so it is generally used to deal with dangerous people.

But there are also breeds like the Labrador, which have a very keen sense of smell and are especially sociable dogs, being especially used in training to look for drugs or weapons. Pointing dogs, whose basic characteristic is hunting, are great dogs for searching for missing people or people in the rubble, as this is their natural instinct.

Author: admin

Date: Jun 20 2023

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