
Why do cats not like water?

admin • 22 Jun 2023

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Cats don't like water. It's a current statement, but is it true? So why do cats not like water? To answer this question it is necessary to separate fact from fiction – as not all felines are afraid of water.

Why do cats not like water?

Many cats have an aversion to water, but the reason for this phobia is still hotly debated. The two main theories involve the evolution of cats away from water sources and the fact that water makes it difficult to maintain fur.

Evolution in the desert

The Association of Canadian Veterinarians hypothesizes that this aversion developed due to the evolution of the feline species in arid and desert climates.

Cats were not exposed to rivers, lakes, or rain in their early history. As a result, unlike other species, they did not adapt to the presence of water.

Unlike dogs who love to get wet, kittens don't like to get wet very much.

Keep the hair neat

Another reason given for cats not liking water is their obsession with keeping their fur clean. Cats are known for their meticulous personal hygiene.

Anyone who has ever walked in the rain without an umbrella will know that it is very difficult to control wet hair. Therefore, the water contradicts the cat's effort to keep the fur clean and tidy.

Fur that is wet is bulky, unpleasant, and takes a while to dry. Additionally, the cat finds it extremely challenging to groom itself when wearing damp hair.

Why do cats not like to get wet but like to play with water?

Cats may not like to get wet, but they love to play with water. They like to play with drops of water falling from faucets, water fountains, and even the shower when it is on.

Cats have fun and play with moving water. But as long as they don't get too wet. It is thought that the predilection for running water (such as a faucet) over standing water (such as a water bowl) is a matter of fascination.

Drops of water are like a magnet for cats, letting them explore with all their senses . It is also possible that this predilection is associated with the cat's wild past. The preference for fresh water currents makes the ingestion safer than standing water.

Why do cats not like to be bathed?

In addition to the aversion to water itself, there are still more factors that make bath time a nightmare for cats. Tap water is treated with chlorine. Soon, you can release a repulsive smell for the feline.

In addition to water and its treatment, there are still more unknown smells . The shampoo can also be very unpleasant for the cat. But this does not prevent the cat from being bathed when necessary.

The ideal is to be well prepared for the bath . The ideal is to have a mild shampoo suitable for cats, gloves, towels and a good treat for after bathing. Don't forget to invite a patient family member to help you with this task.

How to get the cat used to liking water?

If you want to get your cat used to liking water, introduce it gradually and associate it with positive stimuli. Because they are more moldable, and still don't have many negative experiences with water, young kittens are easier to train.

Regardless of the feline's age, introduce water gradually, patiently and without forcing. This process involves repeating it over several days . The atmosphere in these sessions should be relaxed.

You can start with wet cloths gently passed over the fur, followed by warm water to wet the paws and progressively wet the body more. The ideal is to have the water in a basin or fill the bathtub a little, so as not to scare the cat with the shower.

Monitor the cat's behavior during sessions. If the cat is tense, you should let him out of the water and repeat on another day. With the evolution you will notice that the cat will become more relaxed and will even be able to start playing with the water. One way to distract the cat during the process is to offer her her favorite treat.

Cats that love water and swimming

Although most cats don't like water, there are some felines that love to swim , like tigers. Although all cats are good swimmers when in water, there are cat breeds that love to swim. These water-loving cat breeds include:

  • Maine Coon;

  • Bengal;

  • Turkish Angora;

  • Abyssinian;

  • Turkish Van;

  • American short hair;

  • Bobtail americano.

Among these breeds, the Turkish Van stands out . This rare breed was called the “Swimming Cat”. The unique texture of their cashmere-like fur makes them waterproof, allowing them to enjoy swimming or water activities.

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