Training and Health

Training Army Dogs - What makes them so amazing

admin • 20 Jun 2023

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Dog training is a hot topic for all veterinarians and dog breeders, as it can be the line that separates a controlled dog from an out-of-control dog that can become a threat. But not all dogs are the same and not all training objectives are the same, some cases are very specific. A good example is the training of dogs for military work, which is not widespread but very important.

Over time, dog training has gained new forms and techniques that are as effective as they are safe to do. Nowadays it is possible to direct the training according to the needs, functions and, mainly, the personality of the dog. In the case of training for the military area, the dog must be very well evaluated and the owner must know what this training is all about.

Dog training and its various functions

When talking about training a dog, the first thing that comes to mind is the well-worn method of teaching to sit, lie down and roll over, based on compensation. But currently, this is not all that dog training is about, it strongly depends on the role the dog will be destined for.

Companion dogs usually receive training to control their hyperactivity or aggression, and tricks are also taught that make the owner have control of the dog, without needing very professional instruction. Guard dogs, on the other hand, are trained to know how to guard their territory and recognize their leader, some are even taught to obey attack commands if necessary.

Regarding attack commands, the training of dogs for hunting is one of the oldest known in the history of the world. The dog began to be domesticated through hunting training. Nowadays, many hunting techniques are used as resources for the police area, both in the pursuit of bandits and in the search for people.

There are also dogs that need to have an extremely passive and patient posture, as they are destined to deal with special people, such as guide dogs or who keep company with people with illnesses in hospitals. These dogs need to be especially socialized, both with humans and other dogs and never show dangerous traits such as fear or even aggression.

Each dog is different, so before taking him to training, it's important that the owner knows his needs. A frightened dog is treated differently than an aggressive or hyperactive dog. Observation is important for the good direction of dog training.

Training for the military

The practice of military dog ​​training is not widespread, but it is one of the aspects of training. It is also subdivided into several, such as civil police dogs and war dogs. For the training of these dogs, trainers with a higher level in veterinary medicine and who are part of the military service are required, so not just any soldier can apply to be a military dog ​​handler.

The basic principle of treating a military service dog is to be treated like another soldier, so he will receive all the necessary medical assistance and psychological and physical examinations are made to define whether the dog can be inserted in the corporation or not. Therefore, not just anyone can subject their dog to military training, as he has to have a more defined personality to be safe within this type of activity.

Normally, the dog is under the responsibility of the official handler, and he will direct him to what will be his skill (bomb tracking, drugs, people, etc.). Soon after, when the dog is already well-directed and trained, the professional will introduce him to his human partner for the function. It is important to emphasize that only soldiers willing to deal with and learn dog training techniques are submitted to this type of function.

When the partnership is formed, humans and dogs need to create a bond of friendship and trust. The dog needs to trust the one he will follow, while the human trusts his life in the dog's abilities. Usually, it is not a partnership for life, many things can happen to undo these pairs, but the dog and the human are always very well guided about any change. It is an extremely monitored and careful job, as it can put the lives of either of the two or third parties at risk, especially in extreme situations, such as wars.

After a long service life, military dogs are retired around 8 or 10 years old (or in special cases due to disability) and live in the kennel, serving as support for training new dogs or cadets until the end of their lives. These dogs are usually not put up for adoption as they need special treatment. What can happen is adoption by former soldiers or people used to dealing with this type of dog, as they are considered as official as humans.

How are dog skills defined for military service?

The first thing that will be observed to define which role the dog will play within the military service is, obviously, the need for that role. Police dogs that investigate cases of drug trafficking will be trained to find drugs and that's all. Generally, a dog that has a specific function like tracking the smell of gunpowder, and consequently weapons, is not useful in tracking drugs or people.

Then an assessment is made to find out if the dog is psychologically capable of facing the training in the required role, if it proves to be good for the role, and after reaching the correct age, training begins.

Dog training starts early, right after the dog is one year old. The daily training time will depend on each corporation and the function of the dog, some take more than 5 hours (with breaks), and others just an hour, which is the time needed for any dog ​​to exercise every day. He is placed with other dogs for perfect socialization after training, living in the kennel with the youngest and oldest dogs.

This training is done together with humans, so the dog knows how to obey different commands and also when not to obey. All exercises are always very well supervised by a veterinarian, as the physical and mental integrity of the dog must always be preserved.

Compensation techniques are used for scent recognition, but dogs are mostly treated with great affection. It is important that the dog has fun while doing the exercises and enjoys doing and looking for what is being taught, for a perfect execution. The handler uses his voice and posture towards the dog to convey firmness and leadership, while showing the dog that he can trust and follow him.

Some breeds are more prone to military training

When talking about a police or war dog, one immediately thinks of the German Shepherd or the Rottweiler. Indeed, these breeds are at the top of the list of special ones for military work. Small dogs are too fragile to be subjected to certain situations, so they are usually discarded.

As is known, the German Shepherd is the main breed, and even earned the nickname of a police dog. He is a favorite because he has very keen instincts and is an extremely intelligent and loyal dog. The Rottweiler also has these characteristics, but its personality is stronger than that of the German Shepherd, so it is generally used to deal with dangerous people.

But there are also breeds like the Labrador, which have a very keen sense of smell and are especially sociable dogs, being especially used in training to look for drugs or weapons. Pointing dogs, whose basic characteristic is hunting, are great dogs for searching for missing people or people in the rubble, as this is their natural instinct.

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