Training and Health
admin • 20 Jun 2023
It is extremely important to carry out a regular veterinary check-up for pets. After all, the best way to start the treatment of various diseases that affect animals is from an early diagnosis. Therefore, a tutor who wants to have a pet needs to be very aware of this need.
With the desire to show the relevance of veterinary check-ups for the health of pets, We produced this article clarifying everything regarding this obligation for pet owners. In that sense, be sure to check out the following article!
Veterinary check-up: price. How much does a consultation cost?
It is common to find some tutors wondering how much a veterinary check-up costs. However, there is no way to know the exact price of a consultation with a veterinarian, as the value depends on a number of factors. Even so, it should be noted that in some European cities, animals can be treated for free, and it is recommended that you seek this type of assistance in your region.
Why is a veterinary checkup so important?
The truth is that pets need to be treated like newborn babies for life, right? Therefore, taking them to the veterinarian is something that needs to be part of the routine of any dog and cat tutor. This attitude turns out to be fundamental to preventing several possible problems that affect the health of these pets.
The veterinary check-up is also used for the dog to take the immunizations that may be pending.
Despite the obligation of immunization at the beginning of life with the v8/v10 (multiple) and anti-rabies vaccines, there is a need to apply booster doses annually. Therefore, the veterinary doctor will analyze your pet's clinical picture to ask for vaccines that may be overdue. In addition, the professional may require immunization with non-mandatory vaccines, such as the vaccine against canine and feline flu, against Leishmaniasis and also the vaccine against Giardia
How often do I need to have a veterinary checkup on my pet?
You have to separate a period of the year to take your little animal to the vet. Dogs and cats are susceptible to several changes constantly, and tutors are advised to have a veterinary check-up between 6 and 12 months. This time is ideal for identifying possible health issues in pets.
What exams does the veterinarian ask to perform the check-up?
Within a context to assess your pet's clinical condition, the veterinarian cannot identify probable problems just with the consultation. In this way, some tests are requested in order to identify what is happening to the health of the pet, such as:
Complete blood count, kidney and liver function tests;
Electrocardiogram, urine test and blood glucose test.
Dog and cat health: veterinarian can help you understand what happens to your pet
When you don't know what's going on with the cat or dog, a veterinarian can help you understand what's going on. That way, when observing any unusual behavior or symptoms of your four-legged friend, going to the vet becomes a more than mandatory attitude. Remember, discovering your pet's problem as early as possible will ensure the most effective start of treating the problem.
During the service, it is good for the tutor to accompany the pet to calm him down
Although each veterinary clinic has a pattern, some places may end up asking the owner to accompany the pet to the consultation, with the aim of keeping the pet calm. Generally, the animals that suffer the most from this are those that have not had this clinical check-up care routine since they were puppies.
Having a trusted veterinarian is essential for both the owner and the pet.
Just as responsible parents always take their children to well-known doctors, the same needs to be done with pets. After all, they are part of the family too, right? Therefore, when we talk about the health of dogs and cats, a veterinarian needs to be trusted by the tutor and the pet itself.
Training and Health
Training and Health
Training and Health
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