
The cat bites when I sleep: causes and what to do

admin • 22 Jun 2023

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When we live with one or more kittens at home, sleeping well can be a real challenge. In fact, many people who care for cats find it difficult to rest because their cats are very active during the early morning hours and often scratch at doors or curtains, jump all over the house, play vigorously with their cats, toys or even bite. To their humans while they sleep.

Your cat bites you when you sleep and you wonder why? In this article we explain the most common causes of this behavior and what you can do to preserve the quality of your sleep without hindering your cat's physical and mental stimulation. Keep reading!

 Why does my cat snarl at me while I'm sleeping?

Although there is a general belief that cats are nocturnal animals, in reality they maintain predominantly crepuscular habits, that is, they tend to be more active and energetic at dawn and at dusk . However, it is also true that they are genetically related to other nocturnal cats, such as the tiger or the lion.

For these felines that live in the wild, as well as for wild cats (that is, those that have never had contact with humans and their habits), night and early morning represent the most propitious period to carry out their activities, especially hunting. , with greater security and precision. For this reason, their entire organism and their biological cycles are adapted to this circadian rhythm, which explains, among other things, the adaptation of their eyes to poor or no availability of light .

However, domestic cats (Paws) have gone through a long process of adapting to the habits and behavior patterns of humans, including their predatory nature, making them the most crepuscular felines on Earth. This is why you will see how your cat avoids consuming its energy during the hottest and sunniest moments of the day, and is more energetic and predisposed to play before sunrise and after sunset.

Bite as part of the game

It is important to keep in mind that most of the games and activities that we offer our kitties consist mainly of simulating the context of a hunt. For example, when we show them a fishing rod with a feathered bird at the end, we are awakening their natural hunting instinct which, despite domestication, is still very well established. We stay stimulating both of them sensory and cognitive abilities that your bone, muscle and joint structure, that is, both your body and your mind.

If your cat bites you when you sleep, it is very likely that, for him it is simply part of the game, like any other hunting simulation he would do during the day, where he ests his instincts as a good hunter to try to capture his foot, your hand, your leg or even your head. And if you start to stir to try to hide under a blanket or to avoid being attacked in your sleep, your kitty may interpret these signals as stimulation, like when you wave a fishing rod in front of him.

In this context, far from trying to hurt you or produce negative emotions, what your cat is looking for is simply to play, have fun and, why not, enjoy your company in these activities that they enjoy so much.

Absence of environmental enrichment

This behavior can occur more frequently when cats do not have an environment enriched with toys, sensory stimuli, and other accessories , such as scratching posts or platforms. Therefore, they tend to turn to other household items or their own humans when they want to play, jump and express themselves freely.

Health problems

But if your cat bites you while you're sleeping and you notice that it's very restless at night, you should rule out the possibility that this is a health problem. There are many diseases that can negatively affect the behavior of cats, both pathologies that cause them pain and neurological disorders , as well as endocrine problems that can lead to the appearance of symptoms of stress, hyperactivity and even behavioral problems, such as aggression. Therefore, if you observe any alteration in the character of your kitten or changes in its habits, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian.

As anticipated, it is quite natural for cats to have different circadian rhythms and activity patterns than people. Therefore, when making the decision to adopt a kitten, we must be aware that this means learning to live with a different species and an individual with their own needs, which implies that humans have the necessary knowledge and patience. to provide all the comforts. basic and adequate education.

It is not recommended to scold a cat for behaviors inherent to its nature and personality. and it can be counterproductive, leading to behavioral problems, such as destructiveness or aggression. However, part of our mission is to teach our kitties what behaviors are considered appropriate within the home.

How to prevent the cat from biting me when I sleep

In these cases, education at an early age is the best prevention. So if you don't want your cat to bite you when you sleep or at other times of the day, you should teach her from the moment she gets home that this is not appropriate behavior.

Avoid turning it into a game

If you let your kitty play with your legs, feet, or hands for prey while she's still a puppy, it's perfectly normal for her to continue to do so as an adult. If you do this when he's little, you'll induce the kitten to understand that it's perfectly acceptable play , so he'll continue to do it even into adulthood.

Educate him from a young age

We must not forget that cats, like all species, cling to a routine to feel more comfortable and safe, avoiding exposing themselves to unnecessary risks. Therefore, the best time to teach them to behave correctly at home is during childhood, since in the early stages of their physical and mental development, kittens have a more flexible character and are still assimilating the codes of their social behavior. So if you let them know that biting yourself or others is not appropriate during this phase, and offer them the right toys to work out their hunting instincts, chances are you won't have to deal with this habit in the future. If you want to know more, don't miss our article “How to educate a cat puppy”.

Enrich your environment

Another point to consider is the importance of environmental enrichment. If your kitty doesn't live in a space with toys and items that allow her to develop her sensory skills, express her hunting instincts, and have free play, she'll likely look for alternative ways to release pent-up tension and have fun , which may not always be pleasant. or sure.

So when you provide your cat with an enriched environment where she can exercise and be entertained throughout the day, even when you're not home, in addition to avoiding stress symptoms and destructive behaviors around the house, you'll also encourage your cat to do exercise regularly and arrive in the afternoon more stable and calm, and not with all the energy accumulated due to the impossibility of playing when he is left alone at home.

Remember that it is also essential to spend some time of your days playing with your cat. In this way, you will prevent him from acting strangely or exaggeratedly to get your attention, while boosting his intelligence and sharing quality time with your cat, which will help strengthen your bond of trust. Here are some mental game and activity ideas to keep your kitty entertained.

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