Training and Health

Puppy Training - 6 Advantages

admin • 20 Jun 2023

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There are people who do not take training a dog seriously, but just as it is very important to think about vaccines, healthy food, and toys to keep them always active, it is also very important for family and social life to be concerned about education. from him. And the act of making dogs better educated, more disciplined and obedient from an early age is called puppy training. Take note and keep reading!

If you have just added a pet to your home, take puppy training into account, in addition to giving your dog instructions on how to behave at all times, you will also indicate when it is time to play, to wait, and to obey. Your dog needs to understand that the pack leader is you, not him.

It's like you're educating a child about social behavior and your authority over them. Children always test the limits of adults to know how far they can go, and the same happens with a puppy because it is at this moment that you need to teach him what can and cannot be done, thus showing that your authority must be obeyed. Oh, don't confuse authority with authoritarianism, it's quite different! In authority, you teach those who are growing up what they should or shouldn't do in certain situations or circumstances.

 Some basic commands can be performed by the owner himself, such as:

  • sit down

In this action you teach your dog the relationship between control and obedience, you give the command and he obeys;

  • Lies down

The principle of hierarchy in the pack is established with the dog and, as the owner, you can control his actions;

  • Here

You teach how your pet will approach you and sit;

  • together

It is the command given to the dog so that he walks on your left side, this action is very common and useful when you want to take him for a walk;

  • He is:

At this time, you will teach your puppy to stay where he was left and in the position he was ordered, such as sitting or lying down.

However, special commands are only performed by those who have a deep understanding of training techniques. It is true that training is not a cheap option, but if you think about the cost x benefit you will understand that it is worth it and that, above all, training your puppy will become an intelligent option for you, much less expensive and less embarrassing. Why? You will realize that educating your dog will save you the wear and tear of being led by him.

Now, although our intention here is to talk about training puppies, there are also actions for adult dogs, especially for those that put you in a “big snooker pool” which are the ones that jump on people, mess with the garden , flee with the gate open and who do not relieve themselves in the right places. For all these actions and also to work on their physical and mental issues, there is training for adult dogs.

There is no right age, there is the ideal age. Ideally, training should start when they are still puppies, however, it is worth remembering that some dogs did not have this opportunity when they were small and we cannot close our eyes to this circumstance. If this is your case, look for a specialist to work with adults.

In the little ones, the best age for the training of puppies is more or less two months old, a period in which they still have no idea what is right or wrong and are testing you, exactly, as we speak, like a child. Thus, scolding at the right time and praising are fundamental attitudes to start telling your dog what is right or wrong and also, automatically, to train them.

How does puppy training work?

 Training a puppy starts with simple and basic attitudes. Let's go in stages! If you've just integrated the dog into the family, you already know that he needs to have his own space to sleep and eat, right?! So, this space needs to be treated with attention and a lot of affection, because it is where he will turn every time he wants to be welcomed and to feed himself.

In addition, puppies feel very sleepy and every now and then they will want to take a “nap” and this is the time when you should put them to bed so that they understand that there is a place to do this. Okay, you've already started training your puppy at home. So let's think logically! If he goes to this place to look for shelter, protection and food, why not start training there?

We put the main commands for training puppies at the beginning of the text, however, we want to draw your attention to other important actions and that, in addition to those already mentioned, there are also others that you can do for them.

A part you know we put above that are; sit, lie down, here, together and stay. Now, let's see what you can also do in addition to this command:

  • Prevent the dog from jumping on top of others and you . This is a very annoying and sometimes embarrassing situation to see our dog jumping on people. Understand, by not jumping on you, he won't jump on other people either;

  • Learning to use the collar before it becomes virtually impossible. Every time you put the collar on your puppy and he walks with you, at your side, you can give him a reward, if he doesn't obey, stop walking and wait for him to look at you and wait for your command;

  • The action x reward relationship. Puppies need to understand that for all your action and his there is a reward for what is right to be done;

What are the benefits of training puppies?

 Well, as we've already seen, there are many advantages to training puppies, especially if you don't want your dog to be the pack leader in your home. Remember the leader of the pack is you, nobody but you, right?!

In addition, other important advantages are perceived when we train puppies, check it out:

  • Because he is a puppy and is in the learning phase, he will certainly absorb everything that is passed on to him;

  • As puppies feel more hungry than adults, especially since they are in the bone and organic formation phase, this is a great opportunity for you to teach them through action x reward commands;

  • And since they are in the bone formation phase, it is also great for sitting and lying down, as they still have difficulty standing up;

  • Teach your puppy to take food from your hand, naturally, when he's hungry, he'll give you his paw. Is not cool?!;

  • As you are teaching your puppy, you won't be afraid of him trying to impose himself, unlike if the dog is an adult, when you need to be very careful when he is contradicted and can advance on you because he has not been trained;

  • Another interesting thing is that since he is a new member of the family, everyone is excited to help train him, which naturally, with time, passes. This is a very important point for you to observe because taking into account your willingness to train is very important. It's like a child, a child! A son who must be educated and disciplined for the good of all.

So, take it seriously when it comes to training your puppies because the ones who will benefit the most from this training activity are your dogs and your entire family. Ah, without forgetting that when you're with him walking down the street, his behavior towards you and others will be exemplary.

Always remember, training is directly linked to the lifestyle you want to lead with your adult dog. For every training action, there is also a reward of a more peaceful life.

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