Dog Tips

Camping with the dog: everything you need to know

admin • 22 Jun 2023

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During the holidays, it is sometimes difficult to find places that accept animals. Campsites are a good option.

But before camping, you should know what precautions are necessary for the whole family to have a happy vacation.

Should I take my dog ​​camping?

Ideal dogs for camping are calm, focused, silent and easy to control dogs. Dogs with chronic pathologies, nervous and fugitives should not be taken camping.

When camping with your dog, you must respect your neighbors and nature. Which means that it is often necessary for the dog to be on a leash and to prevent it from making any noise.

If your dog is not used to going out to new places and interacting with people, think about training him first. Some dogs get nervous when they are enclosed in a tent. If you plan on keeping the dog in the tent with you overnight, train it at home.

The first few times you should camp for short periods of time and then progressively extend. This allows the dog to get used to the experience and assess how it behaves in that situation.

Before camping with your dog:

  • Consult your veterinarian to rule out any type of pathology.

  • Have your vaccinations up to date , including the Kennel Cough vaccine as you may be in contact with other dogs.

  • Apply external and internal deworming and consider using repellent (eg collars).

  • Make sure the dog has the microchip in case it gets lost.

  • Check the campsite's regulations regarding the stay of animals.

  • Confirm that the dog's documents are up to date.

Planning a vacation with the dog

As when you are on holiday with children, you will have to adapt your stay and holiday plans to the dog's presence . Many establishments, such as stores or guarded beaches, do not accept the presence of the dog.

Leaving your dog on the campsite unsupervised could lead to accidents and even its disappearance. Therefore, it will not be recommended to do so.

You should plan activities where your four-legged companion can accompany you. Outdoor activities are usually a good option.

What are the precautions to be taken while camping?

  • Keep the dog hydrated and in the shade, especially in the hottest hours.

  • Always supervise the dog or keep it on a leash or in a carrier.

  • Try not to disturb the neighbors with unexpected visits from the dog or the noise of barking.

  • Keep the dog warm at night with blankets if it's a cold month.

  • Control the presence of parasites such as fleas and ticks.

  • Pay attention to the dog's fatigue and any wounds that may appear.

basic training

In the camp and during walks in nature, it is natural to encounter animals and people. This can make the dog excited and create dangerous situations. That's why it's important that the dog knows how to respond to the basic commands of obedience training.

The most important commands are:

  • Come / Walk: for the dog to accompany us.

  • Stop: to stop the ongoing action that could be dangerous or disturb other campers.

  • Sit / Down: works like “Stop”.

  • Leave: to drop whatever is in the mouth, be it animals, rubbish or unknown objects.

  • Silence: useful when dogs bark at night.

During its youth, the dog must have been trained to tolerate other people and animals. An aggressive or excitable dog should not be exposed to these situations, as it is a risk.

Physical fitness and walking

Each animal has its own tolerance for long hours of exercise. If the dog is not used to doing intense exercise, it should not be forced to do it during walks. Ideally , gradually train the dog over months to endure several hours of exercise.

Some breeds are more adapted to walking on uneven terrain. Generally small dogs have greater difficulty. Therefore, you must adapt the exercise to your dog's condition and not overdo it.

The exercise should not be carried out in the hours of greatest heat. You must provide water at short intervals of time to keep the dog hydrated. In these situations the greatest danger is hyperthermia and dehydration.

Transport of the animal

If you are going to take the dog in your car, you should use a transport box or fasten it with the belt using a harness. If you are going to use public transport, find out about the conditions for transporting animals.

use of leash

The campsite is a place with a lot going on at the same time. Even a trained dog may react badly to something new, such as being startled by unexpected noises or chasing wildlife.

For the safety of your dog and other campers, use a long leash . The leash also allows you to respect your neighbors and give them more peace of mind.

First aid

It's important to have some basic items to treat the animal if it gets hurt. For example, on uneven terrain it is easy for dogs to injure themselves on the footpads or in the forest to pick up pests or bite themselves in the vegetation.

You can take, for example, a disinfectant, compresses, a healing ointment, bandages. If you want to take medication, such as anti-inflammatories, check with your veterinarian.

Before traveling, it is important to find out which veterinary clinic is closest to you and register your contact details. This avoids wasting time in emergency situations.


The ideal is to keep the dog's feeding schedule and take the usual food . It should take enough quantities to feed the animal during the foreseen period and a little more for an unforeseen period.

If you don't take enough food, you may not be able to find the same food in stores surrounding the campsite. The drastic change of feed may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

The feed bag should be kept in a cool and shaded place to prevent spoilage. When the dog is satisfied, remove the rest of the food and wash the bowl. Keeping the bowl full of food will attract insects and the food can spoil in the heat.


The dog must not relieve itself in indiscriminate places or mark its territory inside the campsite. Try taking him outside the park to relieve himself.

If an accident occurs inside the park, you should pick it up with a plastic bag and clean it as much as possible. Outside the park you should collect the feces with a plastic bag or bury them if you are in a forested area.

Overnight stay

Where do you want the dog to sleep? A dog that stays outside should be on a wide leash so it doesn't wander off or get into the carrier . For your dog's comfort, bring a bed or kennel to snuggle in overnight.

If the dog sleeps in the tent with you, it will have more control. When the dog barks he can immediately silence it. It also prevents the dog from having contact with animals or strangers at night.

What does my dog ​​need for camping?

  • Collar with identification and contact details of the owner.

  • Long leash.

  • Food and water bowls.

  • Portion.

  • Plastic bags for feces.

  • Blanket / Bed

  • Comb / Brush

  • Towel

  • Toys

  • Medications (if needed)

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